Eating my excercise calories

I heard that in order to break a platou I will have to eat my excercise calories, at least most of them
Any suggestions on healthy snacks or food to eat my calories.
I do my workout late at night, and I don't feel like eating at 10:00 pm
Should I eat my excercise calories before I workout?
Suggestions please!!!!!
I need to break this platou soon, It's driving me nuts


  • Nuts and avocado for calories and healthy fat? Full fat dressing on your salad? All of these in reasonable portions, of course.
  • psychofied
    psychofied Posts: 138
    Fruits mainly. A banana has 100 cal already. And yes, half of the Avocado is around 230 cals if you need more.
  • i was thinking that it is better NOT to eat those excerse calories. i have not been. but maybe i should too. ty. sorry about not being able to answer your Q
  • trianaw
    trianaw Posts: 177
    I only eat them if I'm hungry. I usually "try" to get in 1000 workout calories on most days. But sometimes the schedule doesn't allow me to workout hard. So I get in more time than calories and that counts towards fat burning. The scale hasn't moved much lately. But I have major changes from my change in workouts. Stay focused and choose wisely the things you put inside of your body.
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I try to incorporate a bit extra into each meal- go to the gym in the negative numbers. I have found it has helped me! I know how hard it is to eat after- so I keep almonds and unsalted nuts as a small snack for after the gym if I need it

    If you start to make your meals a bit bigger you should over come the plateau.
  • meli_medina
    meli_medina Posts: 594 Member
    I only eat them if I'm hungry. I usually "try" to get in 1000 workout calories on most days. But sometimes the schedule doesn't allow me to workout hard. So I get in more time than calories and that counts towards fat burning. The scale hasn't moved much lately. But I have major changes from my change in workouts. Stay focused and choose wisely the things you put inside of your body.

    You might be able to get away with this once in a while, but if you're eating 1500 calories a day and burning 1000 of those off, your body will go into starvation mode and either a plateau will occur or you may even find you start to gain weight.

    As far as healthy things:
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    I try to incorporate a bit extra into each meal- go to the gym in the negative numbers. I have found it has helped me! I know how hard it is to eat after- so I keep almonds and unsalted nuts as a small snack for after the gym if I need it

    If you start to make your meals a bit bigger you should over come the plateau.
  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Another raging debate that really just ends up being a stalemate.

    Here's what I see how it usually works:

    People who are high in the BMI range seem to gain more off of not eating them. I'm talking about 40+ pounds over. The body feeds off the the fat to restore the energy levels.

    People who are in the lower ends of the BMI seem to gain more on eating them. The body has become more efficient at burning calories and uses those quick burn calories to recover.

    Don't get your plateau confused with a routine plateau though. If you do the same thing over and over then you will gain nothing.

    But one thing is for certain, your body needs energy to recover or it won't do anything. Now, how your body is tuned to doing it is up in the air.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    i think eating half is okay.
    because exercise calories include the calories you would have burnt just sitting down.
    which is already in your maintenance calories. and for your weight loss calories, its less but still there.
    sorry if that doesnt make sense but i reccomend about half
  • Contrary03
    Contrary03 Posts: 289 Member
    I started at 149lbs...and the scale would never budge. Took me 6 mos. to lose 10lbs.!!!!!!! When i joined this site, i was totally absorbed in everything i read, what people said to do,... what people said not to do... etc. Bottom line for me? Relax. Move more. Eat less than usual... and ONLY when your hungry:) Good luck!
  • you do not have to wait until after you exercise to eat your exercise calories. The calorie count is overall for the day so if you know you are going to workout at night, you can eat more during the day to eat those calories.
  • HappyLuna
    HappyLuna Posts: 112
    Eat your exercise calories! Eat them throughout the day as you will burn them off later. You only need to create a calorie defcite of 500 calories a day based on yout BMR. If you exercise you need to eat more. Otherwise the deficite beocmes too big. You might start off my losing weight but it isn't sustainable. Slow and steady is the aim here. Its what MFP is about. Professional althetes know they have to eat their exercise calories. If they don't refuel properly then their bodies can't perform. If you exercise, and you are within a healthy weight range but your body isn't losing anymore weight start measuring inches and accept muscle weighs 4 times more than fat. My mum Ironman triathlete, 5ft 6, size 10, over 11st! Weight starts to become a little irrevelant when you are with a healthy weight range and you exercise. Plus you want muscle. Its keeps your BMR high.

    There is no debate. You eat them, or your weightloss will no be sustainable. There will always be those who like to prove others wrong but you can't deny it. If you do, your never going to never achieve your goals and stay there.

    Its a sad truth that many of us like to hide from. When you are ready, you'll accept it. xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Aries03
    Aries03 Posts: 179 Member
  • aminor61
    aminor61 Posts: 21 Member
    When I can't sleep, my trouble is going to refrigerator. A friend told me the best late night snacks (other than the bad ones) are yogurt, piece of cheese, vegs (only your favorites of course). This will keep your metabolism going through the night. They are not high calorie foods, but it will boost your metabolism. This will probably help with busting that plateau. Good Luck!:happy:
  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
    Thank you all for your wise comments.
    I will try them all :happy:
  • Ralstonk2
    Ralstonk2 Posts: 345 Member
    I do my work out about 9 at night because I have 2 small babies and do not have time in the morning! So my Dr actually told me to eat a small (1/2 cup to 1 cup) of cereal, nothing with tons of sugar. Like I eat cheerios. And I eat it like 10 minutes after my work out. It keeps your metabolism going and makes your workout still burning off fat. It's worked for me so far. :) Good luck!
  • MzDontStop
    MzDontStop Posts: 16 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes, eat your calories BEFORE you burn them. At least that is what I do if I have a later work out planned. It also MAKES you workout since you know you are screwed if you don't.