Over 70 and my mind is 45

I was very healthy until I reached 60. I ate well , I exercised every day. When my hips started to bother me I didn't pay attention. As the problem with my hips increased, I was given opiods for the pain. I became more sedentary. I have gained over 110lbs. I have 2 hips replaced and now I am dealing with non-diabetic neuropathy in my feet... I am an upbeat person by nature but I know if I can't get rid of this weight I will have even more issues. Help!


  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    I'm just turned 71 I know what you mean about things giving out I was reasonable well but this year had two major is in three months including broken hip that was replaced. Feel free to add me perhaps we could share tips and diaries to get more ideas. Good luck
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    BombayLace wrote: »

    What kind of help are you looking for?
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Over 70 here as well. Just getting back to MFP after a long absence. Only a few days but am slowly getting back on track. Still need to get to total water intake and MUST add exercise into my daily to-do's. I found Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home on YouTube and have subscribed. Tried the 15 minute walk a mile video today and barely made it 5 minutes. :( So still have alot of work to do to get back to a "GOOD" track. Good Luck with your journey.
  • kathitoo
    kathitoo Posts: 10 Member
    Isn’t aging the worse?!?! I haven’t hit 70 yet, but give me a couple of years. Unlike you I didn’t exercise regularly and my diet was so so. I am now realizing I need to get with the program, so here I am! I found an exercise program that caters to us seniors. Grow young fitness. His exercises start easy, most in a chair or standing, no on the floor stuff. Check it out. Good luck!
  • spinnerdell
    spinnerdell Posts: 232 Member
    I'm 71, feeling truly blessed for each day and all the crazy wonderful painful things this life brings. Losing 70 pounds has vastly improved my health and mobility- slow weight loss and gentle exercise work well for me.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    I'm 73 lost 38 pounds, exercise every day use weights 3 or 4 times a week. BMI normal came off BP meds. Getting older is a pain but I don't let it dominatete my life and what I want to do. I'm grateful for every day, as my husband says "life is not a rehearsal, this is it, enjoy it while you can" We are both lucky we are fairly fit and healthy and I feel for anyone who isn't
  • tekwriter
    tekwriter Posts: 923 Member
    Hi i am 65, and very overweight. I lost 87 pounds and gained most of it back when i fell and broke my shoulder in 3 places. I was unable to move at all for a while. Both of my knees need to be replaced i have fallen arches and a skewed foot on the left that needs surgery. I am diabetic and cant have it because the casting is too long. I do not exercise much because of the pain. I am back up to 73 pounds lost though. I was on weight watchers earlier this year. I love thier new plan
    It just isnt in my finances right now. Just find your motivation and get to work

  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    Looks like we could all link up, senior years and recovery or suffering health issues. Feel free to send FR. good luck to you all
  • jmoore2175
    jmoore2175 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 72 and 50lbs overweight but, I am working on it day by day.