Hard time reaching calorie intake goal

I am not getting to the goal of eating to even function. I just am not hungry. I am to be low carb, low sodium, low fat, due to health... but I am not even reaching my intake levels period which is bothering me can someone give me tips or anything... email on here add me or facebook me under my name, please.. I don't want to not lose weight because I just can't eat enough


  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    What is your goal?
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You won’t stop losing because you aren’t eating enough. If you are low carb and low fat, then you’ll need to add more lean protein sources in, including shakes if you have to. Have you spoken to a dietitian who can help work around your limits?
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am not getting to the goal of eating to even function. I just am not hungry. I am to be low carb, low sodium, low fat, due to health... but I am not even reaching my intake levels period which is bothering me can someone give me tips or anything... email on here add me or facebook me under my name, please.. I don't want to not lose weight because I just can't eat enough

    Opening your diary might help?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    You lose weight by eating less. So if you are overweight and your goal is to lose weight, eating too little is not a real problem, and eating enough is not a real problem, either.

    You can't rely solely on your appetite. If you're overweight, and in the process of losing weight, you'll tend to be excited and ignore your hunger. Eating a boring diet kills your appetite, until it comes back with a vengeance.

    A few days of less than optimal nutrition is no big deal, it's consistent undereating that's dangerous. Short term, it's "just" rebound overeating, which prevents weightloss, but long term, you're risking malnutrition, which takes time and effort and maybe even luck, to correct.

    It's easy to underestimate food intake, especially if you're overweight and thus used to eating too much. You need a food scale and to log all your food and drink in the amounts you're actually ingesting. Are you monitoring your weight? Are you losing weight rapidly?

    For health, you need a healthy diet. A healthy diet is balanced and varied. You can balance your diet as you please, but you can't eat both low carb and low fat. It's easier to have a balanced and varied diet if you cook some from scratch, and if you do that, sodium tends to reduce naturally. A balanced and varied diet also tends to be enjoyable, so you'll tend to eat just enough, but not too much over time.