What is your big thing you’ve been able to accomplish when you’ve made plan or picked a training...

itsmeagain2016 Posts: 19 Member
edited August 2018 in Motivation and Support
I’m restarting my weight loss as I regained some weight but I’ve realized that I’ve done some big things in my life. It was all due to making a plan, setting a training program, surrounding myself with support and showing up! Everyday!

What have you done? I will add it to my mental list of big things we can do when we make a plan and follow through.


  • itsmeagain2016
    itsmeagain2016 Posts: 19 Member
    I have:

    Climbed Mt Fuji in 2012
    Ran a half marathon in 2013
    Biked a century 2013
    Climbed Mt Fuji in 2014
    Biked 550 miles around Taiwan in 7 days 2014
    Started a business 2016
  • itsmeagain2016
    itsmeagain2016 Posts: 19 Member
    edited August 2018
    Someone’s big thing can even be getting fit enough to walk to the end of of the road you live on! I want to read and remember these stories to add to my inspiration. .
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,029 Member
    edited August 2018
    Cycled four 1200 km randonnees in four years on 3 continents ... plus the qualifying Super Randonneur Series qualifying rides in my mid-30s. In fact, I've done Audax/Randonneuring events of some sort every year since 2001, with the possible exception of one year. Love cycling long distances!

    Plus a decent amount of cycletouring over the years. I "retired" twice (which took a good deal of planning and preparation!) ... once to cycle around Australia for 3 month, and once with my husband to travel and cycle around the world (in many different countries) for 8 months. Now I'll probably have to work to 70 ...

    Ran my first 10K event at the age of 50. That was fun! So much so, I'm hoping to do it again.

    Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in my early 40s ... working my way through my Master's in my early 50s.

  • itsmeagain2016
    itsmeagain2016 Posts: 19 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Cycled four 1200 km randonnees in four years on 3 continents ... plus the qualifying Super Randonneur Series qualifying rides in my mid-30s. In fact, I've done Audax/Randonneuring events of some sort every year since 2001, with the possible exception of one year. Love cycling long distances!

    Plus a decent amount of cycletouring over the years. I "retired" twice (which took a good deal of planning and preparation!) ... once to cycle around Australia for 3 month, and once with my husband to travel and cycle around the world (in many different countries) for 8 months. Now I'll probably have to work to 70 ...

    Ran my first 10K event at the age of 50. That was fun! So much so, I'm hoping to do it again.

    Graduated with a Bachelor's degree in my early 40s ... working my way through my Master's in my early 50s.


    Oh yes! Thanks for the post! That is very inspiring and def requires a plan and showing up!