Needing to vent

I mostly just need to vent my frustrations! I've lost 22 pounds since joining in January and 47 in total and now I've hit a major plateau and Im throwing my hands up in frustration. Its been about 8 weeks and I keep going back and forth from 147-148. I've lowered my cals, nothing. I've uped my cals. Nothing. I changed my workout routine about three times in the last 8 weeks and nothing. I started running last week with weight training on my off days, so it hasn't really been enough time to see any results there yet.

I feel like a read conflicting material about how may cals I should be eating, etc. I know that it gets harder as you get closer to your goal weight and you sometimes need to up the cals but I struggle to do that. I know my eating habits could be better and were better when I started, but they dont compare to how bad they use to be.

Mostly I am just getting tired of seeing the same number on the scale and on the tape measure because, oh wait, yup, that hasn't moved either. I refuse to accept that this is my final weight because I have lots of tummy and hip fat and no, I am not seeing myself as being bigger than I really am.

Anyways, just needed to put it out there.


  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    Ive heard fish oil is good for metabolism...I know you've adjusted your carlorie level but have you completely changed up the foods you're eating? That may help...Eating small meals every few hours is supposed to work too..good luck!
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I would give the running some time, I'm betting that could give you some real results.
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    i totally know how you feel. it's hard a frustrating! i just added weights into my routine and i'm going to start eating better food and try to net my calories everyday and see if that makes a difference.

    don't give up!! keep your head up!! if you keep it up, you're bound to lose sometime! you can do it!
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    Hang in there and keep making consistently healthy choices. You've had success so far and one day you will move forward again. You say it best in your signature: slow and steady wins the race.
  • wozzy38
    wozzy38 Posts: 137 Member
    By the way what you've already lost is amazing!
  • pbeans
    pbeans Posts: 42
    I know you feel like you already have but just give it time. You have already come such a long way and you should be so proud of that. Your body just needs to adjust to all the changes and as soon as it does it will kick right back in. However, you did say your eating wasn't as good as the beginning so maybe you should go back to being super good and see where that takes you. Just a thought. Hope the scale gets moving again for you real soon.
  • Bump ... same boat for last twelve weeks ... >__<
  • When your body gets closer to it's goal will try to hold on to it for good...this means you have to continue on until your body figures out you really mean to lose more weight/ are in a critical can stop trying to lose weight or you can continue on and reap the benefits.

    You may have more to lose but that doesn't mean it will come off easily or willingly...drink plenty of water, keep eating good healthy foods within your calorie limits and continue to exercise...and remember the scale is just one tool to use to see weight loss..the tapemeasure, just another tool....ask yourself how you feel now that you are eating healthier and exercising and try not to focus on the number on the scale so much...keep going it will happen sweetie !!!
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, when I was near the end and hit a plateau, I started cutting back on sugar alot and the weight just fell off. Goodluck and don't give up!
  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you are! My BMI is in the healthy range, but I still have the pooch, etc.... I am changing up my diet, eating more veggies and this week I have also changed up my workout.

    Hang in there girlie, since you just changed up your workout and added weight training, give it a few weeks and see what happens from there.

    Btw, great loss so far, 47 lbs, woohoo! :)
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
    Have you checked your measurements? I wonder if you are losing inches.
  • PhilipHall
    PhilipHall Posts: 37 Member
    I am soooo with you on this!!!!! I lost 30 lbs in 3 months and then 3 months... maybe 3 1/2 months ago I hit a plateau. I've been yo-yoing back up to 248 and all the way down to 243, but usually sitting at 246. I have been riding a bike up until this past week. I figured I would change things up and have started the couch to 5k program this week. I have gone through the same thing you have explained, adjusting my diet up and down and exercising more and I even tried resetting my metabolism. My thought is at the very least, when I complete the couch to 5k I will be able to run a 5k in 30 min. I am hoping that by that point the scale will have had an attitude adjustment and be on the move again.
  • austepants
    austepants Posts: 356 Member
    I was going through the same thing... for 3months I was stuck at 140 and couldn't get below it and if I did it would be 139 then the next week back up. I did the same thing you did ate less/more started running changed up my workout and still nothing. I personally would love to know any suggestions as well. I ended up taking a month break from MFP because we moved and I was so stressed out. I gained at least 15 pounds back ---> my official start weigh in will be on Friday so it could even be more :( Now I am trying to get back on track eating wise then am going to start running again next week. I would love to support each other as we seem to have some of the same goals in mind and some of the same struggles. Best of luck on your journey! I wish I could be more help great loss so far!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Have you tried zig zagging your calories? I have read that some people have success with eating more some days and less on others.
  • lemanda
    lemanda Posts: 116 Member
    Thanks for the support guys. Its reassuring to hear others are/have gone through this and that I am not alone! Im going to re-evaluate the quality of my food and try to make better choices and keep going on!
  • PhilipHall
    PhilipHall Posts: 37 Member
    I added running to my routine and the weight has started falling off again. I'm Down 5lbs in about 3 weeks. Good luck!!!!
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    Do you use a HRM? You may not be burning enough cals, as I found MFP said I was burning far more than I was.
  • I mostly just need to vent my frustrations! I've lost 22 pounds since joining in January and 47 in total and now I've hit a major plateau and Im throwing my hands up in frustration. Its been about 8 weeks and I keep going back and forth from 147-148. I've lowered my cals, nothing. I've uped my cals. Nothing. I changed my workout routine about three times in the last 8 weeks and nothing. I started running last week with weight training on my off days, so it hasn't really been enough time to see any results there yet.

    I feel like a read conflicting material about how may cals I should be eating, etc. I know that it gets harder as you get closer to your goal weight and you sometimes need to up the cals but I struggle to do that. I know my eating habits could be better and were better when I started, but they dont compare to how bad they use to be.

    Mostly I am just getting tired of seeing the same number on the scale and on the tape measure because, oh wait, yup, that hasn't moved either. I refuse to accept that this is my final weight because I have lots of tummy and hip fat and no, I am not seeing myself as being bigger than I really am.

    Anyways, just needed to put it out there.
    It sounds like you have done a great job over the last eight weeks eating health and exercising. Respectfully, I would focus on that success, on living a healthy life stile of moderation, and understand that in the long run you body is just a record, on open book that anyone can read, of your choices. You are so young and eight weeks might seen like a long time, but it is only a fleeting moment.