What's everyones diet look like? Breakfast lunch dinner?

I really dont know how to start..im trying to lose weight but dont know what meals to prep.

Ive been eating 2 eggs, fruit bowl, n wheat bread
And two glasses of water for breakfast.

I skip lunch because im not hungry at the time
But for dinner i kinda repeat the same meal for breakfast..
3rd day doing this and i feel light headed, i know im supposed to be around 1200 calories but i am not hungry like i used to lol, i cut soda and fastfood!


  • cultonmike
    cultonmike Posts: 18 Member
    Your not supposed to starve yourself, that's only gonna lead to binge eating lol log your meals and try to meet your nutrient needs. I personally I found I needed to eat more also just healthier things, the food diary is your best friend.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What did you eat to get to the point of needing to lose weight? Eat some of that, just less than what you ate before.

    The lowest calorie recommendation for men is 1500 (1200 is for women), and that's probably only necessary for very short, sedentary men.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2018
    To lose weight, you have to eat less (fewer calories than you burn, less than you have before). One of the most useful tools, in addition to your food diary and the food database, is a food scale. But as any tool, they must be used correctly in order to work. Being overweight means you're used to eat more than you need, so you need to make sure you log correctly, it's easy to "cheat".

    You start with the basics, and that's the calorie goal MFP gave you. As a male, your minimum calorie target is 1500.

    You don't have to eat anything in particular, you don't have to meal prep. You don't have to eat like anybody else.

    A healthy diet is balanced and varied - enough of all the nutrition you need every day, not too many calories over time.

    Hunger can manifest itself in many ways, lightheadedness is one of them.
  • ALdito651
    ALdito651 Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks guys.