Stay-at-home moms 2/16-2/22



  • abetterme

    abetterme-I'm sorry you haven't been feeling 100%. Depression is such a tough battle. I've never been on meds but I have gone the counseling route and it sucks. I hope you are getting the help and support you need. By the way, wanna come fold my laundry...I have a load that has been sitting in the dryer for about 4 days now :laugh:

    How about we have a laundry folding party:laugh: It is so much easier to get the house wor done when you have someone to talk with.:flowerforyou:
  • lenece
    lenece Posts: 389 Member
    Ok ladies..I am here to vent...:angry::angry: :angry: :grumble: :grumble: I can not have the procedure done until I come up with $407..I know alot of you are thinking try medicaid or HIP..Well I have applied for both..Been denied for medicaid and waiting on the HIP app to come back..This is crazyness:noway: I might as well just sit back in a corner and let this turn into cervical cancer cuz that is what is going to happen if I do not have this *kitten* burnt froze or whatever the hell it is they are going to do to it..I dont know what to do:ohwell: I'm so sick of everyone around me in my town gettin the help they need from the state and I cant get anything..But they will pay for a lady to have fertility drugs that already has 4 kids and had them taken away several times n then have twins that the state paid for..I am soooooooooooooooooooo pis**d off.I cant even see straight..What do I do???:frown: :frown: I do not want to get sicker and not be here for my kids..I know some of the ppl out there in this cyber world think I maybe overacting but you CAN DIE from cevical cancer if not taken care of..Just like you can die from an infection if not taken care of..OH well what the hell I'll just sit back and wait to see what happens next..I'm sooooo sick of the emtional rollacoaster..I"m ready for a few beers....Havent drank sense my dad passed in sept 08 but I think I might just do that..Have a great day ladies cuz mine has went to hell n back again..
  • jcarter81304
    I am so mad at myself. I went into town this morning nad on the way back stoped by taco bell and got me and my son something to eat. instead of something small i go with a taco salad and a tastada...just wanna slap myself...just have to walk extra hard this afternoon...

    Lenece- I'm sorry your having such a rotten day today. I don't know what all is going on as I'm new but trust me drinking isn't going to change anything. as good as it sounds though lol I hope ur day or week get better...
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey everyone..... no time as usual. Life continues on like a train leaving the station, with me trying in vein to catch fingers just barely grasping the railing. Imagery...gotta love it.

    We're well. Kids are healthy, finally. Job sitch still no-go.

    Sorry to be so brief....must hit the exercise before returning to work!

    Later --
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Mommies!! Just checking in!!

    lenece - I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a hard time!! It really does seem unfair that there are "programs" out there to help people & sometimes it seems like some of the hard working people can't catch a break! I hope & pray that things can work out for you! They just have to!!

    abetterme - your baby boy (4 yr old) is beautiful!! My baby will be 1 next Thursday & then my older daughter will be 3 on March 3rd!! I can hardly believe it!! I try to cherish every moment but somestimes it feels as if time is slipping right through my fingers... .. mmmmm

    Thank you all for your warm welcomes! I look forward to getting to know each of you!!
    I'm waiting for the Biggest Loser to come on now! Girls are in bed, house is quiet, belly full & content! I saved some calories for a 100 calorie bag of kettle corn for the second half of the show!!

    Life is good!

    Enjoy! :drinker:
  • abetterme
    Morning Mommies,

    Well I got all of my blood work results back yesterday and they say they are all normal:ohwell: :noway: I asked her to mail me the results cause when I was watching Opera a couple of weeks ago her and Robin McGraw were talking about how your results can be "normal" and still be off. So I want to see what they are cause this isn't right the way I am feeling. My cycle is way out of wack also and that isn't right either. When your cycle is off that is usually a good sign that your hormones are out of wack.

    Not sure what the plans are for today. Hope everyone has a great day:flowerforyou:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Hope everyone is doing well today!!:flowerforyou:

    I myself am struggling right now to stay on track. I have no motivation to execise and I want to quit.:grumble: I was watching Good Morning America and they said this weekend is when everyone gives up on losing weight after the new year. Maybe that is where I am. I don't want to give up I am just so tired and I don't want to do anything. I also don't want to gain the weight that I lost back. I am just kind of Blah:indifferent: There is so much going on with us moving, hubby is going to be traveling a lot and we aren't get the info that we need to when we will have to move. So I am just kind of getting anxious, depressed, and scared.:frown: I just don't know what to do anymore.

    Thanks for listening to me ramble!!

