CNS fatigue??

Hit heavy deadlifts today and had a brutal back workout following that. I felt alright at the gym, a little lack of energy because I’m in a deficit as well and just been working a lot lately. Usually feel great after my workouts but today I feel DEAD. I did hit a PR on my lifts as I recently have increased my calories (still in a deficit but not as deep). I feel like shyt tho, sluggish and just lacking motivation. Possible CNS fatigue?? It’s almost like it feels like it’s been building up the past couple weeks as well. Haven’t done a deload in a while either and train 6 days a week. Opinions??


  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    How long is "a while" since your last deload? I wouldn't write off cumulative stress effect if you've been working a lot; it may be affecting your sleep and you just don't realize it.
  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    How long has this cut been going? I remember a while back you were pretty lean and I assumed close to finishing your cut. I'm surprised to hear you still going at it. Possibly CNS related or just overall fatigue that has finally started to build up past your ability to recover.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    I'm not an expert - only been lifting about a year and a half (a little less). I'm also 55 so a little older than most guys doing this. But in my limited experience I'm finding that accumulated fatigue seems to be a real thing. I'm doing an intermediate 531 program now in a very slow cut and I combine a de-load week with a diet break either once after each 3 weeks, or if I'm feeling especially strong, I'll skip a de-load and break after 6 weeks. You'll have to tailor your program to your needs, but don't dismiss the value of de-loads and diet breaks.
  • pinggolfer96
    pinggolfer96 Posts: 2,248 Member
    jseams1234 wrote: »
    How long has this cut been going? I remember a while back you were pretty lean and I assumed close to finishing your cut. I'm surprised to hear you still going at it. Possibly CNS related or just overall fatigue that has finally started to build up past your ability to recover.

    Unfortunately my job needs me lean right now so it’s actually been a longer than normal deficit for me unfortunately. I desp need to reverse diet ASAP. My activity is pretty damn high, but my caloric intake says otherwise unfortunately
  • mlsh69
    mlsh69 Posts: 31 Member
    I assume that its fatigue from high activity/ low calorie level. Ive had this experience before myself and chalked it up to that. Once in awhile if l go too hard and dont back it up nutrients wise , as in, have enough calories but all junk l feel like that too. Best of luck to u
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Sounds like. Whatever it is, take a few rest days and reassess.