Need friends to keep me motivated

irishmamof2 Posts: 4 Member
edited August 2018 in Introduce Yourself
Hi I’m a 30 something mother of 3 and I’m overweight.
Yes I’ve finally realized that I’ve let myself go. I’m overweight but have decided to be responsible now. Im depressive since the last 10 years . This shows in the 50 pounds I’ve put on.
I’ve started my journey to weight loss . My aim is to be fit for my kids again.
I’m looking for positive friends who are like me but have decided to loose weight . Add me as a friend . I need encouragement to keep me in track. And I can help you .please don’t bombard my mail with unrequired requests.


  • sheisawarrior7494
    sheisawarrior7494 Posts: 2 Member
    My kids are the reason I decided to change as well ❤ 50lbs might seem like a lot but it's totally doable (I've lost 100). Good luck mama!!
  • Shambles1961
    Shambles1961 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m like you, and probably many others out there,have finally decided to take responsibility for my own body and what I put in it on a daily basis except unlike you I’m now in my fifties! Well done for starting so much earlier. I started in January this year and have lost 28lb a bit of a slow burn and holidays in between so it’s been a bit of a yo yo but I always get back on it. I feel so much better for losing the weight. I am fitter, I’m not tired all the time, more alive. I’ve still got 28lb to lose, but no rush. Live your life, enjoy those children you’ll get there xx.
  • KerrieA87
    KerrieA87 Posts: 167 Member
    31 year old mum of three here 👋 I started out with about 70lbs to lose (I’m used to working in kilos so I have to keep trying to convert it) I’m down by about 30lbs so far, so still have some way to go. You will get there. Feel free to add me if you want, I’m only just adding friends today in a bid to make myself slightly more accountable, I’ve realised I’ve stopped adding to my food diary since I’m the only one who sees it