People who are on daily!

I would love some MyFitnessPal friends who have long streaks of logging in! I’ve been on for around 240 days and have lost about 46 pounds. My friends have slowly gone dormant and need more active people for motivation. I’m at my weight I always plateau and want it to keep going 💪🏻💪🏻 let’s do this guys!


  • marcvb35
    marcvb35 Posts: 291 Member
    very nice work. I started logging daily on January 29 at 234lbs. although I lost my streak due to vacations without internet, I am now 193 after gaining 7 pounds of muscle back. I find that maintenance is harder then loosing. due to knee injury I do not exercise anymore. this is my first ever diet.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Been a user since 2012, hit a 400 steak a few days ago. I don't necessarily post much but always happy to chat if engaged.
  • kastephens11
    kastephens11 Posts: 57 Member
    I am on regularly! My streak isn't high because I miss a day every now and then but feel free to add. I also have an open diary to friends. ☺
  • hoppgeorge
    hoppgeorge Posts: 368 Member
    I’m on day 398. Some more active, participating friends would be nice. Any of you can feel free to add me if you think we would have anything in common. Best wishes to you all
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    I'm not on a long streak but will be on consistently for a long time.
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    Add me if you like, I'll be hitting 500 in a few days. I'm tempted to skip a day on purpose to relieve the pressure of keeping the streak alive. :smile:
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    I'm up over 1200 days, probably closing on 1300. Log in daily, exercise regularly, log all my food for the most part (been in maintenance for a couple of years, so use logging to hit my macros). You're welcome to add me if I can be of any help.
  • Stay_gold26
    Stay_gold26 Posts: 8 Member
    I feel you on the pressure of keeping the streak alive 😂 I was also way off on my number by like 100. And I got a good laugh on the big bite thing 😂😂
  • Avand17
    Avand17 Posts: 31 Member
    I've been on every day since I joined in January. Lately I've been focusing more on strength than weight loss, so I haven't been keeping up with a food log, but I am tracking workouts. Part of my latest restart is trying to be more active on here, so anyone feel free to add me and help me engage.
  • wirving27
    wirving27 Posts: 6 Member
    Great idea! Keep at it!
  • huntersmommy_712
    huntersmommy_712 Posts: 14 Member
    Feel free to add! I’m on daily!
  • Marg672
    Marg672 Posts: 48 Member
    1184 day streak here, I just don't post in the forums much
  • ikissedoldgreg
    ikissedoldgreg Posts: 1 Member
    Getting back into it but I also miss a day or two. Looking for motivation!!
  • KatrinaDelRey
    KatrinaDelRey Posts: 100 Member
    I’m on like day 25 but for me that is a good streak 😂
  • sahalcomb
    sahalcomb Posts: 86 Member
    Hi! 👋🏻 Daily here since February 1. My weight has yoyoed many times and MFP is always the best way i know to help getting back on track. This time i started at 215 & am down to 180. 35lbs gone in those 7 mths and am hoping the daily tracking & exercise will help me drop to my goal weight, which is 150 (& at almost 49, it ain't easy lol). Would love more friends on daily as well. The encouragement of seeing others succeeding always helps to push me to do what i need to do... feel free to add me. :)
  • bevsteg
    bevsteg Posts: 29 Member
    Ok so I’m on day 14, does that count as a long steak? I thought not, but I’m working on it. I’ve only just come back after a looong break, but I’m planning on logging in EVERY day as I want to evict over 100lbs. You guys are an inspiration. Thank you. 😄
  • Keep_on_cardio
    Keep_on_cardio Posts: 4,166 Member
    Back on, after being away for a long time. I definitely am motivated and have goals to crush, achieve by Nov (hopefully!). 👋🏻👋🏻😊 I love this! I need motivating people around me too!,🤗