Looking for Accountability Friends!

Hey everyone! I'm starting my journey in order to lose 30 lbs by my 28th birthday (January). It'd be nice to have new friends who have similar goals, along with accountability partners to help me stay on track. Of course, I'd return the favor 🤗 add me if you're interested!


  • daisytny
    daisytny Posts: 3 Member
    I'm trying to get back on track. I used fitness pal years ago and lost weight well woth it. Would love for accountability partners as well.
  • workhard304
    workhard304 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm starting my journey in order to lose 30 lbs by my 28th birthday (January). It'd be nice to have new friends who have similar goals, along with accountability partners to help me stay on track. Of course, I'd return the favor 🤗 add me if you're interested!

    Very true building a community of accountability is very helpful I'm in
  • workhard304
    workhard304 Posts: 4 Member
    My name is Anthony my goal is to lose as much body fat as possible the next 3 months how many transformation I was rude dedicated 3 months ago I recently had a baby boy and blew me off track couldn't be blessed more with his arrival it's just time to get back on that Fitness train so it's a little bit of my story but I'm going to get there is being dedicated each day from those three months every meal counts every workout it's critical and the recovery process is a must
  • Mommytyme
    Mommytyme Posts: 61 Member
    Perfect bcuz I'm also looking for accountable friends as well. Definitely add me!
  • PatriceChanel16
    PatriceChanel16 Posts: 2 Member
    Congratulations! You now have a little person counting on these fitness goals :) I just moved back into the country after teaching overseas for 2 years. I'm about to start a new job and I'm looking to build and maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • BrackenBushka
    BrackenBushka Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, I'm down 2kgs and looking for support and to be a support.... Hoping it keeps me on track ;-)
  • MarvinsFitLife
    MarvinsFitLife Posts: 874 Member
    You came to the right community should find good support here all the best