Wheat intolerance

I normally stay clear off too much wheat as I have found it bloats me more then usual.

However tonight I have had some pasta (about 60-70g) and aside from looking 6months pregnant my stomach is making some rather unusual noises and hurting.

This has happened before when eating pasta and I went to my doctor who said 'I might have it' but they can't test for it. My doctor is sometimes very 'blahsay' about things so I chose to leave it. Now I am in pain and wondering what to do...


  • raychybabe
    raychybabe Posts: 121 Member
    Get buscopan from the chemist to treat the cramps. I also take a tablet that you take before you eat anything you think might set you off.

    This is why I buy wheat free pasta, eat wheat free bread and avoid too stodgy things like pastry etc.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Yes... they can definitely test for it! You might have celiac disease and they test for that by looking for genetic markers in the blood. If you have the markers, it's then confirmed by a small intestine biopsy. My dad has celiac disease, so my siblings and I all were tested.

    Your pain and bloating is a hallmark symptom!
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    An allergy can be tested for, but an intolerance is unlikely to show up, that's why intolerances are so often undiagnosed. The only thing I can suggest are some Chinese cure-all stomach pills that Whole Foods sells.
  • ShadowFangs
    My stomach bloats when I have wheat yet I eat it. Ive been told I have a wheat intolerance. I know if i have a sandwhich on white bread I can only have one without cramps. I find just watching the ammount I eat is easier for me unless I decide to overindulge, and if I get cramps I just breathe it out or massage my stomach as wierd as it sounds it works.
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    If the doctor says he cannot test for wheat allergy/intolerance you need a new doctor. There are a few blood tests for gluten intolerance, skin tests for wheat allergy and positives can lead to a biopsy to check for celiac. The only problem with the blood tests is that you need to have gluten in your system, so you want to have them done right away. If you go gluten-free then have to go back on it you might find your sensitivity has gone up and it's an uncomfortable 1-3 months before you can test again.
  • CalamityAnnie
    CalamityAnnie Posts: 5 Member
    There is also an allergy panel that will test for gluten sensitivity as well - this is what confirmed my self-diagnosis of Celiac when I tried the elimination diet and introduced wheat last. I'm one of 10% of Celiac's who break out all over my arms and back when I get into wheat, no matter how small the amount. For years I was diagnosed as having IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Bloating and pain after eating anything with wheat and it spread to other foods because the small intestine was always unhealthy.

    Have them test - Celiac is a serious medical condition that can be treated 100% by diet alone. I know of one person who actually passed away from it.
  • CalamityAnnie
    CalamityAnnie Posts: 5 Member
    There is also an allergy panel that will test for gluten sensitivity as well - this is what confirmed my self-diagnosis of Celiac when I tried the elimination diet and introduced wheat last. I'm one of 10% of Celiac's who break out all over my arms and back when I get into wheat, no matter how small the amount. For years I was diagnosed as having IBS - Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Bloating and pain after eating anything with wheat and it spread to other foods because the small intestine was always unhealthy.

    Have them test - Celiac is a serious medical condition that can be treated 100% by diet alone. I know of one person who actually passed away from it.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I had an allergy skin test for foods, and it definitely will tell you if you're sensitive. My blood work was inconclusive, but the skin prick test showed that I have multiple food sensitivities, so much so that every time they re-check me I go into analphylactic shock and have to get an epie right away. I also had reactions to 43 out of 49 foods, so I'm the queen of food sensitivities. Rice pasta is what I use to substitute for pasta. I don't eat anything with wheat. I even get wheat free soy sauce, (San J), so you have to be very careful and read your ingredient labels.

    You should see what happens when I have something with MSG in it.... it's not pretty.

    And be careful, because Gluten Free doesn't always mean wheat free, and vice versa.
  • Scoobies87
    Scoobies87 Posts: 379
    I had an allergy skin test for foods, and it definitely will tell you if you're sensitive. My blood work was inconclusive, but the skin prick test showed that I have multiple food sensitivities, so much so that every time they re-check me I go into analphylactic shock and have to get an epie right away. I also had reactions to 43 out of 49 foods, so I'm the queen of food sensitivities. Rice pasta is what I use to substitute for pasta. I don't eat anything with wheat. I even get wheat free soy sauce, (San J), so you have to be very careful and read your ingredient labels.

    You should see what happens when I have something with MSG in it.... it's not pretty.

    And be careful, because Gluten Free doesn't always mean wheat free, and vice versa.

    Where did you go for this skin prick test? I am terrified of blood tests and pass out at the very thought of them, however I could handle that and if it is as effective as you say then it should help!
  • akork
    akork Posts: 31
    The bloating and stomach irritation sound like it might be Celiac which is a gluten intolerance. You could either try to get tested for this or alternatively try eating gluten free for a while and see if the symptoms go away.
  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I went to an allergist. I was working in a supermarket cutting fruit. Whenever I cut strawberries, (I wasn't eating them, just cutting them, inhaling), I would break out in hives. So my doctor referred me to an allergist and they did the food prick test.

    I don't have Celiac disease, but I am sensitive to wheat , and as I said a ton of other stuff. But, sometimes if I eat something I'm sensitive to 1 1/2 to 2 hours later I have bloating, stomach cramps and diarrhea, or there's the curse of the million itches, (hives), or the eczema patches that flare up, or I'll flush all red, ("Hey Mom, you're all red again...") etc. etc. Chicken really kills me. For years I had to deal with my "funny stomach". Or my husband would take me out for lunch or dinner and I'd get a terrible headache afterwards, and feel awful. I get migraines with auras, sometimes from flashes of light, but they can be triggered by food allergies/sensitivities as well. Also, environmental allergies can combine with food allergies and cause reactions as well. So when there's lots of ragweed and I eat something that I'm only kinda of sensitive to, I can get a bigger reaction then I normally would.

    I'm off all wheat now, and a lot of other things, and feel much better. My carbs are way low with my diet, and to tell you the truth I don't miss wheat too much, but sometimes... well, I'm only human.
  • ginny1214
    ginny1214 Posts: 338
    I have celiacs disease and they can test you for it. Wheat is my ENEMY!!! However I can have some white bread on occasion it's just the wheAt! I would eat like wheat pasta trying to be healthier and end up wKing up at midnight with burps that were like sulfur and honestly going out both ends for up to three days horrrrible