(LADIES ONLY!) What do ya do when you're overly hungry because of that time of the month?



  • bookstitch
    bookstitch Posts: 86 Member
    I tell myself that on those days, it's okay if I am eating a little bit more. But still keep it reasonable.
    I also will find myself drinking more tea. It has such complex flavors and it's so tasty! Or I will get a coffee and ask for 3 pumps of mocha and almond milk. That is easy to track and just under 100 calories with a medium size!
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    So, I find I begin to overeat when that red moon shines so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for dealing with the challenge of not going over your required calories for the day? Much love!

    It may be a weight thing or something like medication . I am over 200 lbs but never noticed myself being extra hungry during tom. I don't really get cravings either unless I am doing low carb or just not eating a very balanced diet.
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    edited August 2018
    I tend to crave salt and starch at that point. Sometimes pudding, but dairy occasionally makes me cramp up if it's a bad TOM. I mostly let my macro goals fall by the wayside and indulge my cravings within my calories.

    I will want beef if I have a choice, like steak. I guess for iron.
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    PaperDoll_ wrote: »
    I can't really help here. I usually find myself with a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. :#

    Lol, I love peanut butter from a jar!
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    bjess8411 wrote: »
    So, I find I begin to overeat when that red moon shines so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for dealing with the challenge of not going over your required calories for the day? Much love!

    It may be a weight thing or something like medication . I am over 200 lbs but never noticed myself being extra hungry during tom. I don't really get cravings either unless I am doing low carb or just not eating a very balanced diet.

    I notice it way WAY more when I'm eating in a deficit :confounded: Possibly before I was just so out of touch with my hunger signals and what I was eating it didn't register.
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    pinuplove wrote: »
    bjess8411 wrote: »
    So, I find I begin to overeat when that red moon shines so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for dealing with the challenge of not going over your required calories for the day? Much love!

    It may be a weight thing or something like medication . I am over 200 lbs but never noticed myself being extra hungry during tom. I don't really get cravings either unless I am doing low carb or just not eating a very balanced diet.

    I notice it way WAY more when I'm eating in a deficit :confounded: Possibly before I was just so out of touch with my hunger signals and what I was eating it didn't register.

    Yeah, that makes sense. I've lost almost a 100 lbs and eat at a deficit but don't notice being any more hungry. The only thing I've wanted is steak or beef when I don't normally want it. I don't have any chocolate cravings or anything or want to eat more.
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    Eat at maintenance as others have said. Last month was actually the first time I tried this because normally I can't control myself at all. You could find me in the Burger King drive thru with a KitKat in hand every day until my period comes. :wink: Allowing more calories and not going above that helped me out so much!

    My other secret weapon is Pamprin (the one with no caffeine). Not sure about you, but I gain 10-12 pounds of water weight the week before. It hurts to swell up that much and it makes me lethargic (hard to get any kind of workout in when you're that bloated and tired). Taking the Pamprin every other day helped decrease the bloating so much and I had much more energy than usual so I could do some sort of exercise.

    Good luck!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    edited August 2018
    My face when advice is to eat at maintenance for PMS munchies when I'm already in maintenance.

    AWWWWWSSSSSSSS {{{ hug }}}

    Well, the point is that increased appetite is a sign of increased metabolism, so eating a few hundred calories more isn't going to hurt. So go ahead and eat a few hundred extra calories!
  • So, I find I begin to overeat when that red moon shines so I was wondering if anyone has any tips for dealing with the challenge of not going over your required calories for the day? Much love!

    I know vegetables are low calories and you could have carrots or celery or capscium with 1 table spoon of hommus or cottage cheese or you could eat heaps popcorn I got told of my dietician you can eat heaps of those
  • lks802
    lks802 Posts: 65 Member
    I don’t really have food cravings during my cycle. But if I have such a strong overwhelming craving for something in particular, and that strong urge is NOT an emotional desire to eat, I just eat it and make mental note to not go off the rails.

    When I stopped restricting myself and being mindful, I’ve been able to enjoy treats like that and not get hung up.

    It’s taken me years to get to that space, and I still occasionally fall down. But those moments are fewer and far between and I don’t let it totally destroy me mentally and emotionally when I do.
  • confidenceinrain
    confidenceinrain Posts: 104 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.
  • bjess8411
    bjess8411 Posts: 68 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.

    Me too, exactly the same food. I think some cravings or overeating may just be habit.
  • Jkyzab
    Jkyzab Posts: 27 Member
    Menstrual painkillers, heating pad and a couple of salty and sweets food for a day or two for me. I still walk it off just to the water weight off by using the sauna suite on the treadmill.
  • amandarawr06
    amandarawr06 Posts: 251 Member
    I usually crave carbs and really heavier foods. I used to binge on pizza or take out because I thought it made me feel better. But now, I usually just make a big bowl of pasta or something that fills me up really well. It usually means I eat over my calories but it stops me from a binge and losing control.

    I typically eat 1550-1900 depending on the day but usually the first day of my period, I eat about 2000-2400 max. And thats usually enough to satisfy me to go back to normal eating the next day.
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member

    Highly accurate. So once a month, going through hell is an accurate description. Eat the cookies!
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I tend to crave steak or similar so I go get one and then I'm fine. One day (the first day) of just eating what i feel like (within reason) is all I need to be ok for the rest of the week most of the time.

    I also avoid alcohol because of side effects that week so I usually have a few extra calories in my allowance for chocolate instead.
    bjess8411 wrote: »
    Me too, exactly the same food. I think some cravings or overeating may just be habit.

    Well, both steak and chocolate have iron, which we need more of when we lose blood, so unless a woman has extremely light bleeding, I would call those cravings smart.
  • lottieouroboros
    lottieouroboros Posts: 15 Member
    I make sure to schedule in some snacks, because I *know* I will binge if I try and restrict/resist the temptation to eat sweet things. I've also begun drinking water much more regularly and I think this will help. I also try to shift more towards pure protein and avoid carbs (depending on what I crave – basically I don't force myself to eat anything I don't want to, and if that means eating a bowl of ham and olives, then I'll do it so long as it fits into my calories.)

    I think eating at your maintenance calorie level is also a really good idea.