raw food diet for lent



  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I have not decided on what I am going to give up for Lent either...................

    Perhaps it will be satelite radio or TV............could be internet (except for job related searches, nothing personal).

    I have come up with meals for Friday, Saturday and Sunday that are no meat, just fish and veggie days.

    I am also going to start lent with the Master Cleanse.

    This year is more of a spiritual journey I am embarking on.
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    i think its really funny how people give up something for lent but never go to church or practice their religion for the rest of the year.
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Okay.... would it be cheating to be specific... like "I am giving up milk chocolate." Which would leave open white and dark.... Is that cheating? I just wanna make sure I have this down so I am not short changing myself in the experience. I am kinda looking forward to it!

    ***Side note, I told my brother I was gonna do this and he laughed at me. :frown:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    i think its really funny how people give up something for lent but never go to church or practice their religion for the rest of the year.


    Some people simply observe the reasons behind Lent. As I stated, I am an apathetic naturalist (aka - atheist who has no problem with people's religion or beliefs, on the contrary, I think it is an essential and useful part of society). Does that mean I should not be allowed to observe a practice that I respect?

    You are suggesting that celebrating your faith can only be done one way - by going to church or 'praticing' their religion? I think faith is an individual concept, and should not be critiqued by anyone's outside opinion. :ohwell:
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    i think its really funny how people give up something for lent but never go to church or practice their religion for the rest of the year.


    Some people simply observe the reasons behind Lent. As I stated, I am an apathetic naturalist (aka - atheist who has no problem with people's religion or beliefs, on the contrary, I think it is an essential and useful part of society). Does that mean I should not be allowed to observe a practice that I respect?

    You are suggesting that celebrating your faith can only be done one way - by going to church or 'praticing' their religion? I think faith is an individual concept, and should not be critiqued by anyone's outside opinion. :ohwell:

  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    Okay.... would it be cheating to be specific... like "I am giving up milk chocolate." Which would leave open white and dark.... Is that cheating? I just wanna make sure I have this down so I am not short changing myself in the experience. I am kinda looking forward to it!

    ***Side note, I told my brother I was gonna do this and he laughed at me. :frown:

    It's completely up to you to make the rules, and if you've made them up front it's fine. Just a warning, that it's pretty easy to find justifications a couple of weeks in, so it's best if you can anticipate those and make the decisions early. You don't want to spend the time you should be reflecting on your life reflecting on whether white chocolate is chocolate.

    It can be a sacrifice which requires you to add something, like daily exercise or bible study, or volunteer work. You want to pick something that is hard, but acheivable.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    i think its really funny how people give up something for lent but never go to church or practice their religion for the rest of the year.

    Have you ever heard of a thing called Christmas?
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Okay.... would it be cheating to be specific... like "I am giving up milk chocolate." Which would leave open white and dark.... Is that cheating? I just wanna make sure I have this down so I am not short changing myself in the experience. I am kinda looking forward to it!

    ***Side note, I told my brother I was gonna do this and he laughed at me. :frown:

    It's completely up to you to make the rules, and if you've made them up front it's fine. Just a warning, that it's pretty easy to find justifications a couple of weeks in, so it's best if you can anticipate those and make the decisions early. You don't want to spend the time you should be reflecting on your life reflecting on whether white chocolate is chocolate.

    It can be a sacrifice which requires you to add something, like daily exercise or bible study, or volunteer work. You want to pick something that is hard, but acheivable.

    Ohhhhh.... now you are giving me LOTS of possibilities....
    I want to be challenged by this...I've tossed around TONS of options today...
    No "red" meat (beef and pork).... also....don't get too excited my Vegetarian brothers and sisters.... can't give it up forever.
    No "white carbs" (white flour, white pasta, white rice, etc)
    No milk chocolate (I can resist the others ok)
    No soda ( I REALLY need to get on that)
    No fast food (again....gray area....what counts as FAST FOOD???)

    NOW there are even more options....
    Daily exercise
    Daily "positive talk" (since it's been mentioned I have too much "negative talk")

    OHHHHHH! So much to consider! I am going to have to meditate on it for a few days...good thing I am starting early!:laugh:
  • spiritmi
    spiritmi Posts: 61 Member
    i think a raw food diet would be one of the most difficult endeavors you could do...but also a powerful physcial and emotional experience....it would require a lot of research and work...but from people i know who are raw food advocates, it is such a healthy way to eat...don't set yourself up for failure if you have never tried a raw food diet before...perhaps think about eating a raw food diet every other day and steamed or stir fried the other days???...or something like that???...that way you would still be making a sacrifice but not setting yourself up for failure...just an opinion...

    i appreciate you raising the question and starting this thread...i think i will add a meditative walk everyday and give up sweet tea and soda...blessings to all on this weight loss journey
  • MisoSoup79
    I am also not a Catholic... actually, I'm just an agnostic semi-pagan that still celebrates Christmas! Like the Apathetic Naturalist, I am completely tolerant and respectful of others' religious beliefs and I find them fascinating... not to mention many of the lessons taught by all religions are really lessons of humanity and compassion.

