
In 2015 I weighed 34stone 8lbs I could barely walk I was in serious trouble with heart issues and many other health issues.
Doctors were talking about surgery or death.
I have a young family so dying was not an option so I decided to start exercising and eating better over the last three years I've fallen in love with fitness and weight lifting and it along with a decent diet has allowed me drop over 17stone in weight while recapturing my life.
I have managed to lose so much weight while building some muscle but now I want to build more muscle ☺
I'm now in a good place health wise and am just trying to improve daily grow stronger and get bigger but the correct way. xloa4u2cyt5d.jpg

I'm using this app now to track my food and try stay between my target weight and the few flexible pounds I'm allowed.

Anyway just wanted to say hi and share my story briefly


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