Lunch Ideas for Work??? HELP!

LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member

So I have been successfully eating well for two weeks now, but this has been during the two weeks after college and before work. This means I have been able to eat healthy when I want and exercise whenever I went. Of course, that changes on Monday, when I start working in a research lab from 9-5. Thankfully, I'll be biking to the bus, and then in the city, so I'll get some exercise in, but I am in desperate need of easy, healthy, YET filling lunch ideas. I am not a salad or a soup person, so I need something else. Snack ideas would during work would be much appreciated as well!

Thanks all!


  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Turkey or chicken sandwiches. Oscar Meyer Carving Board has less sodium than most lunch meats & is more like fresh off bird. Healthy Life Bread is 35 cal/slice, and 2% cheese slices have half calories too. :o) Smart Ones meals are good too, but again, can be higher in sodium, so I try to limit them when I can. Soup & salad are my staples, so I'm not much help! Sorry! BUT, for snacks, grapes, carrot sticks, celery, almonds, pistachios, yogurt, laughing cow cheese...all yummy! Good luck at work!
  • The_Saint
    The_Saint Posts: 358 Member
    I snack on a can of tuna and almonds daily.

    My daily lunch consists of
    5oz of chicken
    6oz of sweet potato (Oreida has frozen steam and mash sweet potatoes)
    1 oz of almonds
    I grill the weeks worth of chicken on Sunday night.
    I prep the sweet potatoes by sprinkling a packet of stevia and cinnamon

    Today, I did brown rice with my chicken today. Mixed in a bowl and microwaved for 1.5 mins..
    Sprinkled with Garlic powder and Red Pepper was delicious
  • cmaurer4
    cmaurer4 Posts: 33 Member
    I notice that I seem to rotate a lot of the same things from week to week. Here are a few:

    Fat free cottage cheese, cut up veggie pack (cucumbers, green peppers, and carrots), and a fruit

    Michelina's lean gourmet chicken buffalo pizza rolls

    Homemade chicken salad made from canned chicken and fat free mayo and cantalope on the side

    PB&J sandwich (yes, still love them!!) and an apple

    Subway flatbread turkey sandwich
  • cdskates
    cdskates Posts: 49 Member
    Meijer (and I'm sure Walmart), if you're in the US, has a bunch of "low-cal snack packs" in the healthy area... I usually grab a couple of those before I go to school. Some have crackers, most have fruits or veggies, usually with low-cal caramel or ranch... Good Luck!
  • nmescalera
    nmescalera Posts: 233 Member
    I made a really tasty sandwich the other day and was really happy with it. 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 4 slices of oscar meyer turkey and avacado. I didnt need to use any kind of mayo because the creaminess of the avacado took the place. I also had 12 of the Ritz baked chips sourcream and onion. It was really good!!!! :smile:
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    I need the same kind of suggestions. But here's what I brought for lunch this week:

    Black Bean and Corn Salad:

    2 Empanadas, one chicken one black bean and corn:
    1/2 cup popcorn
    2 clementines
    1 cookie

    White Bean and Mozzarella Sandwich (which was delicious):
    1/2 cup popcorn
    2 clementines
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    BUMP! Who has more ideas?
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Have you ever heard of Japanese bento boxes? Cute and healthy. Time consuming though.
  • cheshirechic
    cheshirechic Posts: 489 Member
    For the work week, I'll sometimes make something whole-grain based (like whole wheat pasta, quinoa, bulgur, etc.), and add a LOT of veggies (bags of frozen spinach are easy, as are zucchini, tomatoes, etc.--basically whatever appeals to you). For flavor, maybe tomato sauce or a vinaigrette (with a light amount of olive oil). I'll also add reduced-fat feta or those little mozzarella balls. This way, one "day" of cooking makes four to five "work meals" that I can portion out right after I cook. This only works, however, if you can eat the same thing for several days in a row.

    For snacks, I'll usually take a fuji apple, larabar, or carrots/celery/broccoli with yogurt ranch dressing. Good luck!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    here's a few of the lunches I Made this last week:

    Green Beans and Portobello Mushroom Saute
    Garlic Bread

    Roasted Sweet Potato and Black Bean Salad
    with shrimp on top
  • kitinboots
    kitinboots Posts: 589 Member
    Quorn burgers. They don't need cooking, and are pretty tasty right out the wrapper.
  • laromeo
    laromeo Posts: 14
    I make a frittata almost every Sunday with egg substitute, chicken or turkey sausage, veggies and romano cheese. Perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch all week long. High in protein and low in fat, the possible combinations are endless!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Turkey or chicken sandwiches. Oscar Meyer Carving Board has less sodium than most lunch meats & is more like fresh off bird. Healthy Life Bread is 35 cal/slice, and 2% cheese slices have half calories too. :o) Smart Ones meals are good too, but again, can be higher in sodium, so I try to limit them when I can. Soup & salad are my staples, so I'm not much help! Sorry! BUT, for snacks, grapes, carrot sticks, celery, almonds, pistachios, yogurt, laughing cow cheese...all yummy! Good luck at work!

