Tired after working out.

I herd after people work out they are supposed to have more energy. For me, my workout takes everything out of me and I actually nap afterwards. I also get really tired after I eat. Is this the case for anyone else? I am thinking about setting my goals to go to the gym on a m-f day to day basis but am afraid that schedule will wipe me out. I already seen my doctor about the tiredness thing. She ran a bunch of test and everything came back good. I thought when I first started working out that I was just not used to the routine. Seems like that is not the case now that I've been on the same workout schedule for over 3 months. Anyone have some insight into this or experience the same thing, I would love to here your thoughts.


  • naidanueva
    naidanueva Posts: 26 Member
    How long do you work out?
    How hard do you work out (on a scale from 1 to 10)?
    How much water are you drinking?
  • bgagn085
    bgagn085 Posts: 14 Member
    I have always found that if you stick to your workout regime in addition to eating properly and getting enough sleep, it does tend to get easier with time. You just really need to make sure that you are feeding yourself enough good nutrients to sustain your body throughout your day and workout. Hang in there!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,051 Member
    I herd after people work out they are supposed to have more energy. For me, my workout takes everything out of me and I actually nap afterwards. I also get really tired after I eat. Is this the case for anyone else? I am thinking about setting my goals to go to the gym on a m-f day to day basis but am afraid that schedule will wipe me out. I already seen my doctor about the tiredness thing. She ran a bunch of test and everything came back good. I thought when I first started working out that I was just not used to the routine. Seems like that is not the case now that I've been on the same workout schedule for over 3 months. Anyone have some insight into this or experience the same thing, I would love to here your thoughts.

    I normally do not consider it a good workout if I am not exhausted afterward. But overall I think I have more energy.
  • TennVolsGal
    TennVolsGal Posts: 218 Member
    Before I started working out and watching my diet I would literally take a nap everyday between 1-3 pm (stay at home college student). When I had been watching what I eat and exercised for about a month I would get sleepy but not as bad, now those sleepy periods are almost non-exsistent. Its takes time an willpower to work out. Also if you go to the gym 5 days stright you might want to break it up 3 days here, rest day, then 2 more days. I usually work out pretty hard 4-5 days then will give myself a rest day or two depending on how I feel.
    Good luck!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    This seems odd to me. Is it possible that you are depressed?
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    My first thoughts were: are you eating a protein snack after you work out? That might have something to do with it. Or maybe you're pushing yourself too hard during your workouts.

    However, I would go back to the doctor, or get a second opinion. In my experience, doctors tend to just blow you off when there isn't an easy answer. They tend to say it's anxiety, stress, "hysterical woman syndrome," or that you're not "used to the routine." I would maybe agree with your doctor, but it concerns me that you are tired after you eat. That doesn't sound like you're not used to your routine, it sounds like something else is going on. After three months your doctor needs to follow up with you because something isn't right.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm usually fairly tired after my workouts, but I just push through it. I have a protein shake right after exercise. It helps get protein to my muscles quickly to help them recover faster and it also has some carbs that give me energy. If I did have a protein shake, or something to eat, I'd need a nap.

    Also, make sure you eat your exercise calories (protein shakes can take care of 200-300) and if you eat three meals a day try eating smaller meals and snacks. You'll have more consistent energy throughout the day.
  • tropikanagirl
    tropikanagirl Posts: 53 Member
    Something that I researched was to eat BEFORE a workout. I know it sounds crazy, but I have tried it last week and found that I can press through a workout even harder. Things to eat before a workout could be something light like half a apple, 1/2 a small bagel, 2-3 tbs of trail mix or a protein shake. I also eat after a workout or a protein shake to help with the recovery process (same types of foods). If your still tired, look at what you are eating for your meals and make sure you are drinking at least 64 oz of water (8 cups of water). If you find it hard to drink water, or you forget, keep a bottle by your bed the night before to get that water consumption!
  • tracharity
    tracharity Posts: 18 Member
    Hello how are you doing, my first question to you is are eating a good meal before you workout? I find myself wiped out if I don't eat right before I workout. Then you might be going to far meaning you are pushing your body till you have nothing left to be active the rest of day or night all depends on when you workout. I've done that too lol so I hope this helps and stay at it I changed my eating habit and it worked out for me. I also drank more fluid while I worked out too goodluck
  • mtzrose2001
    mtzrose2001 Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for your replies. I do eat after I work out but not b4. So I will give that a shot. I tend to have the mind set the same as GorillaNJ "I normally do not consider it a good workout if I am not exhausted afterward." I am working out pretty hard during my workout periods. I am going to concentrate on frequency and consistency rather that exhausting myself at each work out.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    edited August 2018
    nvm this is an old post