Get Results Challenge

Hi Gang!

There are so many closed challenges out there, that I wanted one that we could all do that is open to everyone!

This challenge is a personal challenge to yourself, because we each have our own goals that we need to achieve.
But, I know that when we support each other, we can all reach our goals together.

So, why not start by joining here today!

Then posting your goals for the week! Every Monday we can repost our goals for the week. Short term goals will get us to our long term goal!

Then post your smart long term goal. I want to …. by Dec. 21012.. You must include a date! That will keep you focused on reaching it!

Now, come back daily and report how you are doing to reach your weekly goal(s). Example: Post what you ate and is it on track with your goal? Post your workout, did you give it 100% and is it driving you toward your goal? Or post your struggles and questions so we can help you!

Finally, encourage and support the fellow challengers! Because together we can be stronger!

Let's make it happen!

Healthy changes start at home!

~ Heather


  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    Im in !!!!!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    I'll start!

    My name is Heather! I work from home and only talk to my dog all day! So, make it a point to get out the house to actually talk to people.

    My weekly goals:
    1. I am trying to go more raw/gluten free for all meals before dinner.
    2. I am trying to eat the recommended 5x a day. No more skipping meals.
    3. I want to workout 6 days this week to my Chalean Extreme/Turbo Fire/Running schedule.
    4. I need to run 10 miles during the week to run 14 miles on Sat.
    5. Long term- to run the marine corp. marathon in Oct. 2011.
    6. To lose approximately 15 pounds by end of Sept.
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Today's Results so far.

    1. Got my workout in- Turbo Fire, Core 20. Ok, I did manage a small run, but it was only a mile w/ my dog but I need to do at least 3-4 today. Maybe I can go later.

    2. I did not do well with breakfast and my morning snack, skipped them. Lunch was a perfect spinach salad with tomatoes, a few pecans and some sesame seeds. My snack was a raw bar that I just stocked up on at Mom's market.

    3. Dinner is already bought and planned. Chicken bruchetta (Chicken breast with a tomato topping) and string beans! :-)

    Now, your turn!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Hi tammie!

    So glad your joining me!

    I love support and company! Because I really want to clean up my diet and get results!

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    My name is Tammie! Im a stay at home mother of 3 and a wife to a Marine so my days are always busy and never know how they are going to go.... I try and get out of the house and go for walks when i can and to keep myself active during the day....

    My weekly goals:
    1. Drink more then 100oz of water daily
    2. Eat Gluten free also Im not allowed to have Gluten and i cheat a lot !!
    3. Up my protein to 90grams a day
    4. Start eating more fruit
    5. Work out everyday for at least 30-60 minutes a day
    6. To lose approximately 20 pounds by end of Sept.
  • lins_crafters
    I would love to participate! I seem to have more motivation when I am working towards a goal and am held accountable by a group.

    My weekly goals:
    1. Bring my own lunch and snacks to work daily. The closest thing to my office is McDonalds, I alway seem to end up there when I forget my lunch.
    2. Workout 5 days a week, and make it to the gym at least 3 days a week. I work out much harder when at the gym.
    3. Start the C25K program again.
    Long term goals.
    1. To run in the OKC Memorial marathon next May.
    2. Reach my weightloss goal by my anniversary next February.
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    I would like to join! You are right, so many challenges are closed so Im glad you have opened this one!

    Starting weight: 237
    Current weight: 234
    Overall Goal weight by February 14th 2012 (V-day): 160

    My Weekly Goals:

    >Stay within my daily calorie range
    >Exercise at least 5 days a week
    >lose 2 pounds
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    I really like this idea, but I am really bad at coming up with goals but I will give it a shot =) And you can never have enough motivation, right?

