

  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    I'm saving my life.
  • GrazerMcK
    GrazerMcK Posts: 19 Member
    I had a terrible accident in which I was left with focal and peripheral neuropathy. I couldn't walk, all I did was eat. I'm now able to walk (not far enough but enough to get me started). I need to lose half my body weight effectively.

    Started June 1st and to now (Aug 19th) I've lost 58 lbs (26.3kg/4st 2lbs) so averaging out at 0.7lbs loss a day at the moment. I know it won't be sustainable. However, I will get to my goal weight before my birthday (16st/202lb/101.6Kg) on October 16th.

    It's all about you and what you want to achieve. I see from the original post you're looking for reasons to lose weight. There's many, but it's down to what is essential for you. Start with a small goal and work towards that and then work forward to achieve more down the line. It's a marathon, not a sprint (even if I try to run before I can walk)

    Best of luck with your journey. Feel free to add me and ill give you a boost when you post updates. It's the small things that push you forward.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    I'm not.
  • SammyW103
    SammyW103 Posts: 45 Member
    My true reason is mostly vanity and I'm cool with that. I could cite health or longevity or whatever, but I just wanted to look better.

    Same for me. I love clothes and they look better on me when I’m a tad slimmer than I am today.

  • squeaker87
    squeaker87 Posts: 82 Member
    I have recently noticed that when I am sitting down and I feel “exposed” like ppl will be looking at me, I’ll hold something in front of my stomach. Like my purse, or whatever I have with me.

    I hate pictures of myself and I hate wearing my hair pulled back because I feel like it makes my fat chin/neck more noticeable.

    I’m just tired of being uncomfortable with myself and pulling at my clothes.
  • Kalimytona
    Kalimytona Posts: 30 Member
    Hello. I would like to know others reasons for losing weight. I want to find my true reason for wanting to lose and I need ideas.
    So what's your reason?

    I have five kids, diabetes runs in my family. My goal is to walk my daughters down the isle and enjoy grandchildren one day. Something my dad was unable to do.
  • Greatful1981
    Greatful1981 Posts: 22 Member
    Here's a good one I just thought of.
    So I dont have to feel as gross sweating with all the bubbles and grooves.
  • Klmom123
    Klmom123 Posts: 91 Member
    Clothes fit better. That’s it. There’s no hiding the bulge or pulling on my clothes if I am at the right weight. Silly but it feels better .
  • kdbulger
    kdbulger Posts: 396 Member
    Being overweight hurt my body and felt limiting. Just figured I deserved better.
  • AriannaBier
    AriannaBier Posts: 20 Member
    My true reason for wanting to lose weight isn't just a single reason, but multiple reasons.
    1. My clothes are not fitting the same as they used to. They are tight, too small, uncomfortable, and unflattering.
    2. I have noticed increased difficulty doing daily things. My extra weight is getting in the way of me bending over and doing things I wouldn't even second-guess would be an issue.
    3. I hate looking at pictures of myself. I have always been athletic/active/healthy, with a muscular build and some chub, but I don't even recognize myself when I look at myself in pictures.
    4. I no longer feel sexy or attractive. I'm more insecure about how I look because it's outside of my comfort zone. I want to fix this before my own insecurity affects my relationship.
    5. I love being active and fit. I feel so much better after a work-out. It helps to boost serotonin levels in the body... I could use more of those.
  • Niki_Fitz
    Niki_Fitz Posts: 950 Member
    I just want to carry less fat around.
  • melissamacneil1970
    melissamacneil1970 Posts: 59 Member
    long story short... to have a long life that is healthy and pain-free digestion wise and arthritis-wise.
  • zilahmessica
    zilahmessica Posts: 10 Member
    My nutrition coach held a discovery session with me before she helped me... and the first question was: Why do you want to lose weight? And whatever I answered was followed with WHY? or WHY IS THAT IMPORTANT TO YOU?

    So... if your answer is: because I want to look good... (totally valid, by the way)... then ask: Why is that important to you? Then follow the next answer with a WHY.... maybe do that like 6-9 times... get to the root of your WHY. When that happens--EVERYTHING can change!!!!!

    I got to the root of my why.... and I've never been more motivated in my life!!!!

    Get to the root of your WHY!!

    Feb 12, 2018 (about 1 week after I had the discussion about my WHY)... and August 12, 2018...My why has never changed... but now more has been added to my WHY.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Hello. I would like to know others reasons for losing weight. I want to find my true reason for wanting to lose and I need ideas.
    So what's your reason?

    Anymore it’s just vanity.

    When I was at my heaviest I wasn’t healthy and wanted to be healthy. After I had my oldest, I seriously thought about all the things I wanted to do with him and wouldn’t be able to do because I was out of shape and I wasn’t healthy. That was enough reason for me to change my ways.
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 2,000 Member
    #1 reason - vanity. I spent most of my life within 5 pounds of my "happy weight" until I got the dreaded desk job. Been "fat" ever since. I went up a couple sizes in clothes, and even some of those are snug and fit poorly. On a BMI scale I'm "normal" but it doesn't look good on me.

    #2 reason - the less fat I am, the more motivated I am to stay active and eat less. Weird how that works, but when I can mentally envision myself as one of the "thinner" people in the room, I find it easier to avoid wanting to eat all the things in front of me.

    #3 reason - my racing. Every 7 pounds is the equivalent of one horsepower added to my bike, and not fighting with excess fat makes moving around on the bike easier, and I just feel better.

    #4 reason - I feel better (I think). Honestly, since putting on the weight I've yet to get back down to where I "should" be, so it's hard to imagine how I'll feel when I get there, but I try to remember how I felt before, and I definitely felt better. Getting dressed, going out, fancy events were FUN because I could find something truly flattering and feel spectacular. Now, it's just about covering up what I don't like and not looking frumpy while doing so.
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,900 Member
    I was fat and didn't respect joints clothes were only what fit!
    Heading now in a good direction with 27lb out of my way and self respect in my hands <3
  • margbarco
    margbarco Posts: 128 Member
    edited August 2018
    margbarco wrote: »
    I have a family history of Hypertension, Atherosclerosis, and high cholesterol.

    Unfortunately, I take after that side of the family. Nobody is/was obese or anything, just has/had the dreaded, deadly belly fat. I have it too at the age of 43. I look normal and proportioned all around, except for my unsightly gut :(

    I read about what contributes to belly fat and have been trying to change my lifestyle in many ways, forever. Weight loss is just one aspect of my goal.

    Is mfp helping get rid of the gut? Guts run in my family too....I have one but it's not huge...yet!

    Yes! MFP is helping me get rid of the gut by helping me lose fat all over.
  • TsukiTaiyou
    TsukiTaiyou Posts: 7 Member
    Honestly? Mostly trivial things. The main one is vanity. I want to look how I view myself in my head. Other reasons are to be able to ride comfortably on an airplane, go to an amusement park and enjoy the rides, etc.
    Getting healthy and fit is also on the list, but they don't drive me like they should. In the end what drives me is getting approval of change and support from an actor that I admire and saved my life.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,344 Member
    Initially it was because of the onset of health issues associated with obesity (and the discomfort that comes with it), along with vanity. Now that I'm at a healthy weight/body fat percentage, I'm working on recomping/verrryyy slowly losing maybe another 5-7 pounds of fat, purely for vanity.
  • sonyajohnston1006
    sonyajohnston1006 Posts: 34 Member
    For me it is vanity, I just want to be small again and I am ok with that.