Need MyFitnessPal Friends

Starting my weight loss journey and giving myself one year to drop 70 pounds 😍 Im a full time working mother and wife and I need motivational friends. I was in the best shape of my life when in the military and now that normal life has taken over Im completely out of shape!


  • KelleeNekisha
    KelleeNekisha Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you!!!
  • fatima228
    fatima228 Posts: 3 Member
    I'd like to lose about 70 pounds also. I started my commited journey about 5 werks ago. I am down 9 pounds. You can do it! Friend request sent.
  • jasmineisnotcreative
    I am trying to lose 84lbs and am halfway there. I know that you will reach your goal as long as you remember the reasons you’re losing weight and hold yourself accountable by logging things everyday.

    I will send you a friend request because we have very similar fitness goals! ☺️
  • blisser99
    blisser99 Posts: 122 Member
    I have 90 pounds to lose, and am down 10. I could also use a few friends so please feel free to add me. 😊
  • KelleeNekisha
    KelleeNekisha Posts: 3 Member
    Thankd for your comments. Im trying so hard to log everyday even when certain items havent been of good choice 🤣
  • runnergirl089
    runnergirl089 Posts: 27 Member
    You can do it! Stay strong! During and after my pregnanies I gained a lot of weight. I got serious about weight loss and fitness when my youngest turned 5 and I had more free time. I started with walking on the treadmill and then transitioned into running. 5 years later I finished my first marathon. Anything is possible!!
  • justjudemfp
    justjudemfp Posts: 1 Member
    I’m aiming to lose minimum 50lbs by next summer and keep the weight off. After slacking off too much in recent months it’s time to get back on track. All support welcome
  • Millicent3015
    Millicent3015 Posts: 374 Member
    Thankd for your comments. Im trying so hard to log everyday even when certain items havent been of good choice 🤣

    Doesn't matter. Just log everything. There's no judgment here, and you might get advice on gradually swapping, reducing, replacing or phasing out some foods for more nutritious stuff you might want to try.
  • Wickedjoanna8
    Wickedjoanna8 Posts: 8 Member
    Sent you a friend request. Anybody, feel free to add me!
  • smithersad
    smithersad Posts: 7 Member
    Sent you a friens request! Let's help each other!
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    Thankd for your comments. Im trying so hard to log everyday even when certain items havent been of good choice 🤣

    Good for you! It's especially important to log everything ... including those that may not be your best choice or when we binge, etc. You need a true picture of what you consume to be able to tweak meals, etc so you can stay at or below your daily goals. My rule of thumb is that if it passes my lips, I have to log it ... gum, cough drops, breath mints, all foods and beverages, etc.

    I have 100+ lbs to lose so am trying my best. My current personal motto is FIRST you have to START. I have it taped on my bathroom mirror so I see it first thing in the morning and every time I go in the bathroom throughout the day. So far, it's really helped me stay on track. Just remember, there will be days we don't do as good as we wanted .... so, the next meal, the next morning, whenever ... we START OVER. Don't let one bad day, one bad meal, one bad choice defeat you.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    Logging in every day and logging everything you eat will keep you accountable. I agree with others: One mistake is just that, a mistake. Reset and go. You can do it.
  • J_NY_Z
    J_NY_Z Posts: 2,540 Member
    And following the lead of others, go ahead and add me. I don't preach or judge for I am flawed myself and its a lot of work, blood, sweat and tears.
  • 4StephD
    4StephD Posts: 5 Member
    Please add me! I am just starting out and need all the friends and support I can get. It is a journey that is easier with friends.
  • agrube1968
    agrube1968 Posts: 132 Member
    Would love to be friends! Will send you a friend request. I have about 100 lbs to lose! Everyone else also please feel free to add me; I am on here daily and would love to have more friends!