    I'm not much of a chef, so I do something similar: usually a sandwich and frozen fruit mixed with yogurt for lunch and fresh celery, carrots, and broccoli for snacks. When I do cook something for dinner that I can save, I bring that in lieu of the sandwich.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member

    So I have been successfully eating well for two weeks now, but this has been during the two weeks after college and before work. This means I have been able to eat healthy when I want and exercise whenever I went. Of course, that changes on Monday, when I start working in a research lab from 9-5. Thankfully, I'll be biking to the bus, and then in the city, so I'll get some exercise in, but I am in desperate need of easy, healthy, YET filling lunch ideas. I am not a salad or a soup person, so I need something else. Snack ideas would during work would be much appreciated as well!

    Thanks all!

    What kind of research? I'm in grad school right now for biochemistry/mol bio!
  • ooOOooGravy
    ooOOooGravy Posts: 476 Member
    I like to make myself a pasta in sauce, usually bolagnese source with any mince, high in carbs filling and full of veg in the source if you make enough of it. Sometimes ill add own made meat balls or mince to make it defferent and eed me never hurts in smll quantities. Sometimes also add extra garlic for flavour to stop it getting boring. Sit it on a bed of letuce and a good healthyish meal. I usual take this when I know I'm running in the evening, or have it for tea if I'm running early next morning, if you make enough, you can store it in fridge for 3 days worth of meals or make loads and freeze it! :)
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Hummus ( yum) , cottage cheese , salad including lettuce, herb leaves, red pepper, tomatoes, sliced raw mushrooms. I also have light choices ham, cauldron marinated tofu, tuna, olives, prawns. A mix of any of the above and sometimes I add some bread or ryvitas. When I first started counting calories I was amazed how low calorie the salad items are! Then I usually add a couple of pieces of fruit. I used to be a chocaholic but don't crave it anymore. I only have the odd piece now and again. Sugary biscuits don't go down as well as they used to either . Strange.
  • jimmychoo2shoes
    First, I always try to make enough food for dinner to take some leftovers to work for lunch, except I usually swich it up a bit. So, if we have some type of meal with grilled chicken, I'll use some of the chicken to make a salad for lunch. I like to take apples or some other fruit and peanut or almond butter for a snack, so I get a bit of carbs and protien in my snack. I almost always take some carrot sticks to snack on. Today I had some tuna with peas and a little miracle which mixed in, a slice of Ezekial bread, some salad greens, and some super fresh and tasty tomato slices. I made a folded type sandwich and then had some more of the tuna salad that I just ate with the extra tomatoes. I find that I like lunches with a bunch of little snacks put together. It makes it easier to come up with, because I'll just look in my fridge and pick out a variety of items and throw them together, instead of having to come up with a "meal."
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Hmmm there are tons of things..

    Mini Quiches -(mix a dozen eggs with some veggies and seasoning, stick in cupcake pan (12) and cook for 30 mins at 375) with cottage cheese and fruit.

    Sandwich with a good low sodium turkey meat and avacado.

    Grill up a bunch of meats at the beginning of the week...

    If you like beans, make up a 3 bean salad...any beans will do. Add about 2 TBSP of EVOO and a TBSP of lime juice, salt, pepper, whatever spices you like.

    Shrimp cocktail

    Quick snacks - trail mix -nuts and seeds, maybe some dried fruit and chopped dark chocolate bits.
    Apple and PB

    I'll post more if I can think of mind just went blank lol =)
  • MelMoly
    MelMoly Posts: 1,303 Member

    Well now I have posted the link twice today...premake meals when you have time and freeze (a serving size)...take to work pop out just like you would a boxed frozen meal and heat! or pack a lunch the night before, just remember to take it with you :)

    -I do this for my husband all the time! :bigsmile:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you have access to a microwave make extra for dinner and bring leftovers, or some of those steam in the bag frozen veggie mixes. Also, you can put almost anything in a low carb wrap for a tasty lunch - leftover meat from dinner, roasted veggies and hummus, nut butter and fruit, cheese and thinly sliced veggies, tuna or chicken salad...

    For snacks at work I keep dry roasted edamame, almonds, low sodium V8, and/or Kashi granola bars in my desk. Or I bring nut butter or hummus with whole grain crackers or veggie sticks.