Thanksgiving Challenge - Let's do it!

Thanksgiving is roughly 14 weeks away. I'd like to lose weight before the holidays so that I've gotten some healthy eating habits under my belt and not feel the guilt come turkey day if I choose to indulge in a little extra.

Several groups are forming or have already closed, so I thought I'd start one of my own. So, if you'd like to join in, please let me know. I'd like to limit this to the first 20 who respond so that I am able to keep up with all the stat updates.

Weigh yourself tomorrow, and we'll weigh in every Wednesday thereafter. This will allow Monday and Tuesday to kick the cardio into high gear in case of a weekend overindulgence. I'll track the weight stats once a week and we can do measurements once a month (if you choose to include yours, not mandatory).

Name: Kimberly
Start Weight: 155.4
Goal Weight: 125.0
Diet Goals: Drink more water, cut back on carbs and junk food
Exercise Goals: Increase cardio and endurance so that I can jog again. Build muscle by weightlifting. Increase flexibility
Other Goals: Would like to get back down to a size 6.

Measurements (I'll measure tonight and add mine to the mix later)
Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts):
Bust (women across breasts):

First weigh-in will be tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17, and last weigh-in will be Wednesday, November 23, the day before Thanksgiving. That gives us 14 weeks of working out, dieting, sharing successes, supporting each other when we fall.

Feel free to friend me.


  • ceh2468
    ceh2468 Posts: 9
    let's do it!
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    I'd like to join!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    @ceh2468 & @mdagenb: Great! Be sure to fill out your info within the next couple of days. :)
  • I am interested in joining- never been involved in a challenge before!
  • I'm in!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    I'd like to join. I have a big move in the next 2 weeks and lots of stress promised after the move - this accountability will help me keep on track!

    One question - I've never done different measurements for biceps and triceps. Exactly what/where/how are you measuring?

    Thanks, I will friend you, too, to make this easier!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    For you I'm in. 99 days until Thanksgiving!

    Name: Ashley
    Start Weight: 325.8
    Goal Weight: 293
    Diet Goals: Keep up with the water and fiber, cut down on saturated fat, continue to decrease portion sizes.
    Exercise Goals: Belly or Hula dancing 2x a week, daily yoga for flexibility, daily calisthenics. Once the weather cools off walk in the foothills once a week.
    Other Goals: Toning! Lose lots of inches!

    Neck: 17
    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts):
    Bust (women across breasts):
    Waist: 50
    Hips: 63

    Can't recall the other measurements right now. Will update it later tonight.

    Add me as a friend if you join the challenge!
  • mdagenb
    mdagenb Posts: 49 Member
    i figured id fill it in tmw with my weigh in :-)
  • Count me in!!!
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Oops!! Made a mistake on bicep/tricep measurements.
    Measure your upper arm (bicep/tricep area) and then your lower forearms. Sorry about that!
    When measuring your arms and legs, be sure that you measure the same side (right or left). I prefer to measure the rights-side because I'm right-handed and it's the stronger of the two sides.

    Start Weight:
    Goal Weight:
    Diet Goals:
    Exercise Goals:
    Other Goals:

    Chest (men, & women-beneath breasts):
    Bust (women across breasts):
    Upper Arms:
  • rosey808
    rosey808 Posts: 91 Member
    I'll join you!
  • tambink
    tambink Posts: 349
    I want to toooo.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    I was looking for a team, if there is any slot, count me in...

    Name: Vish
    Start Weight: 194
    Goal Weight: 150
    Diet Goals: Drink more water, reduce sugar intake and instead of 3 big meals, take 6 smaller portions.
    Exercise Goals: exercise 6 days in a week and focus on upper body conditioning.
    Other Goals: Have to look stunning for my best frnd wedding in october.
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    We have 11 people so far..... Just 9 more to go.....
    Don't forget to pull out the measuring tape tonight and hop on that scale first thing tomorrow morning (or this evening if you prefer to weigh at night).

  • momplum
    momplum Posts: 4 Member
    okay, i started today!
  • vdlomas
    vdlomas Posts: 36
    I'm so in....
  • m36an
    m36an Posts: 7
    I'd like to join if there is space!! Thanks for starting this! :smile:
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    We have 13 that have replied so far......
    (incl me, that will make 21 total)
    So, we have 7 more slots for people who want to join us in our 14-wk healthier-me quest!

    1. ceh2468
    2. mdagenb
    3. momof2inMD
    4. sexymcc
    5. quietlywinning
    6. AshDHart
    7. CHARBABY48
    8. rosey808
    9. tambink
    10. sweettoothfairy
    11. momplum
    12. vdlomas
    13. m36an
  • jrnygirl
    jrnygirl Posts: 183 Member
    Anyone else interesting in joining our Thanksgiving Challenge?
    Weigh-in and measurements start tomorrow and it goes for 14wks.
    We still have room for 7 more people if you are interested.
  • Seagazer
    Seagazer Posts: 66
    I'd like to, I haven't been a part of any group yet..