How bad is sodium??

OH my GAWWDDD I just had ramon noodles for lunch cause we are broke *kitten* right now and im not working yet soo anywhos a whole block has 1,660 grams of sodium.. How bad is sodium for you?? This just grosses me out I dont like seeing big numbers in my food diary


  • mrphil86
    mrphil86 Posts: 2,382 Member
    Mainly it causes you to retain water.

    Drink lots of water, you'll be fine.
  • amyers35
    amyers35 Posts: 51
    ps- the crazy sodium # is from the packet of seasoning not the noodles!
  • lausa22
    lausa22 Posts: 467 Member
    Sodium causes water retention, so it's pretty bad so have a lot of it, because it's harder to lose weight.
    Try not to have lots more sodium today and drink PLENTY of water and it shouldn't do you too badly :)
  • Soooze
    Soooze Posts: 122 Member
    ah bummer. Drink plenty of water and you should be ok.
  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    Only add half a pack of the seasoning, that's why it's so high. It tastes pretty much the same.
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    Yeah, it causes high blood pressure and heart issues later in life. Be careful.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Sodium is very bad. It stole 2 of my Barbies when I was 6 and totally denied it. My mother had to get involved. Don't play with sodium.
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    sodium can be pretty bad if high amounts are consumed over prolonged periods of time; especially if you have a family history of heart disease. you should be alright, just drink lots of water and try to work out to get the sodium out of your system.

    for future reference you can either use just half the seasoning packet included or experiment with your own seasonings. during college my friends and i spent a lot of time basing "meals" w ramen bc it was cheap and using whatever random seasonings we had.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I was just reading this a few moments ago .. so i thought I would share. it does retain water though, so you have to drink more water!

    Myth #5: “Salt causes high blood pressure and should be avoided.”

    In the 1940s, a Duke University researcher named Walter Kempner, M.D., became famous for using salt restriction to treat people with high blood pressure. Later, studies confirmed that reducing salt could help reduce hypertension.

    What science really shows:

    Large-scale scientific reviews have determined there’s no reason for people with normal blood pressure to restrict their sodium intake. Now, if you already have high blood pressure, you may be “salt sensitive.” As a result, reducing the amount of salt you eat could be helpful.However, it’s been known for the past 20 years that people with high blood pressure who don’t want to lower their salt intake can simply consume more potassium-containing foods.

    Because it’s really the balance of the two minerals that matters. In fact, Dutch researchers determined that a low potassium intake has the same impact on your blood pressure as high salt consumption does. And it turns out, the average guy consumes 3,100 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day—1,600 mg less than recommended.
    The bottom line:

    Strive for a potassium-rich diet, which you can achieve by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and legumes. For instance, spinach, broccoli, bananas, white potatoes, and most types of beans each contain more than 400 mg potassium per serving.
  • AmerTunsi
    AmerTunsi Posts: 655 Member
    I was just reading this a few moments ago .. so i thought I would share. it does retain water though, so you have to drink more water!

    Myth #5: “Salt causes high blood pressure and should be avoided.”

    In the 1940s, a Duke University researcher named Walter Kempner, M.D., became famous for using salt restriction to treat people with high blood pressure. Later, studies confirmed that reducing salt could help reduce hypertension.

    What science really shows:

    Large-scale scientific reviews have determined there’s no reason for people with normal blood pressure to restrict their sodium intake. Now, if you already have high blood pressure, you may be “salt sensitive.” As a result, reducing the amount of salt you eat could be helpful.However, it’s been known for the past 20 years that people with high blood pressure who don’t want to lower their salt intake can simply consume more potassium-containing foods.

    Because it’s really the balance of the two minerals that matters. In fact, Dutch researchers determined that a low potassium intake has the same impact on your blood pressure as high salt consumption does. And it turns out, the average guy consumes 3,100 milligrams (mg) of potassium a day—1,600 mg less than recommended.
    The bottom line:

    Strive for a potassium-rich diet, which you can achieve by eating a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and legumes. For instance, spinach, broccoli, bananas, white potatoes, and most types of beans each contain more than 400 mg potassium per serving.
  • MsCandyLynn
    The American Heart Association recommend for someone who is not on any kind of sodium restriction for no more and 3000 mg per day. Sodium keep the water weight on us, it draws in our fluids. It is important to have sodium in our diet as well as potassium to keep your water weigt in check. If you are taking in more than 3000mg of sodium per day i would suggest upping your water intake as well to help flush out the excess, and if you are trying to lose weight i have seen many people say that you should keep your Sodium at 1500 or less * i am trying to lose weight however i follow AHA and keep mine at 3000 and i am still noticing weight loss* so is it bad, not completely but too much is not good!
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Sodium causes water retention which can block weight loss a little bit. If you don't have sodium problems (like high blood pressure) currently, you should be fine healthwise eating high sodium stuff until you get back on your feet financially. Also, a science teacher once told me as long as you do something that makes you sweat, then you'll cause the sodium to leave your body. Weight loss is mostly based on calories.... so it might affect water retention and hold up weight loss in the short term, but I don't think high sodium causes longterm weight loss damage. As long as you are eating the right amount of calories, you should still be able to lose weight.
  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    ps- the crazy sodium # is from the packet of seasoning not the noodles!

    Using less of the packet will help, but the noodles themselves are pretty high in sodium, too.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    the seasoning pack from ramen is outrageously high in sodium.
    some extra water would help, but don't try to flush it all out because
    you do need some sodium in your body. (it's called blood sodium--just read about this lately).
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    OH my GAWWDDD I just had ramon noodles for lunch cause we are broke *kitten* right now and im not working yet soo anywhos a whole block has 1,660 grams of sodium.. How bad is sodium for you?? This just grosses me out I dont like seeing big numbers in my food diary

    Excessive sodium on an everyday basis can cause high blood pressure, heart issues, and water retain. On an every now and then basis not a huge deal just drink loyts of water. Now as a side note... if you work in a hot warehouse or out in 100 degree heat everyday I wouldn't worry about soduim unless you are getting thousands over everyday.If your sweating a lot on a regural basis due to heat your body needs the soduim.
  • francena84
    Yea no more ramon noodles for me... The seasoning packet is good though.. This is people who are broke food haha
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Yeah, it causes high blood pressure and heart issues later in life. Be careful.
    No, it doesn't. It can aggravate high blood pressure or one's tendency toward high blood pressure, but it doesn't cause high blood pressure.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Yeah, that Sodium can be a bad mother fu SHUT YO MOUTH! Just talking about Sodium!
  • steelguy54
    steelguy54 Posts: 90 Member
    I am on the same sodium boat. I recently noticed how much sodium I was actually taking in. I am usually around 3500 mg a day but I drink mostly a gallon of water a day and sweat like crazy when I exercise. Am I in the clear?
  • peteyTwang
    peteyTwang Posts: 250
    Drink plenty of water while contemplating how the salty Seas got SO salty...