    Have a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    don't give up mrs buzz! losing 9 lbs is a huge deal and you don't want to go backwards! as far as exercise, take it easier if you don't feel motivated. years ago on oprah they said something about just go walk for 10 minutes. if you don't want to do more after that, fine. if you do, then keep going. the point was not to make it into this mountain of a thing to do.
    also, i've heard/read from more than one source that exercise dsn't exactly make you lose weight. it has lots of health benefits but weight loss isn't quite one of them. what you eat is what matters most, acc. to these studies. so, if you just can't get moving, then be extra conscientious about what you eat. someone posted on one of the mfp boards--eat extra veges, no one ever got fat eating lots of veges (well, probably not eating giant baked potatoes with butter:wink: ). anyway, try to up your fruits and veges for now.
    we're all here to support you! so hang in there (this too shall pass)!:heart::smooched: :heart:
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    don't give up mrs buzz! losing 9 lbs is a huge deal and you don't want to go backwards! as far as exercise, take it easier if you don't feel motivated. years ago on oprah they said something about just go walk for 10 minutes. if you don't want to do more after that, fine. if you do, then keep going. the point was not to make it into this mountain of a thing to do.
    also, i've heard/read from more than one source that exercise dsn't exactly make you lose weight. it has lots of health benefits but weight loss isn't quite one of them. what you eat is what matters most, acc. to these studies. so, if you just can't get moving, then be extra conscientious about what you eat. someone posted on one of the mfp boards--eat extra veges, no one ever got fat eating lots of veges (well, probably not eating giant baked potatoes with butter:wink: ). anyway, try to up your fruits and veges for now.
    we're all here to support you! so hang in there (this too shall pass)!:heart::smooched: :heart:

    Thank you so much!! It's nice to have the support. :flowerforyou: I am trying to stay positive, but its hard. I thought I was eating okay, but today I am just who cares, I want this so I am going to eat. I don't know maybe it's one of those weeks and next week will be better. I am just kind of numb right now. I am having some trouble with my hubby, the move, and stress of him traveling and me with the kids. I am telling myself tomorrow I will get up and do something. I am thinking of joining curves so that I have but money into something I don't want to waste the money. What does everyone think about that?
  • jcarter81304
    I think joing curves would be good. I tend to work out more when i am paying for a membership somewhere. I wish I could now but since hubby is deployed and I have no one to watch the kids and none of they gyms around here have day care i have to wait until we get to california so i can join the YMCA again...Good luck with everything
  • MisdemeanorM
    MisdemeanorM Posts: 3,493 Member
    Hi - I'm kinda a SAHM. I work full time from home with an 18 month old. Been doing it for, well... 18 months. Pretty sure I was the only one on any of our conference calls who was breastfeeding a 2-week all the while! ... LOL

    Anyway - I lost the baby weight rather easily when I finally got around to it between last Feb and last summer, but am now having to battle stress eating :) You can imagine why. (40-50 hours a week work + all housework + 24 hours a day with an 18 mo old...)
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    lenece - you poor thing we are lucky where we live we have a national health service and dont need insurance it just makes me realise what I take for granted. I hope you get sorted soon as cervical cancer is no joke I dont know if you have heard of Jade Goody she was a big brother contestant in the UK she was diagnosed with cervical cancer last summer and she announced on fri that it is now terminal and she only has a couple of months to live so make sure you get treated as soon as you can afford it. I was supposed to have a my check up nearly 3 years ago and I have avoided it as I had a bad experience but my best friend really got stuck into me and I now have an app for next month and I just pray that all is fine becuase it would be my own fault if it wasnt sorry but this sibject is ssoooo scary cancer seems to be everywhere my husband lost his aunt after she lost her fight against the C it took 3 months from when she was diagnosed and then she just went bad and gone within a week it just shows that we dont know what is around the corner. That is why I am trying to eat healthy and clean and most important of all stop living for the future but live in the present and enjoy life.

    Mrs Buzz you can do it stick with it if you cant get an intensive workout in go for a walk listening to music it will still give you some of the feel good hormones.

    had a strange day yesterday a friend called whom we havent seen since sept to tell us that they had a baby girl at lunchtime - we didnt even know they were pregnant they are bringing the baby round on Sat it was just weird.

    Also some friends that live close by are expecting to here thurs/fri if they have been successful in adopting 2 little ones they were inspected last week and the other couple got inspected today so our poor friends are on one hell of a rollercoaster it is hard to know what to say to support them as I have my kids and they have been trying to sort this out 3 years. These 2 kiddies are the same age as my 2 girls I have already told them that if they are successful I have no problem if they want to try and get the kids to be friends as the eldest will be in the same class as Charley in school this sept. And the youngest is the same month as my Paige so they could be great playmates. I just hope they get the news that they are waiting for.

