Confidence for Christmas Challenge!



  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    i love you lissa :) i'm sandy, i lost 70 lbs in the last 2 1/2 years but the last year i gain almost 20 back. i'm down 8 again, so i still need to lose that 12 lbs to be wear i was. i know thats not a lot to lose, but its hard damn it! lol. anyway, i like fridays for weigh in. ho ho ho.

    I agree any amount is hard to loss but I feel the last 15-20lb are the most difficult!
    Nice to meet you Lissa
  • I would love to join! I want to go swimming on Christmas Day and look great in a bathing suit!

    I want to lose 35 lbs. I lost 25 about 3 years ago but put it all plus some back on, so time to get moving! I am also training to get back into running 5Ks, my first is on Sept. 10, and my goal is to jog the entire thing, I don't care about the time. I am 37 and I have two kids so finding time to cook right and work out is a challenge!

    I prefer to weigh in on Mondays.
  • maygs
    maygs Posts: 63 Member
    My name is Mayra and I am 24 years old, I am married and will be celebrating our 5th year anniversary in December, and my goal is to be thinner than when I got married. During the holidays we will be seeing my in-laws which unfortunatly are always expecting me to fail and this is why I want get in shape and show them I can do this!
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    My name is Jennifer, I'm from KY, I'm 38, married and mother of 2 little girls. I joined MFP in January 2011, I'm down almost 58 pounds. I would love to lose another 50 by Christmas. I am in this for me first, my girls and hubby next... I want to be in the best shape of my life and be smaller than I can remember. Don't know weight or sizes, but I remember feeling like I was big as a freshman in high school and needing a size 16 in the Misses section. I'm almost back to that size - I want to be smaller than that! That is my goal!!!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    My name is Arielle! I'm 22 and I live with my boyfriend, his brother, and our friend, another guy. It makes my life interesting to say the least. It comes with a lot of junk food. Taco Bell, pizza, boneless chicken wings are usually the norm. It's amazing I've lost any weight living here but I've had to grow a thick skin! My nose doesn't like it though. :happy: I looove to cook and work out and I'm really hoping to get to my goal weight by Christmas but I know it's going to be SERIOUS hard work which I'm working on now.

    I would love for the weigh in to be on Friday. I do best with a Friday weigh in because it encourages me to be good over the weekend if I see a good number and even more so if I don't! Also means if I'm bad over the weekend, I know I have 5 days to turn it around. :happy:
  • piratesoverninjas
    piratesoverninjas Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Andrea, 25. I would love to join this challenge I think it will be the little kick in the butt that I need right now. I would like to lose about 30 pounds before the holidays which would put me only 10 pounds away from my ultimate goal. I am getting married next spring, so to be able to lose the weight before the wedding would be amazing.
  • Hi!!

    My name is Brooke, and I'm 34. I'm married and we have 2 little girls, ages 18 months and almost 5. I work outside the home about 30 hours/week. I started MFP in March weighing 274 pounds. I'm now at 225 as of this morning. But a couple of weeks ago I was at 219...I'm not sure what happened to my motivation, but I haven't even LOOKED at the treadmill. I did manage to get on for 20 minutes last night, but I kinda just phoned it in--not a lot of effort. My goal is to get back to being obsessive about tracking my food, and EXERCISING even when I don't want to! ;) I'd like to be down 30 pounds by Christmas! My ultimate goal is 150 for now. I'd really prefer to be 135...but we'll see.

