31 year old looking for motivation and help please x

angelicacurran Posts: 6 Member
edited August 2018 in Motivation and Support
I’m new to this app and recently decided I needed to start eating better to lose weight and just generally feel better in myself.
I lost my husband last year at age 29 and since then I have lost 3 stone taking me from 16 1/2 stone to 13 1/2 but this was due to stress and not eating. I don’t want to be on a diet, more of a lifestyle change and learn more about what I actually consume as I am clueless. I’ve lost another half stone using this app but was wondering if anyone could recommend any books or blogs worth reading to educate myself. Nothing too complicated to begin with if possible 🙂 also any motivation tips or tricks that work for you I would love to hear.
Also if anyone would like to become friends on here and support each other I would love that! Need all the help and motivation I can get and it would really encourage me to keep using this if I had people to share the journey with x


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Reading the stickies on here is a good place to start
  • ashleyih
    ashleyih Posts: 76 Member
    So sorry for the loss of your husband-add me if you like!
  • SaraWalker1421
    SaraWalker1421 Posts: 5 Member
    Sorry for your loss! Sending positive thoughts and vibes! Add me if you like!
  • angelicacurran
    angelicacurran Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you Sara I really appreciate that. I’ve sent you a request, looking forward to helping each other x