are you EFFIN KIDDING ME?!?!?!

i was shocked, disgusted and fit to be tied after watchin this. because we CLEARLY don't have enough deep fried unhealthiness in this country #sodisgusted


  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    LOL! That is mind boggling... But hey, I'm not going to tell people what they can and can't eat. You won't see me eating one though...

    (I did have a fried Snickers bar once... HOLY $#@+ it was delicious, but I felt sick after eating it)
  • chridow
    chridow Posts: 178
    true, you can't tell ppl what to eat. its just frustrating bc you can't walk, skip, run or watch tv without SOMEONE throwing the "american obesity epidemic" in your face. in the last two months i've learned of deep fried butter, oreos, kool-aid and cheeseburgers (FREAKIN CHEESEBURGERS MAN!!)

    what frustrated me most about the video was the fact that someone fed this to a child. A CHILD!!!! <sigh>

    now that i'm eating better i def notice how eating crap impacts my energy and overall well being. the idea of eating dough literally saturated with a WHOLE STICK of butter and then DEEP FRIED makes my cholesterol go up! oh each his own, i guess.
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    What a disgusting concoction.

    But at the same time, I agree that it is up to people what they want to eat. They will just have to pay for the consequences in the end.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Yikes....that would kill me. Literally. Bleh.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member

    what frustrated me most about the video was the fact that someone fed this to a child. A CHILD!!!! <sigh>

    When I was a child and we went to the fair, I got to have fried dough. Every year.

    It's not as if that's what my parents fed me daily. It was a once a year treat. There's NOTHING wrong with that.

    And even though I was allowed that once a year treat, I didn't become overweight until I was almost 30 and not living with my parents anymore. I have never been obese.
  • TheShelterCat
    That is nasty!!!!

    Along with the deep fried sticks of butter, this years CNE (in Toronto) will be offering this:

    It's just gross!
  • akork
    akork Posts: 31
    I wonder if they make ones with margarine for the calorie conscious.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    In the same vein, I saw a cheese burger made with doughnuts in place of a bun!
    Even once a year is too much for me.
    Many state fairs have a new item they deep fry each year. The most recent I remember is deep fried Coke. I didn't try it.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I will pretty much eat anything and THAT is DISGUSTING!!!

    On the other hand, the stick of butter has 800 cal and 96g fat alone, not counting the deep frying and batter. And there are items on your local restaurant's menu that have more calories/fat than that!! Applebees Chili Cheese Nachos Apptetizer has 1680 cal/107 g fat.

    But the nachos sound better. LOL
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    I've heard the deep fried butter is actually really delicious. The butter just melts in to the dough as it fries. If I get a chance, I'm trying it. Festival food isn't known for being health-conscious, and I love to indulge once a year. Festival foods aren't what caused the obesity problem in the country, if you ask me.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    Eeeeew! If you're going to eat something that unhealthy it should at least taste good! How is eating just butter a treat?!

    American state fair stories baffle me.

    Deep fried oreos, coke, peaches and cream, twinkies ... isn't there some kind of compeition for the best/most inventive new deep friend item every year?

    I doubt it would harm anyone as a one off but it just sounds awful.
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Two words: State Fair

    State fairs every year try out "fried and on a stick" each other. I know the WI fair had fried beer. Yeah umm no clue how they did that but they did.