Stubborn husband refuses to eat healthy!

Hi all! My husband and I are both right around 50 and recently got bad blood work results. I don't need meds yet, just lifestyle changes. Husband is on statins but also got bad sugar results this time. Plus he has a kidney disease that is exacerbated by bad diet.

He has no interest in eating more healthy foods. I don't really know what to do about that. He goes as far as to order delivery or go to the restaurant down the street if I make myself something he doesn't want to eat. And he likes to cook, too, but that means steak or spam and egg sandwiches, which he just offered me. So this is really about both of us, since he tries to get me to eat badly, and I have to turn him down. He understands when I turn him down, but it's still hard.

Any tips?


  • kardsharp
    kardsharp Posts: 516 Member
    You can lead a horse to water but, you can't make them drink. Just eat & get healthy for yourself. Perhaps if he sees you leading a more healthy lifestyle, he follow suit!
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    At the end of the day, it is his choice to make. Take care of yourself. You might try just sending articles to him about the implications of high sugar - don't say anything, just let him choose to read or not. When my husband got the stunning news that he now has Type 2, he immediately became very interested in changing his diet and lifestyle.
  • emjay196363
    emjay196363 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm in the same boat and agree about leading by example. He's totally uninterested in changing his eating but he's paying attention to the fact that I'm exercising and losing weight (although he's pretending not to.) I'm hoping that at some point he'll decide he can't let his wife be in better shape than he is and he'll get with the program out of sheer vanity.
  • lizamann
    lizamann Posts: 4 Member
    So here I go again, trying to make different choices and solve my obesity problem (which he doesn't have by the way, although his cholesterol and triglyceride numbers are as bad as mine).

    My husband isn't overweight, either, but his number are worse than mine (I am overweight.)
  • 2baninja
    2baninja Posts: 518 Member
    I agree with most of these postings, you can lead a horse to water, but.... the only other thing I can suggest is, if you are a good cook, you can try making healthy tasty dishes, (without him know it's healthy) and if he likes it, tell him after how healthy it was. Lots of time people don't want to try eating healthy because the junk tastes better.
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,517 Member
    You can't do anything.

    Sit him down once and tell him you love him and you don't want him to die prematurely and you'll help him in any way you can, and then you just lead by example.


    Will it change anything? Doubtful. But in the event of disaster, it may keep you from feeling guilty. But that sit down is a one time deal, start nagging and he’ll dig in his heels.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Have you researched low carb and diabetic recipes? Most of them are very good and there are a ton of them out there. That way you don't have to cook multiple meals. Most of them are fairly low in calories too. That is where I got started with my husband, and I change it up with spices and herbs so we don't get bored. I can imagine it is frustrating, but my husband and I are both losing weight and we're both pretty happy about that.
  • lizamann
    lizamann Posts: 4 Member
    Have you researched low carb and diabetic recipes? Most of them are very good and there are a ton of them out there.

    I was paleo for a few years, which I loved, and he liked a lot of the things I made. (Then I stopped being paleo and got fatter than ever. Which is what they say about fad diets, isn't it.)

    Then he tried keto for a couple months and cooked all sorts of stuff, but then got bored or something after he got down to his college weight. Which was 130 pounds. He is now 145, still not overweight for his height.

    But his triclycerides, cholesterol, and sugar are worse than mine.

    It's an image thing with him. Doesn't matter how it tastes, if it's not red meat and potatoes, he doesn't like it on principle. I've made chili with turkey in it that tastes fine, but if he sees the turkey package he won't eat it, even if he's already tasted it and declared it fine.

    He cooks all the time, but it's burgers, steaks, hot dogs, eggs and spam. With a side of potato chips and no veggies or salad. There are so many times he's made dinner for me and it was literally a steak on a plate. A delicious steak for sure, but nothing to go with it. He's extreme.

    More talking. I have joked with him about his term life insurance policy that runs out in 5 years. I've told him that if he's going to die early, to please do it before he turns 56 so I at least get that benefit. It makes him laugh. I think we can nudge it a bit healthier, it will just take some time.

    Thanks everyone.