Not eating enough gaining weight



  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    OK thanks for the support, but the eggs are in their own {package} also the fruit and grain bars the only things i can overeat are mixed veggies i spoon them in a cup before it goes on my plate and the 1 chicken thigh;always under the calories plus the 1 hr training walking pace which i add 150 i always over count the bad and under count the good , no excuses
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    OK thanks for the support, but the eggs are in their own {package} also the fruit and grain bars the only things i can overeat are mixed veggies i spoon them in a cup before it goes on my plate and the 1 chicken thigh;always under the calories plus the 1 hr training walking pace which i add 150 i always over count the bad and under count the good , no excuses

    weigh the eggs in the shell and then subtract what the shell weighs. no 2 eggs are going to be the same. putting veggies in a cup before putting them on your plate is still not going to be accurate. cups are NOT supposed to be used for solids or semi solids because it wont be accurate.1 chicken thigh is not always going to be whatever the package says it is trust me I learned the hard way on that.just because something is what you label good doesnt mean it doesnt have calories. I got fat eating a "clean" diet with lean meats,fruits and veggies as whole grains.

    I got fat eating too much fruit. I can easily eat 3lbs of cherries or watermelon in one setting. fruit and grain bars will often be more than the package states. sometimes they will be less but thats not always the case. my protein bar the other day the package said 60g. I weighed it and it was 69g. undercounting anything can be bad. I was like you at one time and used measuring cups. I started gaining weight I lost back beause I was eating more than I thought. once I started weighing it came off again and then some. packing of any kind can be off by up to 20% PER SERVING!. even 2 slices of bread can be off by quite a bit. a 43g slice can be as much as 50g. all those calories add up.
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    i misspoke i meant good as in exercise under count bad as in food[ yes i agree no bad foods] over count by about 200 calories , have already ordered a food scale
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    Sorry for sounding harsh, but you asked for help, plenty of people are offering advice which is pretty simple to try. Try it. If it doesn't work, stop doing it. What you are doing is not working, so you have to try something else to get a different result. I am not sure what you are expecting; there is no magic pill to cause you to lose weight. Eating the exact same thing 6 days a week, but what about the 7th day? Pizza and ice cream? You are not giving people all the information, and you are fighting against the recommendations because you don't like what you are hearing.
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,492 Member
    How many calories have you been eating according to your calculations?
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    1195 5'2'' , i try to eat more protein than carbs thats why i eat the eggs also add a lot of greens to my smoothies, but maybe i should play with the ratio more, 4 yrs ago 132 had blood transfusion weak for about a year, then started back to exercising for an hour a day seven days a week
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    1195 5'2'' , i try to eat more protein than carbs thats why i eat the eggs also add a lot of greens to my smoothies, but maybe i should play with the ratio more, 4 yrs ago 132 had blood transfusion weak for about a year, then started back to exercising for an hour a day seven days a week

    ratios are only going to count for satiation. you may find you are less hungry eating more of a certain macro than another. its not going to matter for weight loss unless you are in a deficit.
  • livewire98801
    livewire98801 Posts: 2 Member
    edited August 2018

    if you count macros you are in a sense counting calories they add up too.if you are cutting carbs then you are losing water and glycogen so it will seem like you lose faster on less carbs. which isnt the case

    I count the calories, but if my ratios of macros are off, stuff tends to 'stick with me' more. Same calories with 60/25/15 (c/f/p) gives me a totally different result than 35/35/30. Of course, that ratio isn't good for everyone, so if it's down to that then one should consult a nutritionist.
    1195 5'2'' , i try to eat more protein than carbs thats why i eat the eggs also add a lot of greens to my smoothies, but maybe i should play with the ratio more, 4 yrs ago 132 had blood transfusion weak for about a year, then started back to exercising for an hour a day seven days a week

    Officially that makes you a little on the overweight side, but not tremendously so. Certainly not enough to be concerned IMHO. I would talk to a nutritionist if I were you, and see if there's something you're eating that would be causing you to get unexpected results.

