PATLD Challenge: Week 3

Hey everyone!! We're still plugging away 'til Labor Day... right? :)

Let's check in!

I'm down 1 lb. this week and completed 13.5 miles... can't wait to hear how this week went for you all! HUGS!


  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    That's great, nice work.

    I didn't do well this week, up 2.2 pounds, only exercised 2x last week. I had strep throat and once I got over it, inhaled everything. I plan on being down at least 3 pounds this week. I'm working out twice this week with a personal trainer AND starting a modified P90X regimen.

    My current weight is 242.2, up 2.2 since last week.
    I didn't count my steps last week but did workout 2x with a trainer.

    Here's to a better week <clink>.
  • TamiDZ
    TamiDZ Posts: 10 Member
    I am starting to loss motivation.... I am only down 1/2 pound and have only logged 8 miles this past week. I know the insignificant loss is to due to cutback on exercise and all the food days we have been having at work. I am going to try harder this week and hope to boost my fruit and veggie intake to show a greater loss next week.
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I am starting to loss motivation.... I am only down 1/2 pound and have only logged 8 miles this past week. I know the insignificant loss is to due to cutback on exercise and all the food days we have been having at work. I am going to try harder this week and hope to boost my fruit and veggie intake to show a greater loss next week.

    I take offense to the word "only" in your statement. " Only " 1/2 pound and "only" 8 miles aren't worthy of "only". The word even looks weird, right? I think you should make it a goal to avoid using that word this week. Just my 2 cents.

    1/2 pound down and 8 miles is better than 1/2 pound up and sitting around. :smile:
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    1/2 pound down and 8 miles is better than 1/2 pound up and sitting around. :smile:

    Absolutely! Any progress should be celebrated. Congrats to you!! :)

    After no change last week, I'm down 1.8 pounds this week and logged 34.4 miles. My hubby and I completed a 7 mile hike on Saturday in just 3 hours! We were moving!! LOL
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Congrats to everyone! This week I got in 13.25 miles and lost 1lb. Slow and steady wins the race right? lol

    ~ Jamie
  • iabgn1957
    iabgn1957 Posts: 6 Member
    I didn't lose any this week. I was under my calories a few times so maybe that's why. I am noticing that my clothes are fitting better. I wore a shirt on Saturday that I've never felt comfortable in before and it felt so good!
  • nisaacs51306
    didnt loose any weight but was sick all week but i got in 5 miles i know its not a lot but it was all I could do. so that makes it good enough for me! :) And as I look at it no weight loss is better then weigth gain! Hope eveyone has a great day!!
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all of your updates so far. :) So far, we have lost 4.5 lbs this week (for a total of almost 30 lbs.. so great!!), and have logged almost 75 miles just in this week alone! For those of you having trouble/losing motivation, what do you think you'll do differently this week to complete the goals you have set for yourself? What might help? As an addition to this week's update, let's all give our top three reasons for wanting to live healthier! Sometimes it's good to remind ourselves why we're doing this, and I'll start.

    - I want to be healthier and try to prevent any health issues that could come up due to being overweight
    - I want to be at a healthy weight for when I start a family in the future
    - I want to set a good example for my members at work (I am a health coach, after all!)

    Who's next? So proud of you all - we have all done so well over the past few weeks and I'm glad you're all doing this with me. Keep up the amazing work.
  • maddielu
    maddielu Posts: 12
    I also had a bit of a rough week in terms of motivation but kicked it up on Sunday after making some awful food choices on Saturday. that being said i didn't get to weigh myself today but did 14 miles, also low for me, but i'm hoping this coming week will be better!
    in terms of why i want to do this
    -i used to be really active and at a healthy weight and happy then i hit some mental health issues and my weights gone up ever since and i'm ready to kick everything back into gear!
    -my parents will pay for me to go to the wizarding world of harry potter when i get to my gw (i am a hugeeeee harry potter fan and i've been wanting to go for a long time)
    -i want to be a better runner and start swimming like i used to (2 hour practices 5 times a week in addition to 1 hour 3 times a week in the weight room)
  • Archive972
    What is this challenge? I'd like to join a challenge.
  • elana1987
    elana1987 Posts: 135 Member
    We're looking to complete 100 miles each & lose 5% of our wt. by Labor Day. :) Post-LD, though, I think I will have a Halloween challenge. You in? :) You're welcome to join in for the last three weeks of this challenge!
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    - I want to be at a healthy weight the next time I get pg. I want to actually look pg this time!
    - I want to be a good example for my son
    - I want to finally like what i see in the mirror!

    I also just wanted to add a huge NSV for me. . . since this challenge started I have exercised pretty regularly in the morning for the last 2 out of the 3 weeks we've been at it. That's a pretty big deal for me because I'm not much of a morning person lol. I'm almost starting to enjoy getting it taken care of in the morning!
    ~ Jamie
  • nisaacs51306
    my 3 reasons for losing weight are:
    ~ I want to be able to shop in a store and feel comfy in the clothing not like I am shoved in something or that its too baggy
    ~I want to be able to play with my kids and do things I did before I gained all my weight.
    ~I want to become healthier since having my kids and and gaining this weight I get sick so easliy. I want to be healthy again!!
  • TamiDZ
    TamiDZ Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for the support. It helps to have someone snap you back in place. I am glad it was not a gain, just upset at myself for the missed opportunites and for not watching what I ate very closely.
  • Archive972
    Well I'm doing 500 miles before January 2012, i'm participating in a half marathon. I'm excited! So I have to pass on this challenge :(
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    Are we supposed to be posting here daily?

    I just had to share my epic fail... P90X + C25K in one day is a very bad idea for an out of shape person. I did them yesterday and can barely move today. My pain started last night. While sleeping, my head moved off my pillow and I was too sore to figure out what happened to my pillow and put my head back on it. I'm supposed to have a personal training session today which I'm hoping to reschedule for a future date.

    I'm doing this balls to the walls style in preparation for an upcoming Disney Family Fun Run 5k, Oct. 1st. I'm so nervous I won't be able to complete it and will have to get on the bus of shame in front of my family.
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    If you want to post here everday go for it! I'll try to keep checking in to see if there is anything new.

    I'm sore today too :-( I did my miles yesterday before work the turbo jam after work then more miles this morning. My back is pretty sore.

    You are going to be great at your 5k! You have a lot of time left to train so don't think that you have to get everything done in one day.
    ~ Jamie
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    If you want to post here everday go for it! I'll try to keep checking in to see if there is anything new.

    I'm sore today too :-( I did my miles yesterday before work the turbo jam after work then more miles this morning. My back is pretty sore.

    You are going to be great at your 5k! You have a lot of time left to train so don't think that you have to get everything done in one day.
    ~ Jamie

    TJ used to hurt my back too! My form was probably at fault but I thought all that twisting of the spine so quickly was a bad thing.