The Journey Begins

Hi, my name is Darcy. On 08/05/2018 I found myself in the ER with BS of 1280, BP 199/111. Confusion, Chest Pain and Horrible headache. I thought I was dying. Thank God, I didn't. I did however learn I had to change my life style or death would be pending.
I have to take responsibility of my own actions and know I have not been living healthy lifestyle. It is easy to blame it on this or that, but the truth is... Its all on me. So, I had a choice sitting in that dark hospital room, 0300..... It was Time to make Time for Myself. I made time for everyone and everything in front of my own well being.
Learning to Care About Me.... Not a Cake Walk...… I didn't even know where to begin. The 1st Dr to walk into my hospital room that Monday morning, I Purged ALL over the poor woman. God Bless Her. She was kind and so patient with me. She handed me the knowledge I needed to move forward. Her Wisdom... She said... Simple Steps. Simple Steps, plan your next meal. That's all. Plan a morning activity. After that plan a snack..... Without knowing it, she had just handed me the keys to the Kingdom.
While Hospitalized, its easy to take Simple Steps, They do all the work for you. Take your vitals, dispense meds, your resting all the time. Meals brought to your bed, perfect portions. Protein, Veggies and Carbs.... What I did take notice of was Portion Size. Half my plate was Vegetable's and/or salad. Meat and Carbs were MUCH Smaller then what I plated at home. Hummmm….. Thought I. So, I looked it up on my I Phone..... O-M-G, Did I learn ALOT!!
More to come. D~


  • roma49
    roma49 Posts: 173 Member
    Sending you warm wishes & all the best on your new lifestyle journey ~ feel free to add me for extra support x
  • L1zardQueen
    L1zardQueen Posts: 8,754 Member
    You can do this! Welcome to the community!
  • Suzannte
    Suzannte Posts: 7 Member
    Welcome Im new too lets do this.😀
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Welcome! Congratulations on choosing to change direction.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    It's a little scary when those blinders have been lifted. Sounds like you're on your way.
  • turnthepagebookstore
    GOSH Everyone - Thanks for the Love..... I love the feeling of feeling good.
    So after many hours of research, I have learned... About 45 -60 grams of carbohydrate per meal, which adds up to 135 to 180 grams of carbohydrates per day. Ohh Man...How do I break these carb things up??? Where do I go from here? Thank God for Google. Meal Planning = Full Time Job the 1st two (2) weeks. Read Every Package of food, get out your measuring cup and scale if you have one, your gonna need it. Plate every meal 30% Carbs, 30% Fat and 40% Protein. Ok, I can do that.... Maybe...…Measure your servings. #1 Thing, Do Not Over Eat, Even Healthy Foods....

    My 1st trip food shopping, I bought enough fresh fruits and veggies for a small village. Bad Move..... Fruits and Veggies go Bad Very Quickly if not consumed fast enough. So, throwing away food killed me..... then light bulb moment, homeless behind the Super Store were too Happy to have what could not be eaten.

    Next trip, plan for three (3) days... Much Better, BUT... Impulse buying was my next hurdle. Sigh- This is Hard Work. SO back to the basics, Simple Steps. Plan the Meal, Buy the Meal, Cook the Meal.... Without spending Hours at the store. My Life Saving Moment was.... Food Delivery. For Free, from My Super Market. Thank The Lord. Sign up on line, choose your food, Check out, pick your delivery date and time... at my Door, when I want it!!!! Simple Steps.... No Impulse Buying.

    More to Share another day.