    Also, I would get an all-day fitness tracker if you don't have one. I'm not super happy with fitbit right now because of their software development, but there are a bunch that link to MFP and will help you keep active and get proper counting for it rather than making assumptions. At a weight like 150, you're starting to get to the point where small details matter, even at 5'2".

    On the fitness tracker point though, I much prefer the way MFP calculates data over Fitbit, so I think you're better off linking the two services (reasonably easy to do) and using the calculations in MFP for your decision making. And like others have said, start being religious about weighing your food.
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    barbonica i dont think your harsh the 7th day is fasting i dont work that day a nutritionist told me 3 1/2 yrs ago i was eating too little that why i think im not eating enough you have all the facts i eat at the same time the same amount im a schedule and pattern eater. always since childhood
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member

    if you count macros you are in a sense counting calories they add up too.if you are cutting carbs then you are losing water and glycogen so it will seem like you lose faster on less carbs. which isnt the case

    I count the calories, but if my ratios of macros are off, stuff tends to 'stick with me' more. Same calories with 60/25/15 (c/f/p) gives me a totally different result than 35/35/30. Of course, that ratio isn't good for everyone, so if it's down to that then one should consult a nutritionist.
    1195 5'2'' , i try to eat more protein than carbs thats why i eat the eggs also add a lot of greens to my smoothies, but maybe i should play with the ratio more, 4 yrs ago 132 had blood transfusion weak for about a year, then started back to exercising for an hour a day seven days a week

    Officially that makes you a little on the overweight side, but not tremendously so. Certainly not enough to be concerned IMHO. I would talk to a nutritionist if I were you, and see if there's something you're eating that would be causing you to get unexpected results.

    Also, I would get an all-day fitness tracker if you don't have one. I'm not super happy with fitbit right now because of their software development, but there are a bunch that link to MFP and will help you keep active and get proper counting for it rather than making assumptions. At a weight like 150, you're starting to get to the point where small details matter, even at 5'2".

    On the fitness tracker point though, I much prefer the way MFP calculates data over Fitbit, so I think you're better off linking the two services (reasonably easy to do) and using the calculations in MFP for your decision making. And like others have said, start being religious about weighing your food.

    if you are eating the same amount of calories but your carbs are less at the same amount of calories what you are losing is water and glycogen. if you go from 60% carbs down to 35% carbs then you will lose water and glycogen. its still all about the calories no matter what your macros are. if you are eating 1600 (for example) either way you are eating 1600 calories. the macros being different have no bearing on actual weight loss you arent losing fat any faster because your macros are different but the calories are the same.

    same thing when I eat higher amounts of protein than normal,I am down in water weight the next day and the next few days because to help metabolize protein your body uses water. if I drink more water I lose water weight. protein does has a TEF but its not going to be a significant amount. a calorie is a calorie.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    1195 5'2'' , i try to eat more protein than carbs thats why i eat the eggs also add a lot of greens to my smoothies, but maybe i should play with the ratio more, 4 yrs ago 132 had blood transfusion weak for about a year, then started back to exercising for an hour a day seven days a week

    What's in your smoothie? You need to weigh each individual component of that too - those things can be calorie bombs.

    Accounting for all oils, drinks, sauces, and alcohol is important too. Same goes for BLTs (bites, kicks, tastes)
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    i have a fitness tracker got it in December smoothie is a cup 3 table spoons of plain yogurt 3 tablespoons of crushed pineapple in its own juice 2 oz of pureed spinach 1 oz of beets 1 half of carrot 1 half banana; no alcohol dont add oil to any foods no sauces stop drinking fruit water 1 month ago no sodas since 2006 coffee 2 days a week
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    How are you getting your fat requirement?
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    animal fat beef mostly i,m on the low side doctor says my ldl and hdl are both great
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    animal fat beef mostly i,m on the low side doctor says my ldl and hdl are both great

    How much fat do you get a day, in grams?
  • shellyferguson14
    shellyferguson14 Posts: 24 Member
    52 grams