
I’ve been following a different life style program to loss weight and I’m hoping this change will be better.


  • hroderick
    hroderick Posts: 756 Member
    edited August 2018
    Good luck George. Life style is a big part of behavior. If it leads to a calorie deficit you will lose weight. Accurate logging is a great change to help.
  • superdeedooper
    superdeedooper Posts: 95 Member
    Scrolling thru posts and the word "Struggling" jumped out at me. I can relate. I've lost count of the number of times I've started out with great intentions. Each time I hope for the best. I wish for you all the best and endurance. One day at a time.
  • Valentinogomez
    Valentinogomez Posts: 24 Member
    edited August 2018
    Whatever you do dont stop it only gets better as you progress
  • Bahamaria
    Bahamaria Posts: 48 Member
    You will get there! Just take it one day at a time and don’t give up when you mess up! This is lifestyle!
  • joe00678mfp
    joe00678mfp Posts: 16 Member
    It helps to keep things simple and if you need to change your eating habits, slowly introduce new foods while slowly reducing not so good foods.

    Eg. To me the number one simple change for people is for 2 weeks replace all drinks (soda, juice, etc) for water. That gives people a huge boost for many reasons.
  • hannahharbottlexx
    hannahharbottlexx Posts: 2 Member
    Wonder if anyone is like me,craves sugar. I could normally drink around 5 or 6 cans of red bull a day then on a night drink a full bottle of 1.5L of coke while snacking on chocolate and skipping so I only eat one meal a day. Struggling to cut the sugar out I’ve gone from a size 10 up to a 18 :(
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    I’ve been following a different life style program to loss weight and I’m hoping this change will be better.

    My approach this time is to call it a lifestyle change to get healthy. I'm trying not to make it all about food and what I can't eat.
  • elsie6hickman
    elsie6hickman Posts: 3,864 Member
    Wonder if anyone is like me,craves sugar. I could normally drink around 5 or 6 cans of red bull a day then on a night drink a full bottle of 1.5L of coke while snacking on chocolate and skipping so I only eat one meal a day. Struggling to cut the sugar out I’ve gone from a size 10 up to a 18 :(

    Just because you have a craving doesn't mean you have to act on it. You can acknowledge it, sit with it, feel it and then just let it go. If you find you are craving sugar at night, perhaps you can eat a bit more healthy food for dinner, and try having a fruit for dessert. When you start craving something else, get up and do something. Do you watch TV? Get some light weights and on the commercials - stand up and use them. You have to divert your attention. I am a boredom eater, so I try not to get bored.
  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member

    Struggling is normal, if it were easy everybody would do it.
    Wonder if anyone is like me,craves sugar. I could normally drink around 5 or 6 cans of red bull a day then on a night drink a full bottle of 1.5L of coke while snacking on chocolate and skipping so I only eat one meal a day. Struggling to cut the sugar out I’ve gone from a size 10 up to a 18 :(

    Small steps. Don't go cold turkey, slowly reduce until you get to a manageable level.
  • hannahharbottlexx
    hannahharbottlexx Posts: 2 Member
    thank you everyone!

    I work 49 hours a week&also have a 14Month old son so I’m very rarely sat down which is why I think I’ve picked up the habit of snacking ( unhealthy snacking)
    I’ve noticed today I’ve only had 1 can of red bull and I started to shake& go light headed and feel so sick!
    Is it possible to get withdrawal symptoms?
    I’m determined to get my old figure back!
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    Wonder if anyone is like me,craves sugar. I could normally drink around 5 or 6 cans of red bull a day then on a night drink a full bottle of 1.5L of coke while snacking on chocolate and skipping so I only eat one meal a day. Struggling to cut the sugar out I’ve gone from a size 10 up to a 18 :(

    I work 49 hours a week&also have a 14Month old son so I’m very rarely sat down which is why I think I’ve picked up the habit of snacking ( unhealthy snacking)
    I’ve noticed today I’ve only had 1 can of red bull and I started to shake& go light headed and feel so sick!
    Is it possible to get withdrawal symptoms?
    I’m determined to get my old figure back![/quote]

    Sounds like you are in withdrawal from the Red Bull, which has taurine in it. It will get easier the less you drink. I swapped full sugar cola for Pepsi Max as it tastes like the full sugar version (actually better IMHO). You can very gradually decrease the chocolate over a few weeks. I found this brand called Chocologic, the dark chocolate is 90% sugar free, the milk chocolate is 60% sugar free. Since phasing out ordinary chocolate I don't have the taste for it anymore, and the more I get used to having less sugar, the less sugar I want. Don't try to do it all at once, though, I'd reduce the Red Bull first and then start working on slowly reducing chocolate or trying sugar free cola.