Anyone else have trouble netting 1200?

I know that 1200 is the minimum I should be netting in order to lose weight, and so far I've lost 15 pounds so I must be doing something right, but after exercise I find it a real struggle to eat 1200 net cals. I eat breakfast around 9 or 10, usually 10. I normally have oatmeal or peanut butter toast, something filling. Then I have a light snack when I get hungry again. Then I work out at around 2, get a little hungry after so I have lunch or a heavier snack. Then I eat dinner. Then I usually have yet another snack a couple hours before bed. And with all that I eat, I usually end up just barely at or under the 1200. I don't understand why I'm struggling so much with how much I eat. Any tips?

Also, go figure, after a life time of over eating, I can't figure out how to eat ENOUGH calories -.-


  • midnightbirch
    midnightbirch Posts: 19 Member
    That has been a challenge but I find eating calories early in the day perhaps purposefully eating slightly higher caloric items (still controlling sodium,sugar etc.) I am able to average 1,400- 1,700 a day.
  • seriousaboutlife
    seriousaboutlife Posts: 177 Member
    If you eat only 1200 calories, your weight loss will stall after 3 weeks,.... you'll get discouraged... and then possibly give up? Your body NEEDS more than that. Just my opinion...
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    well, I think it is because you are trying on a new lifestyle! And, good for you! Those of us who have either underfed OR overfed ourselves have so much to learn! Getting the brain and the body to listen to each other will take time for sure. A little structure with planning and getting our nutrients is a good idea.

    Just make sure you are as accurate as possible with calories....weigh your food, use a HRM to calculate calories and NEVER eat below your matter what!

    Best of Luck cutie pie...your hair is so much like my daughter's....she loves the rainbow!

  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    If you eat only 1200 calories, your weight loss will stall after 3 weeks,.... you'll get discouraged... and then possibly give up? Your body NEEDS more than that. Just my opinion...

    Okay, thanks for the opinion, but it really doesn't answer my question.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Make up some of the calories with healthy calorie dense foods...avocado..milk...nuts...peanut butter. Those are all good fats and will give you some calories easily!
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    First of all--great job on exercising regularly! It makes all the difference.

    I had the same problem when I first upped my calories to maintenance. Unfortunately, my tastebuds are now used to eating more again, and sometimes it's a battle all over again! Be thankful that your self-discipline is paying off.

    That being said, try to make sure you don't fill up with empty calories. I try to check my nutritional values and eat something I need. (more fiber, or more calcium, etc.) The temptation for me is just to have more dessert!

    Good luck, and congratulations on your success so far.
  • Michelle9939
    If you eat only 1200 calories, your weight loss will stall after 3 weeks,.... you'll get discouraged... and then possibly give up? Your body NEEDS more than that. Just my opinion...
    I agree 100%! You need to be eating more than 1200 calories a day. Eat more foods with calories and fat in it. Don't just eat 0 calorie or 0 fat foods. You need calories and fat. Your muscles need the nutrients. I just found a link on another post. Enter the info and it will tell you how many calories you need to be eating.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member

    Best of Luck cutie pie...your hair is so much like my daughter's....she loves the rainbow!


    You're a sweetheart, thanks for calling me cutie pie! lol. And I've been looking into getting a HRM, just a matter of finding one in my price range that has good reviews :)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    oh yeah. it sucks.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    That has been a challenge but I find eating calories early in the day perhaps purposefully eating slightly higher caloric items (still controlling sodium,sugar etc.) I am able to average 1,400- 1,700 a day.

