Heart gone a bit funny? Anyone had this?



  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    Charis50 wrote: »
    OK, I have an ectopic heartbeat. I am scheduled for blood work tomorrow and an ECG on Thursday. GP reckons it's probably nothing to be at all concerned about, but, hey, it's my heart after all.....

    That being said and done, I still put in 20k+ steps (including a 5K run) and did my SL5x5 last night :smiley:

    Your GP said it's ok to continue to exercise, right? I haven't seen many folks from Edinburgh on MFP, so I don't want anything untoward to happen to you while you're waiting on the test results.... Could be bad for our geographic diversity!

    (Sorry. I'll stop pretending to be your mum now.)
    Thank you - it's touching that you took the time to post this, Mum ;)
  • JukeboxHeroine
    JukeboxHeroine Posts: 348 Member
    An ectopic heartbeat is extra beats. Like PVCs, PACS etc. we don't typically get excited about that unless they are frequent or your BP, heart rate, perfusion are out of whack. Anything can cause it, anxiety, wonky electrolytes, heart damage, the list goes on and on. Since you are young and in shape definitely see it through to the end but it may simply be nothing. Good luck!
  • Have you checked you pulse when this happens? I would make a point to do that. Then I would make sure to get enough things like potassium, sodium, and magnesium.
  • jtcedinburgh
    jtcedinburgh Posts: 117 Member
    I'm wondering if it is some deficiency in my diet, as I am probably asking more of my body now than I was six months ago. My protein intake is up, but I have noticed that my salt intake is also up. I think I'm keeping reasonably hydrated, but perhaps the best thing for me to try is to log fluid intake as well as food in MFP (I started this but abandoned it for some reason). Did an 8k run yesterday, HR peaked at around 180bpm and so I eased back - probably wise until I get the results in. Feel otherwise great.
  • kelsey_frame_666
    kelsey_frame_666 Posts: 37 Member
    Hello fellow Scot! I had a similar experience a couple of years ago. My heart felt like it was skipping a beat and was getting slight palpations. Got an ECG which didn't show anything but my blood count test showed my vitamin B12 levels were seriously low. GP said if I'd left it any longer I'd need injections of B12 for life! I'm now all better lol and take a multivitamin every day.
  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    Omeprazole can cause heart arrhythmias including ectopic beats.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,853 Member
    If it's after eating then you might have acid reflux. One of the very big nerves runs past your oesophagus towards the heart. And acid might tickle that nerve in some people. I know that if I have reflux I also have palpitations.
  • Snaxmuppet
    Snaxmuppet Posts: 1 Member
    Just joined and read this old thread but wanted to contribute for others coming later...

    I have had an ectopic heartbeat since my 20's... I am now 58. First noticed it when exercising and taking my pulse during recovery. My heart would skip a beat and then sometimes catch up with a double beat. This mostly happened when exercising but sometimes when not.

    Visited the doc. Saw cardiac specialist who asked me to wear a recorder for a week. After his assessment he said nothing to worry about and said it is sometimes a feature of being very fit! I was discharged and I have never thought much about it since. It doesn't happen much now and everything has settled down to a more normal pattern.

    Obviously, it is always a good idea to get anything unusual checked out by a doctor but in my case, after proper investigation, there was nothing to worry about.
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    May have missed it but you did get bloodwork right? Have them check your thyroid, your thyroid regulates many things including your heart. If you're hyper thyroid you might get that fluttery feeling.