350+ pounds Support for Men & Women



  • bigghunny
    bigghunny Posts: 550 Member
    Hi @SmeagolsBane and welcome! @Ke22yB that is an incredible journey thank you for sharing. We need all the inspiration good vibes that we know this is possible :)
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    Just to support everyone that knows getting to lose over 350 pounds can do it!

    I began at 376# in 2013, joined WW at 65 yo. Lost my 100# and kept my focus to NOT gain back like I did every time.
    I lost by year:
    2013 -62
    2014 -32
    2015 -16

    Then in 2016 I decided to lose a pound a week and in the MFP Challenge yo lose 52 pounds in 52 weeks. I lost 37#.

    2017 I tried to lose another 52#, Lost 47#

    Beginning January 2018 I began at 189 and set my Dr to set my GW at 184.

    Need to lose 1.4# to get to 184!

    Less than half my SW (376)
    Less than my HS football weight (185)
    Lost 191 pounds from age 65 to 70
    Attend aqua aerobics 5 or 6 days s week
    Can swim laps for 1/2 mile (was never a swimmer till age 67)
    WW program learned how to eat properly (learn to eat quality and quantity)
    Enjoy the WW meetings, my Leader, Support staff and group of friends

    Whatever works definitely makes it worth it to change your life. My ONLY regret was to not do it sooner.

    I did enjoy drinking a lot of beer and food sling the way! I quit drinking in 2005 but still substituted food and bigger

    Lucky to be healthier now!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Congrats Jimb that's a wonderful journey you have made to a healthier lifestyle. I am also a swimmer ( even when I was very big I could swim) it is completely boring but a wonderful easy on the joints workout. I am one of quite a few 70 plus swimmers that show up regularly and do laps. We consistently do over an hour a day of pool time.
    I still consider myself a runner, running is my freedom since I had trouble going more than a few blocks when I was in the 360s and now routinely run 5 or 6 miles but I love the ease of swimming.
  • brendajean316
    brendajean316 Posts: 30 Member
    Brenda/SW 384. I’ve tried for the last 10 years to lose the weight but I’ve never kept it off. I am now preparing to get the Lap Band as I need another tool to help with my portion control. I’ve been exercising for 6 months and I’ve lost 15 pounds but every thing hurts. With some forced diet changes I’m expecting to drop some significant weight quick. And while it’s not a simple fix, it will reduce joint pain to get moving more. I also am preparing to cut out alcohol so that should make an impact as well. Good luck all!
  • dawnsnewlifestyle2018
    Hi my name is Dawn. I'm 34 years old. New to fitness pal. In the past I lost alot of weight. Unfortunately bad times hit and I gained my weight back plus more. This is the highest I've ever been and I'm ready to begin my process to reach a healthy weight. It's good to see there is a community for support. :) I feel that's what I'm missing.
  • heatherrk45
    heatherrk45 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi all! I'm really glad to have stumbled on this board. I'm not quite 350lbs, but at my heaviest, was 315. I lost 40lbs on Weight Watchers but grew tired of the meetings, etc and fell off the wagon only to gain most of it back. So I'm starting from scratch at 308. Trying a different approach with Keto/low carb. I'm hoping this is what will really keep me on track to finally reach my goal of 165. Good luck everyone!
  • meldwel
    meldwel Posts: 143 Member
    @heatherrk45 welcome! Good luck to you also!! I love your purple hair!
  • heatherrk45
    heatherrk45 Posts: 27 Member
    Thank you!! It was a look I did for Halloween... I'd dye it purple permanently if I could get away with it...lol
  • Silhouette_man
    Silhouette_man Posts: 104 Member

    Thanks for sharing your success. It is very inspiring. It helps put a lot of things into perspective as I start my weight loss journey again.

    SW 331 CW 311.5 GW 200.
    AGE 56

    I hope I can make it to 200 sometime next year.
  • Silhouette_man
    Silhouette_man Posts: 104 Member
    Name - Gabe
    Height - 6ft
    3/1/18 - 331
    3/16/18 - 325
    3/25/18 - 314.5
    4/1/18 - 311.5
    4/8/18 - 309.5
    Goal Weight - 200
  • kayish
    kayish Posts: 39 Member
    This hasn’t been posted in on a while but I’m looking for support from people who are similar in size as me. I’ve been on MFP a while, the first time was in 2012 and I lost over 70 pounds. My starting weight then was 375.

