Confidence for Christmas Challenge!

All I want is Confidence for Christmas! :wink:

Here's what we've all been waiting for!

The Challenge that will change your life forever, you will be closer to (or have met) your weight loss and health goals for Christmas 2011! By Christmas time you will be diving in front of every camera you see, you'll feel confident and sexy underneath the Christmas tree and if you meet someone special underneath the mistletoe you will knock their socks off. Santa's little helpers don't have *kitten* on us :happy:

It's time ladies and gentleman... It's time to take your life and happiness into your own hands. For some of us this could meen (finaly) hitting our weight loss goals, for others it could meen getting that much closer. With the support that is going to be pouring out of this challenge you won't think twice about reaching for that glass of eggnog or grabbing for those pesky gingerbread men... Nope, not this Christmas!

This Chritmas is about taking back what is ours, our health and our happiness. Together we can do this!

I have had some WONDERFUL suggestions from some of my new MFP's already about how to make this the most supportive, get-to-know-you, challenge ever. I'm still open to suggestions! If anyone has anything they like or don't like about challenges please send me a private message.

Some suggestions that have come to light so far:

~ A spotlighted contestant each week, this person will fill us in on as little or as much about their life as they would like. Their struggles, a favorite recipee, their Christmas wish list, anything at all.

~An updated blog post each week with our successes and things we (as a team) could have done better

~WEIGH IN-- I stated that the weigh ins would happened on Friday's, I have had some MFP's that love this and others that prefer Mondays. Please let me know what you prefer and the one with the most votes will win!

Let me know ASAP what your vote for weigh-in day is. I will tally the votes on Thursday and we will either weigh in on Friday of this week or Monday of next.

Let's take a minute to make short introductions...

My name is Melissa and i've been on my weight loss "journey" for a little over 2 years now. I am 25 years old and have been uncomfortable with my weight for as long as I can remember. I have a husband of 3 years and a 2 year old daughter. My goal for Christmas 2011 is to reach my "goal weight" of 149lbs.

I am so excited for this and I hope that I can be an inspiration to each of you in some way or another.

JUST OVER 17 WEEKS UNTIL CHRISTMAS... What do you want for Christmas, another crock-pot or to be the most healthy version of yourself possible?? It's up to you and only you to do this, but there are plenty of us here to help you along the way!

READY, SET, GO!!!! :drinker:


  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member

    My name is Jenna and I would LOVE to join this challenge!

    I started losing weight a little over a year ago when I finally had enough. 34 lbs down, and I am trying to lose that last 10 and tone up. My new goal is to be STRONG and toned! No more cardio queen here!
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    My name is Chris and I definately want to join this challenge!!! I started losing weight a year ago and I have 135lbs to go, but I'm well on my way!!!
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    What a simple, easy challenge...just give support! Hi I am Lori, started MFP 3 weeks ago. I have been married 22 wonderful years to my best friend and we have 2 wonderful TEEN children. I am a speech pathologist in our school district and love working with the middle school age group.
    My goal by Christmas is to be down to 190 pounds which would be a loss of 45 pounds by then. I would like another trip to the beach for Christmas this year.
    I would prefer a Monday weigh-in.
  • phunkdaphied
    phunkdaphied Posts: 9 Member
    I've got a long way to go, but this seems like an awesome challenge. count me in. =)
  • chasitiw
    Count me in! Trying to get refocused maybe this will help keep me motivated and accountable. And I think Monday for weigh in days.
  • JsGordita
    My name is Kayla, i am 24 and have been married for a little over 5 yrs. and i have 2 daughters one is 4 and the other just turned 2. I would like to lose at least 15lbs. by Christmas but i want to shoot for 20. I would prefer to weigh in on Fridays just because it is the same weigh in day i have on another challenge going on with some friends so it is just easier to remember :).
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi - my name's Alison and I'm keen to get a bit closer to goal and Christmas would be a great time to get there. I've done quite well so far, but have definitely slowed down and would love to take the rest of this journey with some others. I've lost just over 70 pounds, but have another 35 to go to be at my lowest adult weight, ever.....!! I'll be 40 in December, so really want to make this year count :)
  • lrappaport
    lrappaport Posts: 18 Member
    Hi, I'm Lisa and I would love to join this challenge! I have two children, my son is 6 and my daughter is 3 1/2. I have been overweight, well, forever. I am on a new journey now. In addition to teaching college, I have been hired to teach Zumba and AquaZumba. I am also a semi-pro belly dancer. My problem isn't exercise, my problem is eating too much! I would like to loose 20 lbs. by Christmas and it would be awesome to make some new connections on this journey! I look forward to getting to know everyone along the way.
  • shadykins
    Im in and looking forward to the challenge. I did so well last year. Went from 161 lbs on June 1st to 123 lbs by November 1st. I felt soooo good and was so proud of myself but started into my bad eating habits again and have gained back about 24 lbs. I really want to lose it and need the support especially to keep it off. I joined MFP a few weeks ago but only took it serious over the past week. I am determined to do this and keep it off.
    Good Luck to All !!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I'm so in for this challenge, Melissa! :bigsmile: I really want to be at my goal weight BY Christmas. So that's 17 weeks away, that's what, 4 months? 4 months to lose roughly 30 pounds. I think I can do it.
  • tkaderabek3161
    tkaderabek3161 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi My name is Tracie and I would love to join your challenge also!! I have been slacking bad lately and need to get going again:) I have lost 70 lbs but now have gained 30 of it back. So it time to get back on track and loss this weight for good!!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    This is a wonderful challenge. I started MFP on August 1st and I am very excited about the possibilities. The people on the site are so inspiring and supportive. I have always been a plus size model (ha haa) but this is the heaviest I have EVER been. I am married to my best friend and we have three beautiful kids. My husband is my biggest fan and he loves me no matter what, but I am tired of shopping in the plus section.