    Anyway, I'm intrigued by Lent, and always have been since a lot of my friends in high school were Catholic. I would be interested in giving something up as well, though I haven't decided yet what that should be... but I'm thinking prepackaged foods that can just be cooked in the microwave are a good thing to steer clear of. (chicken nuggets, lean cuisines, campbell's soup and such)

    I think we should form our own support group for Lent, so that when the temptation to give in gets really bad, we can call on each other for positive support. What do you think?
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    i think its really funny how people give up something for lent but never go to church or practice their religion for the rest of the year.

    My friends and I (and yes, we are Catholic) call the people who go to church only on Christmas and Easter "Christers" (short i sound, like in Christmas). I wish more people would go on regular mass days, because the sound of the prayers and hymns when so many people are there is just beautiful.

    That being said, I am a lazy Catholic, and I joke that this year I am giving up giving up things.

    The practice of no meat Fridays is pretty easy at our house. I discovered ground soy meat a couple of years ago, and we have soy tacos once or twice during lent. We also do cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce. Cheese pizzas are good too. Once or twice, I'll try a full on vegetarian dish, but generally the kids don't care for those as much. Growing up, our family didn't follow the practice, and I guess I don't really see the point of it, but my husband is pretty strict about following it.

    I'm trying something new with the kids this year... Yes, they are all asked to give up something, but in addition to that, I'm printing off calander pages for each of them, and am asking them to do something for others as well. It can be something as simple as making one of their brother's beds, or helping someone at school, or it can be more time and effort consuming, like volunteering at the humane society or something. When they do their giving to others, they are going to write it on their calendars. Hopefully, they can look back at them and realize that giving to others can be easy and fun.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I will be giving up - cakes n sweets.. mainly BAD sugar..:grumble:

    I do not belive in religion.. but i dont think its bad to belive in something you want to.. i was born into a Jewish line of girls.. but i have also been christened.. bit weird but hey ho...:noway:

    ....but i think its fun to set yourself a goal!!:bigsmile:

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    FRIENDLY REMINDER: Nix all the debatable religious talk. We don't want the topic locked. It's one thing to define Lent and it's purpose, but let's try not to debate religiosity here. (And that is a general comment for everyone posting here, not specifically directed at any one person.)

    I am thinking I am giving up Facebook. I've already started, as I think it would be a positive direction in my life. Deleted my MySpace account last night. Trying to declutter my life, my head.

    In addition to those 'givings', I would want to swap that time I previously wasted with prayer and reading. The praying would be religious, obviously, but the reading would be for pleasure and as a way to focus on me, time for myself. Forty (six) days of this would also create a habit which would be good.

    Debating whether to give up smoking. That's a toughie but a goodie. Maybe the prayer would lead me to that anyhow? :laugh:

    I like the idea of simplistically focusing on myself and my spirituality during this given season of Lent (although it has no religious bearing on me, being Baptist).

    I'm trying something new with the kids this year... Yes, they are all asked to give up something, but in addition to that, I'm printing off calander pages for each of them, and am asking them to do something for others as well. It can be something as simple as making one of their brother's beds, or helping someone at school, or it can be more time and effort consuming, like volunteering at the humane society or something. When they do their giving to others, they are going to write it on their calendars. Hopefully, they can look back at them and realize that giving to others can be easy and fun.

    That is a GREAT idea. Teach them young how good it makes you feel to do something for someone else, encouraging them to help others. WONDERFUL.
  • Elita
    Elita Posts: 92 Member
    Hi, guys im sorry i wasn't trying to be disrespectful to anyone, and everyone should be able to do what ever they want without being criticized. Instead of me talking about other people I should of said, I think its funny how my husband says he is a Catholic but only remembers that he is on certain days out of the year. Last year around lent I asked him what it meant and he could not answer me, but yet he was giving up something and not eating meat on Fridays (he told me because thats what he was supposed to do, no personal reason but thats what catholics did) Also he went to get a cross in his forehead at church on ash Wednesday and i asked him why but he didnt know why, so i think thats kind of funny!
  • ChubbyBunny
    ChubbyBunny Posts: 3,523 Member
    Lauryn, you're so brave! I deleted my Myspace a few months back only to have one of the soldiers pick a fight with my fiance about it! I believe his (the soldiers) words were, "You're girl deleted all the military wives on her Myspace page." Well, duh....the whole page was deleted. I was having issues with them anyway, so I don't miss them.

    I have figured out what I am giving up....finally.
    It's gonna be REALLY tough, but isn't that the point!