Tall girls!

Looking for some tall girls to be friends with and motivate each other. I'm 5' 9" and weigh 184lbs. I'm hoping to get down to 154lbs by next March for my wedding. I've been 154lbs before but I was really depressed and not eating. I've now found love and my weight has gradually been creeping up for the last 18 months or so now i'm content. It's crazy because my fiancé is a complete gym freak, you would have thought i'd be fitter not fatter haha.
Laura :smiley:


  • RunsWithBees
    RunsWithBees Posts: 1,508 Member
    5’11” here. Started at 209 lbs and currently maintaining at 165 lbs. Feel free to add me :)
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    I'm 5/10" and weigh approx. the same as you. I haven't been on a scale, so can't say exactly. I'd like to get to about 160-165 lbs. I've been there before and have let the weight creep back on over the past couple of years. I'm almost ready to start losing again. Feel free to add me.
  • Hamsibian
    Hamsibian Posts: 1,388 Member
    edited August 2018
    5'11" here! My problems were the opposite. I had to gain from 118 lbs (then continued to lose to 92). Now I'm maintaining at 150-155lbs!
  • happymom24
    happymom24 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 6' and 200. Before kids I was 150. I'd be happy at 160-170. Feel free to add me!
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Hamsibian wrote: »
    5'11" here! My problems were the opposite. I had to gain from 118 lbs (then continued to lose to 92). Now I'm maintaining at 150-155lbs!

    That's awesome. I'm going in the opposite direction u forrunateli- 5'8 109
  • singingflutelady
    singingflutelady Posts: 8,736 Member
    Oops unfortunately lol
  • AyameShimitsu
    AyameShimitsu Posts: 25 Member
    About 5’9” myself at 178.5. I have just lost 20lbs losing a lot of it in 2 months this summer. My goal is 160. Feel free to add me as well.
  • thinmintsss
    thinmintsss Posts: 8 Member
    I relate to this !!!!!!!!! im 5'8 and around 180 and seriously, weight gain and loss is very difficult for me being a tall girl. You legit cant wear rompers unless you're nearly anorexic, cus u need to lose your *kitten* or everything falls out hahah, and then when you're heavier, its a lot to carry on already a tall heighted person. My goal personally is to get down to at least 150 just because I know im happiest around that range, and being TOO SKINNY, appears gangly and almost weird looking when youre tall.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    5'8 1/2'' about 137 lbs and trying to get to 130. I was there at my wedding three years ago. I've had two kids in two years so weight has been all over the place. I'm doing CICO and can't run right now due to injury so my weight has been hovering, plus the last 5-10 are the hardest to lose. Feel free to add me. I might not be on every single day but I'm active and my diary is open to friends.
  • Staceyblewin
    Staceyblewin Posts: 96 Member
    6'2 here. I'm active with an open diary. Looking to lose about 180lbs total, 160 left to go
  • radbikerchick
    radbikerchick Posts: 39 Member
    5’11.75” here! I currently weigh just under 180. Let’s say 178! Have lost about 30 lbs since last October though it has been very up and down. Trying to get to mid 160s and see how I feel about that. Before this year I hadn’t been lower than 185 at very lowest (and usually have been between 190 and 210) since I was in elementary school. At my heaviest years ago I made it up to 350 ish... that was high school and start of undergrad. Recently I keep noting all the muscles I have that I can now feel - strange! Feel free to add me!
  • jdubois5351
    jdubois5351 Posts: 460 Member
    5'11" here, currently weighing in at 183 lbs; my goal is 160 lbs.
  • Ademann1
    Ademann1 Posts: 47 Member
    5’10.5” here. Highest non-pregnancy weight was 215. I messed around with Keto, dropped 20. Started exercising and counting calories (no off-limits food) and dropped another 20. My goal is 160, and my monthly average weight has been 174 for a year. A YEAR people. I’m beyond calling it a plateau. Maybe this is just my maintenance weight. But I’m glad I’ve lost 40 instead of gaining it. Gotta look on the bright side.

    Please add me. I have about 500 consecutive days logged and I need to get these last 15 pounds OFF!
  • AtlantaJJ
    AtlantaJJ Posts: 7 Member
    edited August 2018
    I’m 5’ 11” and I weigh 175. My goal is 166 - 168 lbs. I made it to 169 lbs in July, but then I went on an extended vacation and hadI’m 5’ 11” and I weigh 175. I had a birthday and I ate my way through Los Angeles.