    Christmas is my favorite time of year. Me and my oldest daughter were singing Christmas carols just last week!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!

    I look forward to losing weight while gaining many new and positive friends. I think Fridays would be better. This way, it allows us the opportunity to go out with a bang, we can see all the PROGRESS we've made during the week. :)

  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    Sure Im in, Ive already lost around 45 pounds, gained from pregnancy, before my son I was 157, today I am 159 so thats cool, am a size 10, I dont have a weight goal so much as by Christmas I would like to fit into size 3 or 4's. I guess though if I were to set a goal Id say 10 pounds a month, 4 months, 40 pounds, 119 by Christmas, Id be ok if I dont hit that weight but itd be nice.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    My name is Emma I have two little girls and I am married to my best friend. I reached my highest weight this time last year 200lb AFTER giving birth to my youngest daughter. For the past year I have been working hard to get my life back! This morning I weighed in at 149lb! I have also been getting in shape for triathlons. September 18 is my next Olympic distance triathlon.

    Would love to make new friends!
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    is there still time to join?! i want to knock my family's socks off when i go home!!
  • NurseLocke
    NurseLocke Posts: 103 Member
    (Arielle, I LOVE the photo under your post!! - It's now the background on my desktop!!) =)

    My name is Amanda. I'm 30 years old - Will be 31 by Christmas. I have 3 beautiful children and a husband of just over a year. I was down to 180# for my wedding day but I topped 219# just a few months back. -Currently, teetering on the fence of 200# and ready to topple over into ONEderland. I hate complaining about being big and I'm ready to get down to my goal of (bare minimum) 150#. I'm up for the challenge!! =)
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    Hi! I'm Stephanie and I would like to lose 35 more pounds by Christmas. That would put me at my 100 pounds lost goal. Then I would only have 40 more pounds to lose to hit my final goal!

    I would like to cast my vote for Monday weigh in.

    Christmas is my favorite holiday except for that awful photo fairie, who obviously thinks it's fun to make me look bad in every Christmas photo I've ever taken. NOT THIS YEAR! I am going to look 100 pounds lighter in every Christmas photo I take and there's not a thing that pesky fairie can do! LOL!
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    I am definitely in! My name is ashley. I am 26 years old and live in southern maryland. Next month makes 2 years that ive been married to my BFF! We have 2 boys. One is 8 and the other is 19 months. I have struggled with wright for a long time. After I had my first son I tried losing weight but did so the bad way. I exersiced ALL day and ate close to nothing. I lost the weight I wanted fast and got to the lowest id ever been. But it didnt last. I started eating again and it came back REALLY fast! That was about 5 years ago. This time I want to lose weight again the healthy way so it stays off.

    I am SUPER excited about this and cant wait for the holidays this year! :)

    I do not have a prefference on weigh in day.
  • susanjane32
    I have been wanting to join a challenge and this one sounds perfect. I have about 40 pounds to lose and am hoping to reach my goal by Christmas. I prefer Mondays for weigh in :)
  • sandyvanderstelt
    i love you lissa :) i'm sandy, i lost 70 lbs in the last 2 1/2 years but the last year i gain almost 20 back. i'm down 8 again, so i still need to lose that 12 lbs to be wear i was. i know thats not a lot to lose, but its hard damn it! lol. anyway, i like fridays for weigh in. ho ho ho.