Female bodybuilding support group

Hi, I have been spending the last two weeks on SimplyShredded.com. I was so inspired by all the women on the site I decided that I wanted to start bodybuilding. I have tried many diets and have been successful but I was never able to maintain that lean sultry look. I want to venture into the world of bodybuilding. I have created a routine from some tips on SimplyShredded.com and p90x. If anyone want's to join me there are tons of helpful tips on bodybuilding.com and SimplyShredded.com. You can add me as friend and we can motivate each other.


  • pkarim
    pkarim Posts: 171
    I;m here for support anytime :)
  • anu_6986
    anu_6986 Posts: 702 Member
  • Felesina1
    Felesina1 Posts: 142
    Count me in. I'm starting to develop an interest in this now that I'm starting to see more tone to my arms and legs since I've been loosing weight and weight training.
  • FullOfSpice
    FullOfSpice Posts: 176 Member
    I love lifting heavy weights...best advice I ever received...
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    No bb for me, but definitely lifting! I'll add you!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I started the 12 week fat loss program from bodybuilding.com about two weeks ago and i Love it!
  • Woohoo! Add me and we can all be one big support group. I am taking a year to train for a bikini competition. It's a big step for me, because most of my life I have been thick. I want to rock that stage and hopefully eventually get sponsors. I have been preparing my meals for a week out and I can definitly say it saves me sooo much time and money. I also stay on track with my diet 90% of the time. I do allow myself one cheat meal a week, but I am thinking about cutting it back to one cheat meal every two week. I want to lose the bulk of weight.
  • Hi - I'm also training for my first Bikini competition in October. If all goes well, I have a "walk-through" competition in mid-September. Each time I see my posing/diet coach, I get restrictions on my diet. My advice is butt and back. It's hard to build up, but everyone says that's what makes the difference. The diet is WORK!
  • bry_all01
    bry_all01 Posts: 3,100 Member
    I used to think it was all about how hard you work out and have recently realized while that is important, eating cleaner is more important. I too am doing my first Bikini Competition (November) and have learned quite a bit from other MFP members, my husband, my trainers, etc.
  • Quiing
    Quiing Posts: 261 Member
    You ladies inspire me to lift heavier! :)
  • Count me in! I've been lifting weights for sometime now & hopefully I can get more tips as I want to be as muscular as I can be although naturally I do gain muscle more easily.
  • Hi - I love lifting, pulling and pushing heavy things. I did a figure competition earlier this spring. It was quite the experience! While I don't think I'll compete again (the make-up and spray tan and high-heels part of it is def. not for me!!), I love the effect the training has had on my physique. And my nmproved strength helps in all apsects of my athletic performance. So I continue to 'build my body', but just for me. Always looking to share thoughts and ideas and support with like-minded women!!
  • CallmeSbo
    CallmeSbo Posts: 611 Member
  • Thanks for the bump! I want to start strength training. Don't have access to a gym so all I have are DVDs and free-weights. I'm sure they won't get me super shredded but maybe a little. A question for the awesome ladies who lift, is protein supplement necessary?
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I have just started nrolfw this week, hoping to replace jelly flab with lean muscle mass, seem to have been losing and gaining same 3lbs since Nov so hence the change.
    Eating 1500 a day, trying to increase cals from protein (saving for powder), cardio 6x a week, nrolfw 3x a week and sunday off (bloody ironing all day lol)
    I'm hoping this new routine will shake things up a bit.

    feel free to add me and chuck advice at me:happy:

  • A question for the awesome ladies who lift, is protein supplement necessary?

    I'm sure you'll get many different opinions on this, but I have been lifting for about 8 weeks now, and I have incorporated a protien supplement into my diet. I use it for recovery, right after lifting. I like that I can flood my system with what it needs to start repairing, and I feel it helps alleviate soreness. I generally get lots of protein from food, but on days where I I am deficient, a supplement is great to add in for relatively low calories.