Pregnant mama looking for best place to start

leenamkw Posts: 1 Member
Hello, I have had mfp for a few years and was serious about loosing weight. I had started loosing weight using the turbo fire videos and just eating a bit cleaner and then sustained a back injury that set me back a bit. Work and life stuff piled up and I noticed I was starting to slowly gain weight again. Then my hubby and I found out we are expecting. I managed to loose a few pounds in the first trimester (not intentionally), more a combination of not feeling well and simply cleaning up my diet. I have been mindful of what Ive been eating through out the pregnancy but deffinetly aquired a sweet tooth. I am on track to gain about 35lbs in total and am due in about 4 weeks. My goal during this next year is to develop the skills and practice the tools I need to have a healthier diet, incorporate exercise into my life that can be managed long term. I know I can’t focus on losing weight in the short term but know I can focus on preparation and making some healthier choices. Im wondering if folks have any suggestions or can share what has worked for them. Not entirely sure where to start.


  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited August 2018
    Congratulations on the pending arrival of your baby! It is an exciting time in your lives!
    It is common to lose during your first trimester. I know I did. People were constantly bringing me food to tempt me, but my morning sickness was all day sickness. The only time in my life I couldn't stand to smell or look at food.
    Are you going to be nursing, because that will make a difference in total number of calories. Talk to your doctor about this.
    Congratulations on your baby, and best of luck on a healthy baby and a healthier you!
  • mariluny
    mariluny Posts: 428 Member
    Congratulation on the new baby!

    I think that cleaning up your diet is already a great step, especially for your future child! The earlier you expose your child to healthy eating habit, the better.

    When I started my weight loss journey I was mostly focusing on calories, which ended up failing me. Over time I shifted my focus on health and consciously choosing more nutritious food more often. I find that the more I eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fat, etc the more I crave it. The same goes for junk food so the more I eat it, the more I want it. That doesn’t mean I never eat it, I just try to see it as a once in a while thing instead of a regular thing. I also had to work on portion size, as this was something I was really bad at. Portion size for me was basically loading up my plate until it overflowed. So I worked on that a lot. You know your flaws, find them and slowly work on them until it becomes a habit.

    For exercise, I never enjoyed exercising and that still hasn’t changed. I just try to walk everyday (about 30 minutes) and do a more physical activity twice a month. Every other weekend I go for an hour long bike ride, go for a nature walk in the woods, play badminton with a few friends, etc. I enjoy those activity more and more and although it’s very light activities, I noticed that I have better endurance now than a before, so it’s a win. Just like food, the more I do it, the more I crave it.

  • elfin168
    elfin168 Posts: 202 Member
    First few weeks and months are about survival lol after a baby. I would highly recommend meal prep healthy meals before birth. Walk with babe.