Fail. Fail.

Everytime i try to loose weight. I fail. Emotional eating has had me my whole life. 250 lbs and 5'3. I give up on myself. Everytime. I dont get it. Am i doing something wrong to make myself just fail everytime. Ughhhhhhhh


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    What are you doing? Why are you making it so hard that you can't stick to it long term?

    Are you focusing on perfection over progress?
  • jgdsf73
    jgdsf73 Posts: 41 Member
    Same here. I am 5'2" and have put on over 25lbs over the last three years. I'm determined not to fail at losing it this time. Start small. Little changes will make a big difference and will make the adjustment smoother. Good luck!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Only you can rise above food that you are allowing to control you at 5'3 and 250 lbs.
    You can do it but you must imagine yourself doing it first!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    Many have succeeded can you!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    If not now.....WHEN???
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    @TryingToMakeTheRealMe You are describing the character trait of "impatience".
    Learn how to be patient. Whether it is the patience required to wait for your next small meal while sedentary or the patience to wait for your next big meal while exercising. Be patient. That, and log your food honestly and accurately.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Are you trying to make too many changes at once? Take it slow.. make small changes. Give yourself some forgiveness when you miss a goal. If a friend made a mistake would you be so unforgiving? Be kind to yourself. Just try to make each day a little better
  • MoonlitEve
    MoonlitEve Posts: 19 Member
    I have been in the same boat and at times still in when it comes to losing weight and gaining weight. What struck me, is that you realize you are prone to emotional over-eating. I do this too but, I would ponder. Why you feel a need to turn to food when you are emotional.

    Also, I would consider laying out a plan to deal with emotional eating when it occurs. I myself have considered and at times will meditate or dance when I feel emotional. It is a process, but the fact you are here and recognize what the issue is you can begin making plans to combat the emotional eating.
  • laurasurga
    laurasurga Posts: 27 Member
    You only fail if you quit! Don’t let a bad meal/day/week ruin it. Just draw a line and move on.
    I’ve just had an amazing cheat day eating all the crap I wanted and filling my belly but tomorrow is a new day. I’ll be on my spin bike, lifting my kettlebell and sticking to my calories. One day won’t put back the 2 stone I’ve lost.
    Just get back in that zone and don’t beat yourself up 💪🏼. You got this!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,491 Member
    Focus on your food diary. The only way to fail at keeping a food diary is quit.

    Are you setting your calories too low to live with it? Calculate a deficit to lose 1 lb per week, start a food diary and try to hit your number. But if you go over your number, even crazy over your number, keep logging in your food.

    You fill soon find that you have a better chance to hit your number if you have a plan. If your plan isn’t working, make it better. Never quit problem solving and making adjustments.

    Embrace the process and it is the end of fail. If you make planning and tracking the center of your effort, you either have a plan that is working, or a plan that’s inadequate. Inadequate plans can be improved if you’re willing to learn from missteps. Plan for the week, the days, each meal and situation. Never quit experimenting and adjusting. It’s about problem solving. Your character isn’t at stake.
  • peggym4640
    peggym4640 Posts: 156 Member
    I would recommend you consider therapy in addition to the other ideas above. It's been very helpful for me to understand my emotional eating, uncover all those eaten emotions and providing new and different coping mechanisms instead of food. Good luck.
  • terrichcombo
    terrichcombo Posts: 14 Member
    One meal, one day at a time. Perhaps make one or two "healthy" choices during the day (e.g., an apple or other piece of fruit instead of a big piece of pie or cake). Eventually the healthier choices will become habit. Also being aware of portion sizes (e.g., for me it was realizing a portion isn't the whole bag/box of some food item!), being honest and accountable with food intake (perhaps writing down what you eat at each meal, or using an app such as myfitnesspal) and sharing same with a friend/family member - support and knowing you're not alone in this quest is important. I consider this journey to be a lifestyle change vs. just another diet. You can do it!
  • TryingToMakeTheRealMe
    What are you doing? Why are you making it so hard that you can't stick to it long term?

    Are you focusing on perfection over progress?

    Im not sure really.
    Seems like something happens anf i get off track. And i give up. I dont want to tho. Maybe work hours. Maybe i just suck and can do everything else but this 😞😶😶😶 lol
  • TryingToMakeTheRealMe
    jgdsf73 wrote: »
    Same here. I am 5'2" and have put on over 25lbs over the last three years. I'm determined not to fail at losing it this time. Start small. Little changes will make a big difference and will make the adjustment smoother. Good luck!

    It just sucks
    And all the people im around dont get it lol
    Like family or friends ya know
    Ive sat and stared in the mirror like how did i get it this way.
    Emotional eating has always got me
    Suck suck sucksss
  • TryingToMakeTheRealMe
    One meal, one day at a time. Perhaps make one or two "healthy" choices during the day (e.g., an apple or other piece of fruit instead of a big piece of pie or cake). Eventually the healthier choices will become habit. Also being aware of portion sizes (e.g., for me it was realizing a portion isn't the whole bag/box of some food item!), being honest and accountable with food intake (perhaps writing down what you eat at each meal, or using an app such as myfitnesspal) and sharing same with a friend/family member - support and knowing you're not alone in this quest is important. I consider this journey to be a lifestyle change vs. just another diet. You can do it!

    It kinda makes me sad because i love fruit and vegetables. Its just so pricey to get me that stuff but still get my normal food my husband eats. Totally an excuse. I try. I almost feel like i need a freakin couch to hound me all the time lol .. Gyms dont work because i have no time in my day to day to leave to go for a few. I have a few weights and an elliptical in my basement. And my chihuahua loves to walk at night. Ill do great logging my food and being truthful to myself even if i go over. But AGAIN. I fall off and FAIL.
  • TryingToMakeTheRealMe
    peggym4640 wrote: »
    I would recommend you consider therapy in addition to the other ideas above. It's been very helpful for me to understand my emotional eating, uncover all those eaten emotions and providing new and different coping mechanisms instead of food. Good luck.
    Ive thoight about therapy.
    I have no health insurance. I cant really afford what they want me to pay. But i was thinking of maybe a group type thing? Ive seen meetings. But are there free ones or low cost? Emotional eating IS my problem. Im mad. I eat. Im sad. I eat. Bad probs in child hood and was as if food was the only thing i relied on. If that makes sense
  • TryingToMakeTheRealMe
    Thank you all for all your advice.
    Somehow I have to make it work. My health will eventually be at risk. I have no children and im sure my weight has a damper to that. I dont have much support family and friend wise, because they all say im fine. That ive been this way mt whole life. Well i dont want to be! My uncles are all heavier. My mom too. Somehow my brother got that lucky gene to where he eats all he wants and gains NOTHING.
  • solieco1
    solieco1 Posts: 1,559 Member
    Perhaps try just one thing for a week or two. That way it may not be as overwhelming. How about a glass of water intentionally 4 times a day? Then next week choose one more thing such as 1 extra fruit or veg a day?
  • jgdsf73
    jgdsf73 Posts: 41 Member
    edited August 2018
    Quote: It just sucks
    And all the people im around dont get it lol
    Like family or friends ya know
    Ive sat and stared in the mirror like how did i get it this way.
    Emotional eating has always got me
    Suck suck sucksss[/quote]

    Not sure why the quote didn't work but here's my reply:

    Don't look at what is, look at what will be. Focus on your goal. I find inspiration in looking at before and after pics. If they can do it then so can I. You can do this.