Thyroid Problem ??



  • casked
    casked Posts: 5
    I was diagnosed with hashimoto's hypothyroidism in the summer of 2001, when my son was a year old.

    In hindsight, I was probably hyper, post-pregnancy -- but c'mon! Who complains about having energy, being able to wear their jeans, etc., after having a baby? lol

    When I went hypo, I crashed - all the symptoms - but it still took a while to get a dx. Now, I take:

    75mcg of snythroid and 20 mcg of cytomel in the morning
    50mcg of synthroid and 15 mcg of cytomel in the afternoon

    (because I have a great doc who looks not only at lab values, but who listens to my symptoms and energy levels, etc)

    I can miss a dose (morning or noon) and still function okay if I resume my meds the next dosage time, but if I miss a whole day, I'm a mess.

    No matter how well adjusted meds are, weight doesn't just come off, and my symptoms don't fully go away. Not being on meds/the right med levels means I can't get out of bed. Being on meds at the right level means that I can function at about 80% or so of "normal". I still have hair loss, dry skin, constipation ... and a heckuva time losing weight. Like Mitchlou84, I think I hope that being on the right meds will just have the weight drop off, but that doesn't happen.
  • Danelyh
    Danelyh Posts: 27
    I'm on 175mcg Synthroid, it is an uphill battle, doable but weight does not come off as easy without the thyroid problem. Energy, memory and general lethargy will go away. Use the extra energy you feel to your advantage and get some good workouts in while it lasts :smile:
  • missy_1975
    missy_1975 Posts: 244 Member
    When i got diagnosed 3 years ago, I was running 30 miles per week, doing resistance training several times per week, dancing and swimming, and also watching what I was eating/drinking and yet was not loosing any weight. When I suddenly hit a brick wall (felt like within days) my GP sent me for tests and I was diagnosed as hypothyroid (underactive). Yes the Lvothyroxine was a life saver and withing weeks I felt much better energy wise. However my exercise suffered and I was no longer able to run more than 2-3 miles, no more half marathons for me!

    I struggled to loose weight even with medication (only a tiny number of hypothyroid people wll find the meds make any difference to their rate of weight loss), but have kept myself healthy with food and exercise, even if it wasn't to the levels I was at before. I strongly urge anyone with this condition to eat in a healthy way and continue to do the exercise that they can manage. I also found the Low GI principals of eating to be sensible and effective for me, and many people with metabolic conditions do too such as diabetes, PCOS etc.

    Now this next bit is NOT what I'd recommend for anyone else, this was my choice. I was tested by a practitioner and discovered that although my body needed levothyroxine, my body did not like it in the synthetic form (ie the drug). So I began taking it in homeopathic form (via a practioner, NOT off the internet/shop shelf etc) at the start of June.

    Within days my energy levels were right back to pre-diagnosis, I was getting up before my alarm went off and am now easily running 6-7 miles and am looking to run further. :love: I am continuing to see a qualified homeopath and am due to have my first blood test soon to check my levels with my doctor. I also lost a stone (14 lbs). Since then I have reagined several lbs, but as my exercise routine has included more strength training I have l continued to loose inches.

    I must stress that I DO NOT recommend that people come off ANY medication without medical advice. Levothyroxine made my life liveable, I was extremely grateful to have a drug that made me feel human again, and I used it for the past 3 years successfully, but I always felt that it wasn't quite right for me. :frown: I mst also stress that I have had and continue to have, other therapies that may well be changing my overall health.

    Sorry if this is a bit long, but I just thought I'g get my 2 pence worth in :wink:
  • Bexx909
    Bexx909 Posts: 2 Member
    I've got tests to see if I've got a thyroid problem this Friday. Reading through this thread I've noticed a lot of similarities with other people. I went to the drs this week because I'm so frustrated with my weight loss. I generally lose a pound per month despite exercising 6 days per week and watching calories / healthy eating. If I miss a couple of weeks exercising I tend to put 4 pounds on!! I am nowhere near being back to my pre-pregnancy weight and my daughter is 3! I have tried really hard since she was born to exercise most days, starting off exercising from home and progressing to going to the gym, dance classes, running etc. At the moment I am the most active and fittest I have ever been but still my BMI is very high (in the obese range). I have looked back at my measurements back in 2009 (when daughter was one) and I'm the same!! I haven't lost any inches. The frustrating thing is advising friends on how to lose weight and seeing them disappear before my eyes. I have looked back and realised I have gradually put weight on throughout adulthood. I also feel very tired most of the time - most days I have to have an afternoon nap (my friends used to call me the incredible sleeping woman!). My idea of heaven would be leaving my family for a couple of days and going somewhere remote and sleeping! I am not depressed in general but am depressed about my weight and ended up crying on the poor doctor this week. I'm just hoping they can find an answer to why I am like this and if it is thyroid problems I may be back on here for some further advice! Thanks!
  • evesacks
    evesacks Posts: 94 Member
    I take 100mcg of levothyroxine (ha****motos) and I have no trouble losing weight.

    Have been taking for almost 10 years.

    For me when I was diagnosed main symptoms was EXHAUSTION yes maybe I was 10lbs overweight but that was the least of it. Couldn't think about anything including diet as I was too tired.
  • Wow and here I thought I was the only one with hashimoto thyroidism! The meds help alot, but remember to get a blood test every year cause things change quickly with this disease. Good luck with the weight loss.
  • ziggy67
    ziggy67 Posts: 351
    I struggled with my weight till I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism back in 2008. Since I started taking levothyroxine (75mcg) I have lost 45lbs so I know that has worked for me. It is very hard to maintain the weight loss and I find I now lose about 1lb a month as long as I keep to my calorie allowance and keep to my exercise routine. (Any extra weight loss is welcome bonus!) On reflection I think a slow steady weight loss is a good thing and patience and perseverance is a must.
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I struggled with my weight till I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism back in 2008. Since I started taking levothyroxine (75mcg) I have lost 45lbs so I know that has worked for me. It is very hard to maintain the weight loss and I find I now lose about 1lb a month as long as I keep to my calorie allowance and keep to my exercise routine. (Any extra weight loss is welcome bonus!) On reflection I think a slow steady weight loss is a good thing and patience and perseverance is a must.

    My TSH levels are quite uneven, so I'm tested every 6-12 weeks depending on whether they've been up or down the last time. I agree very much with your last sentence, and I think it's not just rationalization. For those of us for whom losing the weight is a bigger challenge, as well as an ongoing battle to keep it off, knowing that the key is in good diet (nutritious and proper calorie intake), exercise, and vigilance.

    If I were able to lose this weight quickly, I'm not sure I'd be able to view it in this way as readily. As I have told my dieitian, tools like MFP are very helpful because it gives me validation that at this point, there's nothing more I can do other than stick with it.
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