The thing that's worked best for me in maintaining..

Hey folks

Tiny bit of background, end of 2009 was rushing headlong into middle aged spread, high blood pressure and goodness knows what else. As a New Years resolution, i lost about 45 pounds doing a ton of cardio and eating pretty small.

After the initial success, i had a few ups and downs and bounced up and down with weight and fitness. Famine, feasting, training, nights out etc. i could train hard for a week, then have a few beers on friday, eat pizza on the way home, lie about sat and eat rubbish - sometimes continuining until the sunday night, only to start all over again with the training on the monday. The past few months I decided to stop the cycles and struggled to see how i could do it.

I switched to whats pretty much the Dukan diet - tons of protein, no sweet treats, tons of shakes, eggs, etc. The last 7 weeks have been a revelation - basically a light just went on. I think what i;ve learned most with me is - ANY FOOD CHOICE AFFECTS THE NEXT. i know some people can get a happy medium, but i think a lot of us might be in the same boat. Eat something salty, sugary or fatty - and the next meal the temptation and increasing desire is there for more of the same. Someone who quit smoking will know that after 6 months, you still shouldnt have one or it sets you off again, at least seriously messes with your balance, i think its almost the same with food.

I dont know how anyone could have a fried breakfast with all the trimmings and then find it easy to eat clean for the rest of the day.. Maybe it's a food addiction thing, but no matter how long i abstained - the second i ate rubbish it messed with my wiring and i wanted more. so now instead of dipping my toes into the water and partially indulging, i just dont - as i know for me that it will make me start craving the rubbish again. I've not touched alcohol in 7 weeks and thats helped - might just go fully teetotal - not had chocolate, crisps, pizza, anything at all - and neither do i desire any of that stuff.

i know it might sound kind of extreme to some, i hope it helps at least one person who is in a similar position. i have a ton of treats now, but they're non-food, i'll reward myself with a new book, a great post workout burn or a new tune for training to.

hope i havent offended anyone, i really do think that one choice leads to another with food - i'm sure some of us know that feeling - well i'll continue to enjoy myself until monday / next month / new year then i'll make a sacrifice and start eating healthy.


  • n3wlif3styl3
    I agree with this post! so glad I read it because ever since Sunday when I cheated my healthy lifestyle I've gone downhill and ate a little more unhealthy each day. I realize I need to avoid chocolate or sweets because now I just need more and more to satisfy my craving and it might just be all in my head but it helps to just avoid that all together!
  • bellinachuchina
    bellinachuchina Posts: 498 Member
    Totally agree with you!

    I maintain by the "out of sight, out of mind" rule, by not buying certain trigger foods, and staying busy around the fam when they're eating those types of things. I'm really not an 'everything in moderation' person, it just ends up messing with me more, and I feel guilty. Even though I know I can have small portions of high calorie food, and still maintain, or experience a 1-2lb. fluctuation, I'd rather not, and I've been doing this since I began my journey in March 2009!

    Keep up the fantastic dedication!!
  • twimom03
    twimom03 Posts: 19
    You just described me as well! I know people that can a a tiny piece of cake, one slice of pizza, or a handful of chips...ME...on the other hand...not only do I not know when to stop when I eat that rubbish but my thought process goes something like this..."Well, I ate crap for lunch so I might as well eat horrible for dinner and then buy some candy for later." Then the next day, I will do the same thing and promise myself that there is always tomorrow. I woke up every morning thinking that would be the day that I would be strong and be able to resist my favorite candy and foods but only to let myself down by the afternoon. I can't chalk it up to a simple turns into days of eating more than I should and then feeling guilty. Soooo...I totally understand...cut all the crap out and you don't crave it is as simple as that!
  • kwaters7
    kwaters7 Posts: 129
    hey guys - thanks for your replies. Nice to see i'm not alone. @twinmom "Soooo...I totally understand...cut all the crap out and you don't crave it is as simple as that! " - sums it up perfectly! Thanks