    I ended up gaining it all back and more. I finally was able to get myself back on track this year (I had many failed start and stop after a few weeks in between then and now)

    So I started out at 400lbs and 5’ 3 at the beginning of April. I’m now at 358. Being consistent is what I find the hardest. Last time when I would fall off track I would get so down on myself and then continue to eat a lot because I was upset and think well I already messed up I might as well keep eating 🤷🏼‍♀️ this time I’m trying really hard at NOT letting a bad day or 2 completely throw me off. If you’re looking for support like me please add me as a friend 😊
  • stormtheworld
    stormtheworld Posts: 18 Member
    @kayish I would recommending joining the 350+ pounds Support for Men & Women group on here. It is fairly active with a lot of us in the same boat as you. It is a great place for support, challenges, and ideas on how to stick with it. It has helped me so far. I started at 357lbs (5'5) in September 2017 and I am currently at 249lbs. It takes time and a lot of hard work and planning but it is completely possible.
  • andrewilson5
    andrewilson5 Posts: 8 Member
    Can someone add me. I’m a sexual assault victim at four years old. My hormones got out of whack do to the trauma. I’m trying to regain my life. I’m 326. Let’s see where we are August 31.
  • kayish
    kayish Posts: 39 Member

    Thanks! I was actually trying to find that group but wasn’t having any luck, I was finally able to find it though and joined!

    @kayish I would recommending joining the 350+ pounds Support for Men & Women group on here. It is fairly active with a lot of us in the same boat as you. It is a great place for support, challenges, and ideas on how to stick with it. It has helped me so far. I started at 357lbs (5'5) in September 2017 and I am currently at 249lbs. It takes time and a lot of hard work and planning but it is completely possible.
  • TokyoNeko
    TokyoNeko Posts: 13 Member
    Would love some friends with open diaries so I could see some great ideas for meals
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My name is William, my top weight was 170 kg / 375 pounds. Started to eat healthier together with MFP in March 2018. After 4 months I have lost about 20 kg / 40 pounds. I record all food and beverages on MFP and continue to learn about healthy meals, portion control, exercise. I try to record food eaten as soon as possible - so far I have not been able to prepare a meal plan, record it on MFP and only then prepare the food and eat it. There is always some ingredient or other I add or leave out. Any suggestions? Thank you.
  • Red_Dwarf74
    Red_Dwarf74 Posts: 38 Member
    My name is Steve, been here since 2013, lost 98lbs then and put it all back on. Since May this year I have dropped 34lbs. This is my second and final attempt. This time it's for good. I ain't getting any younger, been going it alone mostly. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. Today I am down to 355 lbs.
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
    I joined a few years ago and lost weight. Not sure why I ever stopped. I'm at my highest 343, it's time for me to buckle down and get some weight off. Looking for friends, support, challenges, staying focused. Add me 😀
  • MzCara148
    MzCara148 Posts: 205 Member
    Wow - all kinds of new faces! If you go to groups and enter 350, you should find us. You don't need to be invited or approved or anything- just click join and you're in!

    I'll send friend requests to folks I know aren't on my list but if I miss you it's accidental so send one to me!
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Started in March 2018 on 170 kg / 375 pounds and joined MFP. Overcoming depression - our dear son George Paul died shortly after birth. Bread, bread, bread (and what I put onto it) is my biggest downfall and trigger point. I can easily eat a kg and more a day. Now I am watching my carbs in general, mainly getting carbs from leafy vegetables, some other vegetables and a fruit a day. Tried "fatbombs" etc. but not to my liking. Over the last 4 months I am averaging 30 % carbs, 35 % fat and 35 % protein per day. So far I have lost 20 kg, about 45 pounds. I have noticed lots of small improvements (can buckle up in the car again etc). Go for walks every couple of days - gym will take some more time, most machines too small for me but I do enjoy aqua aerobics. All that weight gone, floating like a wale....The best feeling ever!