    this is what I try to do as well. I have to be aware of my snacks and make sure they are healthy and full of the right stuff. It is easier to lose weight in the beginning , but as soon as you start getting closer to your goal weight you will have to learn to eat the right amount of calories. Eating healthy and making 1200 calories is better for you than just eating empty calories and getting to 1200 calories. MFP wants you to consume 1200 net calories or did you just read people's posts of don't eat under that amount? Everyone is different and I have come to find that this website works exactly the way it says it should. Consume the right amount of net calories and you will be in good shape for the long haul. Losing weight slower is better for your body and easier to keep it off. Good luck finding your happy foods!
  • TammiAcker
    TammiAcker Posts: 53 Member
    I'm totally right there with you. I struggle everyday. With just getting 1200, not to mention my work out calories. But I'm getting better. If I have a snack I try to make sure it's protein and fiber, plus whole grain calories. It keeps me full and helps me get healthy calories. Fruits, veges, healthy fats (I've fallen in love with hummus and guacamole), and whole grain pasta. I know I need to eat at least the 1200 so my body doesn't think it's starving and try to store all these calories. I also try to keep a pretty regular eating schedule so my body knows it's going to get food again.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    I think your calories are just fine... I know alot of ppl will disagree with me but you eat more than I do and I am on 1200 cals as well. I am doing something right as well considering I'm almost 55lbs downs. I wouldn't stress over your calories that much. People will preach starvation mode but from what I read that just doesn't "happen" as easy as ppl say. Go look up some of the reports that have been done on it, I feel that you may find what I have found that it is something not to worry about as long as you are taking care of yourself. But you are right about one thing if I ate back my calories from my workouts I would be stuffed to the brim all day long.
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Make up some of the calories with healthy calorie dense foods...avocado..milk...nuts...peanut butter. Those are all good fats and will give you some calories easily!

    I eat a lot of peanut butter! Haha it's filling, and it's high in calories. I've never thought of milk and avocado though, thanks!

    As for the user that said to monitor other nutritional information, I do try to do that as best I can, I make sure I get fiber, fats, etc. I try to eat balanced, though it doesn't always turn out that way lol
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I'm with you as well but my calories are way higher. I'm at 2130 to loose 1.5 lbs a week BEFORE exercising and I try to get some exercise in every day even if it's only 25 minutes of walking on busy days. I'm eating way better than I used to but sometimes I feel like I need to throw some crap into my diet to get closer to my daily goal. I can eat reasonably well on about 1500-1600 calories a day and feel content. I'm a little more relaxed on weekends but I still try to stay under my goal but either way some days it feels like I need to have something I don't particularly want just to get my calories in. I seem to have mastered both over-eating and under-eating. It's the middle ground that's giving me fits.
  • cparkburke
    cparkburke Posts: 27 Member
    I took a peek at your diary, and I wouldn't worry about the net calories for 2 reasons:

    (1) Your calorie count looks super normal to me. Most days are around 1500, with one day over 1900, which some people will tell you is a great way to do it. If you really wanted to bump up your calories on your lower days, you might want to add one or two more servings of protein.

    (2) I'm not sure how MFP estimates calories for exercises, but in your diary, they looked pretty high. For example, today, you did circuit training for 23 minutes, reportedly burning 396 calories. You'd have to run really fast... something like 3.5 miles... to burn that many calories in 23 minutes.

    SO, to summarize... you're doing great, keep it up, and don't worry about netting 1200. :-)
  • clairelane1982
    well, I think it is because you are trying on a new lifestyle! And, good for you! Those of us who have either underfed OR overfed ourselves have so much to learn! Getting the brain and the body to listen to each other will take time for sure. A little structure with planning and getting our nutrients is a good idea.

    Just make sure you are as accurate as possible with calories....weigh your food, use a HRM to calculate calories and NEVER eat below your matter what!

    Best of Luck cutie pie...your hair is so much like my daughter's....she loves the rainbow!

  • clairelane1982
    Not sure what happened above, i tried to quote....

    This is where i get confused with BMR..... Im 218lbs, so quite a bit over weight... My BMR is 1629, MFP have set my daily cals at
    1200. I keep seeing people say never eat less than your BMR... So far i have lost 16lbs.... Its working for me... Could this be ok for me as I have a lot to lose and can afford a larger deficit????? So much conflicting info on here
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    museli bars are good if you need extra calories, and you can stick one in your handbag and eat it on the run, in the car or whatever.

    i always have dried fruit on hand and nuts to snack on.

    full fat yoghurt is my thing as well, i really don't like the diet type yoghurts, and opt for full fat greek with a bit of honey added, it's like desert for me.

    i wish i had your problem with not eating enough calories!!!

    and i disagree with the previous poster who says if you only eat 1200 calories you will stall after 3 weeks. My partner ate 1400 calories a day for about 4 months straight and lost over 20kg (he is tall and male, so 1400 was his base).
  • taem
    taem Posts: 495 Member
    Contrary to what some have written, I wouldn't worry about eating calorie rich foods. Instead focus on getting your nutrition and eating healthy foods that make you feel full. That will serve you better in the long run, as the calorie number may or may not work for you.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Add a couple more pieces of fruit. If you get them in season they'll be cheaper and tastier too!