    Rest day today for me but had loads of chores to do then I had to take my sons prescription goggles to my son for his school swimming lesson and I got roped into helping this is when it is great that hubby is at home in the afternoons I get to help out at school and that is such a good feeling and well worth the sacrifice of him starting work at 330am and me doing breakfast and school run on my own. Hubby is on rest week next week and then is taking owed time from last years holiday for another 2 weeks so I have him home for 3 weeks from next mon aaarrrggghhhh. I will be able to workout loads yeah.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Hey Mommies!!

    Just checking in!! I had a great step class today! I'm really gonna be sore tomorrow though, I can just tell!! :happy: Funny, but I like being sore, kinda lets me know it's working.... :happy: :happy: I also just finished doing my push ups (week 5) I'm looking forward to being able to slam out 100. I figure once I complete this 6 weeks, I'll go back through from the beginning but do them man style!!

    mrsbuzz - I think that you'd enjoy Curves. I went years ago & it's nice, fast paced, in & out, all ladies, good music (usually) & I think they do monthly check ins. Not only weight, but measurement too! Sometimes that's really where you see results! I know that my local Curves had all kind of silly games & contests that are fun to do! They'd give away Curves merchandise like water bottles & stuff! It's fun! I think you'd enjoy yourself & it'd be good motivation! It really got me used to working out on a regular basis!

    Well, I gotta fly!

    Good night ladies!! :drinker:

    Oh yeah, I forgot!! Congrats to the SAHM who made her goal & added on another 5lbs!!! :drinker: :drinker: Sorry I forgot your name but not your success!! You go girl!! :drinker:
  • danigirlmck
    danigirlmck Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just found your thread. Wondering if you have room for another mommy. I have two boys at home 10 months and 3 1/2. I feel fourtunate to be able to stay home with my babies.

    I am new to MFP after a failed attempt on Sureslim. Way to restrictive for me although I did lose 19 pounds on the program. I am hoping with my custom diet program I have crreated for myself I am going to kick start my weight loss again. I workout about 3-4 times weekly at my local Y. Here is hoping I can take off this final 30+ pounds. :bigsmile:

  • Lyn_Matthews
    Lyn_Matthews Posts: 902 Member
    Boy did I have a busy day, but I wanted to pop in and let everyone I am alive :smile:
    Tootles :heart:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi Ladies:

    Just found your thread. Wondering if you have room for another mommy. I have two boys at home 10 months and 3 1/2. I feel fourtunate to be able to stay home with my babies.

    I am new to MFP after a failed attempt on Sureslim. Way to restrictive for me although I did lose 19 pounds on the program. I am hoping with my custom diet program I have crreated for myself I am going to kick start my weight loss again. I workout about 3-4 times weekly at my local Y. Here is hoping I can take off this final 30+ pounds. :bigsmile:


    Hi Dani....come on in! Lovely ladies here, lots of encouragement. You can do this!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hi - I'm kinda a SAHM. I work full time from home with an 18 month old. Been doing it for, well... 18 months. Pretty sure I was the only one on any of our conference calls who was breastfeeding a 2-week all the while! ... LOL

    Anyway - I lost the baby weight rather easily when I finally got around to it between last Feb and last summer, but am now having to battle stress eating :) You can imagine why. (40-50 hours a week work + all housework + 24 hours a day with an 18 mo old...)

    Hey MJ.... welcome!
  • mommyof2kiddos
    I'd like to join in too if I can.. I'm Chantelle, getting married in April, SAHM to two beautiful kids, 17 months and 3 weeks. I weigh 161 lbs and am trying to reach my goal weight of 130.. I look forward to getting to know you all :)
  • tazzy
    tazzy Posts: 197
    Welcome chantelle congrats on your forthcoming wedding.

    Workout done for the day phew I pushed hard today.

    Gotta go get lunch done going to see health visitor this afternoon can really do WITHOUT it.

    Check in poroperly later.
  • sanifrey
    sanifrey Posts: 2,355 Member
    Good morning Mommies!!

    Busy, busy day!! Me & the girls have a planned lunch with an older sister from my congregation & then I have to pick up my nephew from my SIL who's recovering from some surgery. She needs to get some rest & take advantage of her pain meds while my brother is at work! So, I'll have three kids today & two of them are under 1! Yahoo!! I should wear my HRM & see how many calories I'll burn from running around trying to keep everyone happy!! :laugh:

    Have a great day!:drinker: