Newbie :)

Hey there y'all. My name is Jennifer. I am a junior in college at New Mexico State University. I am originally from Altoona, Pennsylvania (yea....I know a long way from home just to go to school) I like it down here though, its not bad. I compete on both the Track/Field and Soccer team.

My main reason for doing this to get into playing shape for soccer like I was in high school. To do this, I would need to lose at least 40 pounds. However, I am flabbergasted at how this will happen because most of my weight gain is from weight lifting from track and field. On the other hand, I know I have not been watching what I eat and my weight as often as I should.

My first goal that I am starting with is a small goal. In months previous, I would set goals but never really stuck with them. Hence the reason starting small. My first goal is to track my food for a solid two weeks. I plan on achieving this by never closing down this website so I always remember what I need to do.

Another goal of mine is to lose 15 pounds before Spring Break (5 weeks away). I want to do this because my mother is supposed to be coming down to see me for a week by then and I want her to see that it can really happen.

I also am going to be a Physical Education teacher and I believe in practicing what you preach. I don't have to worry about the athletic part of the deal because I am very active in sports and activities (soccer, track, racquetball, hiking, canoeing, cycling, etc..), but I need to start having a healthier, more balanced diet so the children can also know what it feels like to be completely healthy.

I am doing this for my friends, my family, my future students, and most importantly I am doing it for ME.

I hope I can meet someone on here to help hold me accountable and keep me encouraged when I stray. Good luck to all you as well as we embark in our endeavours to LOSE WEIGHT!!!!



  • athlete4christ
    Hey there y'all. My name is Jennifer. I am a junior in college at New Mexico State University. I am originally from Altoona, Pennsylvania (yea....I know a long way from home just to go to school) I like it down here though, its not bad. I compete on both the Track/Field and Soccer team.

    My main reason for doing this to get into playing shape for soccer like I was in high school. To do this, I would need to lose at least 40 pounds. However, I am flabbergasted at how this will happen because most of my weight gain is from weight lifting from track and field. On the other hand, I know I have not been watching what I eat and my weight as often as I should.

    My first goal that I am starting with is a small goal. In months previous, I would set goals but never really stuck with them. Hence the reason starting small. My first goal is to track my food for a solid two weeks. I plan on achieving this by never closing down this website so I always remember what I need to do.

    Another goal of mine is to lose 15 pounds before Spring Break (5 weeks away). I want to do this because my mother is supposed to be coming down to see me for a week by then and I want her to see that it can really happen.

    I also am going to be a Physical Education teacher and I believe in practicing what you preach. I don't have to worry about the athletic part of the deal because I am very active in sports and activities (soccer, track, racquetball, hiking, canoeing, cycling, etc..), but I need to start having a healthier, more balanced diet so the children can also know what it feels like to be completely healthy.

    I am doing this for my friends, my family, my future students, and most importantly I am doing it for ME.

    I hope I can meet someone on here to help hold me accountable and keep me encouraged when I stray. Good luck to all you as well as we embark in our endeavours to LOSE WEIGHT!!!!

  • MDF08
    MDF08 Posts: 57
    Welcome to MFP and more importantlly :wink: New Mexico!!

    New Mexico's weather is AWESOME for outdoor fitness! And like most people who come here, you'll realize that almost no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to get out!!


    Best of luck to you in your journey!
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. You will love this site if you don't already. I love it here. This site is so motivational, helpful, supportive, and everyone is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this.