Old habits die hard...

Wow so this year has been pretty wild for me. Toward the end of January, halfway through my freshman year of college, I made a decision to lose weight. I went to the health center for a cold, and when I weighed in at nearly 280 lbs, I said that enough was enough. I started to exercise daily (often more than once, but I have thankfully been able to move past the overexercising and found a solid routine that is healthy), and watching what I ate, not specifically tracking calories. As time progressed, and the number on the scale fell, I became a lot more strict with my diet, getting a food scale, logging everything, etc.

More recently, having reached a weight of about 175 lbs in the past 3 weeks, I moved on to more relaxed eating. Being a summer student in college means that I often go eat out, because cooking isn't particularly appealing late at night after hours of class and work. I thought I had reached a happy point. My weight stayed about the same, and I found myself a lot less stressed over my food intake and exercise.

For the past 10 days, my friend from high school was visiting. This was the friend with whom I would go out to eat once, twice, or even three times a day with during the school year (part of the reason my weight got so high). This was a time when eating was pretty much the only thing I did. Constantly snacking and eating just for the sake of it. Well, it seems like his visit just brought that right out of me. I was constantly hungry, ordering things that I wouldn't normally at restaurants, and started to constantly snack. I quite literally lost control. Some nights, I would go to bed, my stomach aching because of how much I ate that day. I didn't know how things would play out.

Well, my friend left yesterday morning. I weighed myself after I woke up yesterday, and a not-so-nice 192 lbs popped up.

I was so worried about what I would do to myself. But surprisingly, the number did not concern me as much as I expected, which concerns me. The last thing I want to do is regain the ~100 lbs I lost. Today, I am back on the wagon. I will log anything and everything that goes in my mouth. I will stick to my calorie goals for the day. I will do my best to not demonize foods. I will understand that sometimes the world throws you a curve ball, and not every day will be ideal. I will continue to go to the gym and do my strength training workouts, and I will stop making excuses for not doing my cardio workouts. I will bring my weight down to where it was before.

Even when I was at 175 lbs, I was pretty unhappy with how I looked. Now, I see a clear difference between what I looked like almost 2 weeks ago and what the weight I gained makes me look like now. I feel heavier, I feel worse, but most importantly I now appreciate how good I truly was at the weight I felt so unhappy at.

I don't know if I resent myself for this. I don't know if I regret it. I hope I don't, I had an awesome time living it up with my best friends, and the last thing I want is to blame them for this, as the only person at fault here is me.

I guess I'm writing this on here because doing so makes me accountable to people other than myself. I hope that as time goes on, I get to update you guys on my progress.


  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Congrats on your success! I think this is a great learning experience for you. Yes, old habits DO die hard. They tend to come roaring back when we are in old, familiar circumstances. Next time you'll know better and be prepared.
  • minicoop8991
    minicoop8991 Posts: 10 Member