Do you ever feel like you want to just eat all day? I Do :(



  • DevonGaines
    I agree. You gotta replace one addiction for another. Turn the passion for eating into excersize. In time, you'll get the same endorphin rush but the excersize has so many more benefits for you!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The only advice I have (and unfortunately, I never really had this problem on a regular basis -- a day here and there only) is exercise. I feel less like eating after a good workout than if I don't exercise on a particular day.
  • Tarah40
    Tarah40 Posts: 75 Member
    Yes, I can go for a few weeks eating really well and feeling great. Then I get an attack of the munchies, go overboard on chocolate and sweets, feel like rubbish and ruin all my hard work. I need to learn to recognise the triggers and avoid them :(
  • Maggie_Pie1
    Maggie_Pie1 Posts: 322 Member
    Sure. In fact, the weekends are typically when I feel like the most.

    The trick is to find something to do that will take your mind off eating. I go to the movies (I'm never tempted by movie theater food - popcorn is too salty for my taste, and candy is too expensive. I just settle in with a large diet soda and I'm happy), go shopping, take the dogs to the dog park, that kind of thing. If I stay at home when I get in one of those moods, I'm likely to start scarfing down everything I see.
  • mjf2001
    mjf2001 Posts: 5 Member
    I tell myself how very very much I love salad, and I allow myself to snack on that. It gets me through those tuff days with a minimum of damage. Oh, and celery with a little salsa on it.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Hello, I'm an emotional eater and my name is Tanna:)

    This past week I have learned the busier I keep myself, the less I eat out of boredom. I have been cleaning, painting, waking and doing everything I can think of to keep me off the couch. I find the longer I sit on the couch the more I eat.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Oh yeah, I do!! Sometimes I just make a big batch of some type of healthy dip - hummus or other bean dip, salsa, nachos (grnd turkey or shredded chicken, low fat cheese, fat free beans, etc) and munch all day. Or get a whole grain baguette some turkey pepperoni, pizza sauce and low fat mozzerella cheese and make pizza crustinies. Or I make nacho bites with Tostitos scoops filled with fat free refried beans, low fat cheese and a jalapeno slice baked just long enough to heat through and melt the cheese.

    I'm a huge muncher so sometimes I just have to munch! Even with crackers, bread or corn chips, these usually don't put me over on calories if I also work out and use them as a meal replacement instead of a snack.
  • bigboodyjudy
    Yes, and it is very hard not to eat junk if my day has been challenging. When i use to be home with my kids i felt like i was constantly thinking about food. Now I work and it is easy to maintain decent food during the day. It is when i get home that i struggle to not eat all evening. If i am eating i don't have to deal with everything else that i need to get done at home. Food is a constant in my is always there for me.....I need to find a new coping mechanism for destressing in the evenings. I have turned into an evening binge eater.
  • Kkrobinson
    My doctor put me on the same medicine that you are on. It has helped me a little bit with not eating so much. But I have to to just walk away and out of the kitchen. I think about what I want to lose the weight for and I know that after I eat that junk food I will feel really bad afterwards. I think I have the worst sweet tooth and it is very hard for me but I have to try and stay on a straight path for my health. Let me know if there is anything i can do to help you.
  • Archive972
    Archive972 Posts: 12
    I know this is an old post, but I wanted to post a link for you guys. I am currently in therapy now because I do not know how to express my emotions, but am slowly learning how, little by little. I came across an article about helping kids to emotionally process and express their feelings that may help. We all seem to have used food to cope with not knowing how to deal with certain emotions. I don't emotionally eat when I'm angry or sad. All other emotions turn into pizza, and ice cream, and tacos. Since I have started a journey to better improve my insides (not just physically), I have dropped quite a bit of weight, 40 lbs roughly, and plan on keeping it up. I hope you guys who have emotional eating problems get your issues resolved as well, and good luck, we are all on a journey.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I seriously feel really bad as I feel like I don't know when to stop eating and another thing is I never feel full.... Please share some advice!

    Here's my advice. Stop listening to your brain. It's lying about whether you're full. I lost 100 lbs. It still lies about when I'm hungry and when I'm full. I'm ALWAYS hungry and I'm NEVER full. But I'll tell you how I found success:

    I started letting the clock and calculator and food scale tell me when I'm actually hungry. It worked like this.

    So here I am. Hungry, as usual. Then I ask myself: self, when was the last time you ate, and how many calories was it? You ate 500 calories 2 hours ago? Then you're not hungry. You're brain is lying to you, self. Have an apple or a small piece of cheese. Wait an hour. See if what you really are is just bored and sad.

    Edit to add: just noticed it was an old post. Geesh!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    I can honestly say I am having a hard time controlling my eating! I have anxiety which make me want to munch all day but also I feel like I am always hungry when I am clearly not as I have eaten all day. My doc put me on Phentermine to control my nasty eating habit but seriously I think maybe I should go for some advice because I clearly might have an eating disorder.

    I seriously feel really bad as I feel like I don't know when to stop eating and another thing is I never feel full.... Please share some advice!
    You need to keep yourself busy because eating all day? As they say "Ain't nobody got time for that!" Between walking dogs, working out for an hour or more a day in addition to that and a full plus part time job, I dont have time to stuff my face and don't need drugs/phentermine to stop me from doing it. Think about when you get off your drug(s). How do you plan to control what you say is an appetite problem? You need to come up with strategies that don't involve taking a drug.
  • pamjmcgee
    pamjmcgee Posts: 1 Member
    Great advice!

    I feel your pain. I have been trying to loose 50 lbs for 2 years and keep sabatoging myself. Today is day 1 again!
    SEAFOODMAN Posts: 342
    yep, but mainly at night when i get home from a 2nd shift job.
  • JennaHensley
    Really? You want to eat all day? I never felt that way, but... you're you. Firstly, I would say that you just need to tough it out (eat healthy and exercise regularly) for a week or two in order to shrink your appetite. That's what I did. Also, don't think about food all the time! At the beginning, I liked to remind myself of what the normal-weight people do. They don't obsess over food. ;)
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    When I used to feel that way, I was either bored, stressed or both. Sometimes, I just wanted the food because it was in my face. I agree that finding things like exercise, reading, water, talking to people, etc. are the best practices to combat it.
  • AusteenaHayes
    I was never really like that until I became a hardcore-runner. Now I pretty much get hungry more than I use to but make sure I drink lots of water. I use to struggle with an eating disorder myself, so I can see why you may think that. The doctor diagnosed me with bulimia. I use to literally spend everyday working out at the gym to burn off every calorie I had. Even if I didn't eat a lot that day. I had this incredible fear of getting fat and it was terrible. I was miserable. Thankfully I am better than I was, but there are still times where I feel myself relapsing. Sweetheart if you ever, ever need someone to talk to don't hesitate to message me anytime.
  • meglynne1987
    meglynne1987 Posts: 382 Member
    I have anxiety as well and eating is how I have dealt with it in the past (and some slip ups too every now and then) When I feel it coming on I just start moving anywhere EXCEPT the kitchen. I drink water, go for a walk, talk to a friend, clean, etc. I have and am in your shoes I totally understand. Send a friend request if you would like.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    I think eating can become a habit rather than a need if you use it for comfort as I used to. Try planning out your meals and snacks ahead so that you've got plenty to be going at (but at regular intervals to reduce the anxiety of when you're next allowed to eat) and as your stomach shrinks so should your appetite. If you are truly hungry your tummy will be rumbling, otherwise it's probably just boredom etc. Keep with it, you'll soon come through that stage.