Trying to maintain

My weight loss journey:
I've lost about 100lbs, now maintaining is getting difficult. I keep gaining 5-10lbs, then having to lose it, and its a continuous cycle. Im trying to lose the 7lbs I gained (over my goal weight). Im using MFP in hopes to find a good calorie intake to stay where I want to be. I am so worried of putting the weight back on. Anyone else in the same boat? Or have any meal/snack suggestions? Pls friend me :D


  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    First off, amazing transformation! 👏🏼

    Secondly, how have you calculated your maintenance calories? I presume you're weighing your food?
  • Maggie_4411
    Maggie_4411 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks! And yes, I weigh my food (but only when I'm logging), and eat 5 small meals/day. I was told to try a keto diet to lose it faster, so I've also been limiting carbs to 10%. I just have no idea how many calories I actually burn at the gym, and try to eat 1000-1200 calories when trying to lose. I usually stop using the app when im back at goal, but Im going to be more diligent on logging after the 7lbs is down. I originally lost too much, had to gain, then gained too much then had to lose. Now im over again.
  • Lee1st1974
    Lee1st1974 Posts: 102 Member
    Just WOW, you should so proud of your journey and for me a great inspiration. I've lost the weight before and put it back on. I dieted last time but this time I'm changing my lifestyle for good to lose the weight and keep it off. MFP is a great place for support and encouragement. Here to help and support if you need it. Good luck
  • bsedzro3
    bsedzro3 Posts: 19 Member
    Great transformation in my opinion. Just be very cautious with keto dieting. It’s not as great as people claim. It has potential lifelong risks because of the drastic low carbs. Try to shoot for at least 30% carb. But in all honesty, just cutting back on calories like 1200-1800 daily can result in a healthier weight loss than keto. Anyways talk to you later lol
  • bigrichieAF28
    bigrichieAF28 Posts: 126 Member
    Your transformation is remarkable!! I just want to echo some previous comments. I believe there are better options for you than Keto. With the results you've had, I think you know what is going to work best for you.
  • DebTavares
    DebTavares Posts: 87 Member
    Do you have a lot of days where you are going over your calorie goal?
  • DanR_85
    DanR_85 Posts: 60 Member
    edited August 2018
    Your transformation is remarkable!! I just want to echo some previous comments. I believe there are better options for you than Keto. With the results you've had, I think you know what is going to work best for you.

    ^ What he said, you obviously have a pretty good handle on this, but calorie control is basically all it comes down to.

    You look like a completely different person now, I bet it feels great to look back on how far you've come.
  • ChristineRDN
    ChristineRDN Posts: 4 Member
    What a transformation!!

    The amount of weight I lost was nowhere near yours, but once I hit my goal I was in a similar cycle of gaining and -losing; I'd periodically go up about 7-8lb and then have to get back on MFP to bring it back down.

    Honestly what worked for me was cutting back on my late-night snacking. I know it sounds super simple, but I was kinda amazed that since I've stopped eating 2-3 hours before bed, my weight has remained completely stable (for about 2 years now).

    Part of that was also paying more attention to when I was actually hungry - now I try to only eat after dinner if I'm hungry. Though desserts are sometimes still a challenge...

    I'm not saying that would definitely work for you, but maybe there's a meal or time of day where you tend to eat the most calories? If there is, adjusting it could make it easier for you to more naturally get the amount of calories your body actually needs.

    Also paying attention to hunger and fullness cues (if you're not already) makes a big difference. I know most people who have lost a lot of weight get used to ignoring their bodies cues - unfortunately they kinda had to to lose the weight!
  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,220 Member
    You’ve done amazing.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Thanks! And yes, I weigh my food (but only when I'm logging), and eat 5 small meals/day. I was told to try a keto diet to lose it faster, so I've also been limiting carbs to 10%. I just have no idea how many calories I actually burn at the gym, and try to eat 1000-1200 calories when trying to lose. I usually stop using the app when im back at goal, but Im going to be more diligent on logging after the 7lbs is down. I originally lost too much, had to gain, then gained too much then had to lose. Now im over again.

    how often are you not logging?

    if you used MFP to lose weight you should have enough real world data to know what maintenance is.

    maintenance should be a range and not one set goal - as your weight will fluctuate daily so one weight is no use. give yourself a couple of pounds either side and then you know if you need to cut back if you're over that range.