    I currently work a 40+ hour work week, after May long I decided to leave the gym and give working out at home a shot - it didn't go so well. The last few weeks my eating habits have been horrible and I realized that I had fallen off of the wagon and I needed to get back on - quickly!!! So I shook up my workout routine, my day starts at 4:45 up and out for a run (3x a week) and a bike ride on the other 3 days. Then off to work from 8 to 5, home and a quick change to do an hour, hour and a half of strength, abs and interval training. All of which I have worked into a schedule to make the most of my time. I find things work better for me when I feel like someone may be disappointed in me if I don't do something, which is what I tell myself to keep going (even though I know nobody is) =)

    Weekly goals:
    1. actually do my after work workout at home, would like to cancel my gym membership.
    2. drink way more water, I know I get no where what I should be.

    Long Term goals:
    1. be at my goal weight in November, a year from the day I started here
    2. to actually completely run one or more of my 5K's this year (so far I have walked as much as I have run)
    3. complete C25K by the end of August

    Looking forward to having the motivation :-)
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58

    Love your goals! Yours sound so much like mine.

    I'm trying to eat more raw and gluten free. Maybe we can share recipes…

    How did you do today?
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Hi Lins

    ok, if McD's is your only choice at lunch, definitely plan to pack lunches. Maybe make them the night before.

    I'm a runner, so if you have any questions, please ask! I want to run Marine Corp this year. I post tips on my blog, so stop by,

    You can do it. One step at a time.

    When are you going to start, today? If so, how did you do?
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Hi keyar…

    Awesome goals! I know you can do it.

    What are your workouts for the week? Share here so we can keep you accountable!

    What did you do today?

  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I did pretty good so far today! Got about 35 minutes on my elliptical and will go out for a walk once it cools off.... I also did pretty good staying away from Gluten today beside the slice of pizza i had for lunch but much better then i have been doing!!!!!! Tomorrow my goal is to stay away from all Gluten.........
  • lins_crafters
    I did make it to the gym today, but I did not start the C25K today, basketball practice for the kids ran over and Im really just getting home... I plan to kick that off tomorrow.

    I have been considering a gluten free diet. Im not sure how well it would go over with my family as I have not mentioned this to my husband yet, but I have been doing some research. I have had several people tell me they feel so much better on a low gluten/gluten free diet. Does it make a big difference in how you feel?
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Awesome Tammie

    One step at a time right!
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58

    Gosh, we really need to share names if you want to of course.

    I think gluten free will make you feel better! It rids a lot of the bad carbs. I bet if you started to incorporate that into family meals, they wouldn't notice. You can still get a lot of stuff, just watch the package to say gluten free! But, I'm also learning too!

    Let us know how the C25K goes today.

  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    My day so far

    Got my workout in- Chalean Extreme, burn it off. Need to take my dog out now, so may go for a mile run too.

    Diet, so far clean, but I should have eaten a better, more fulling breakfast. Lunch is up, so not sure what I am going to do!

    Last night, dinner was a chicken bruschetta with string beans. So good, even hubby gave a thumbs up!
  • lins_crafters
    I appologize, I just reread my original post and I forgot to tell you all my name and what I do! My name is Lindsay, and I wok in IT on computer software... So I sit behind a desk ALL day long.
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    My day so far:

    *Breakfast was 1 packet of oatmeal with 1/2 cup of 2% milk, Lunch was chicken salad sandwitch on wheat bread with 1/2 protein shake, still have 930 cals remaining for the day!

    *I am about to begin my Zumba workout for an hour with a goal of burning 600 cals (as per my heart rate monitor)

    *Dont know what Im having for dinner yet but it should be good.

    Im feeling good today!
  • keyariloses
    keyariloses Posts: 74 Member
    I completed my workout yesterday and burned 718 cals! I also stayed under my cal goal for the day

    My day so far today 8-18-2011

    *Breakfast was 1 cup cereal with 1/2 cup 2% milk.

    **I will edit this as the day goes on so I can fill in everything. Good luck everyone!**
  • WhyWait
    WhyWait Posts: 58
    Nice to finally meet you Lindsey!

    Can't wait to hear how you did today.