    Looking forward to the motivation that comes with these challenges--Thank you, Melissa!!!! :)
  • dietfree2012
    dietfree2012 Posts: 801 Member
    I lovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Christmas!!! My name is LaToya and i have 20 pounds to lose by Christmas. This will put me to my goal of 135. I have been in a plateau for 2 months now and i am ready to break this funk!! I am a mommy of 2 and i have declared no more babies, lol, therefore, i am ready to get my permanant body into tiptop shape. Goal: to be the hottest soccer mom :smooched: i am so ready to rock this challenge. My vote is for Monday weigh ins to keep us accountable on the weekend.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 913 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Emily, I'm 26 and have been married a year and a half. No kids, but we do have an 8 month old german shepherd! I stepped on the scale June 27th and weighed 239lbs and joined MFP in July 2011. Since then I'm down 17lbs, and most importantly, have gotten back into exercise. I come from a heavy family who is most interested in what kind of doughnuts are fresh and hot at Krispy Kreme, but I was always in great shape from being an athlete. I swam on a team from age 5 to 22, competing in college with a full scholarship to a Division 1 school. Four years and 89lbs later, I'm realizing I am more like my family then I realize. I've gotten back into swimming, gotten my husband on MFP (he's lost 10lbs so far, but has much less to lose than I do!), and reconnected with an old swimming friend who is on MFP as well. The encouragement here is wonderful and I'm looking forward to this challenge!

    As for my goals - my #1 goal is to swim at least 50,000 yards per month. When I'm swimming and doing other exercise regularly, the weight falls off. My weight goal is to be 199 by Christmas - I'm currently 222 so it's totally doable!

    My motivation is to get healthy so I can get off pre-diabetes medication and be healthy enough to start a family. I don't want my children to inherit my eating habits like I inherited mine from my family (*disclaimer, it's MY fault I'm this heavy, NOT my family's fault. I learned the habits from them but chose to implement them on my own. I'm taking responsibility of my issue and working on fixing it!)

    I'd prefer Mondays for weigh ins, but it doesn't really matter to me because I weigh most days of the week anyways (I know, I know...).

    By the way - my profile picture is of me my senior year of college 4 years ago. I weighed 148 in this picture - my goal is 150, so this is my motivation.
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    im new here just started today and i would love to join i can really use the support
  • xjlishey1
    xjlishey1 Posts: 286
    Good morning,

    My name is Felicia, I am soon to be 44 (8/21) I have 3 lovely children, married for 16 yrs to the most understanding man in the world who just sometimes get on my nerves...LOL...I was always small never had a weight problem until after 35, oh boy. I blew up to a hefty 239 in December 2010. I am now at 225 hoping to be at 175 by Christmas.
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm keen to join the challenge!! My name is Naomi, I am a student midwife living in the UK. I have struggled with my weight for the whole of my 20's (I'm now 27) I feel like I've wasted my early 20's with self conciousness and a negative body image and I want to get rid of it for good!! I want to be able to wear the "skinny people" clothes that I admire on others, not cover up in baggy jumpers which make me feel and look worse. I am 5ft 1" and weight 152lbs, my goal is 120lbs. I've lost 11lbs to get me to this point, it has been a long slow haul since March with some hiccups along the way and I've been stuck on 152lbs for 2 months now. I'm needing some extra motivation and support to break through this plateau and am confident that I can be a huge step closer to my goal by Christmas.

    Soooo looking forward to the challenge beginning. Feel free to add if you like x
  • I would love to join this challenge. I have my wedding dress fitting rite after Christmas and I want to be a beautiful healthy bride!! Well I am 20 years old. Stay home momma and college student. I have been dieting since 7/17! One month now and have lost 15.2 lbs!
  • Hey! I am also going to be a midwife!!
  • kdm97
    kdm97 Posts: 111
    I would love to be a part of the challenge. I just recently started back on my weight loss journey. I've lost weight in the past and sadly enough I gained it back. So here I am again. What I'm doing different this time is that I'm not looking at it as a diet but as a lifestyle change. I'm adopting a healthy lifestyle. I won't be at my goal weight by Christmas but I hope to be well on my by then.

    Good Luck Everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 454 Member

    My name is Natalie and I would love to join this challenge!!!!!! Christmas is my ABSOLUTE favorite time of the year. I am probably one of those really annoying people who starts listening to thier Christmas tunes in October... Sorry :) ANYWAY. I began my weight loss journey about 3 years ago and have lost 37 pounds. I have about 12 to go before I am at my final goal weight. I would like to get there in the next couple months and then be able to maintain that weight -- so that will be my goal!!! AND I am hoping that my changed happy and healthy lifestyle will allow me to have a couple of those gingerbread cookies... and maybe some eggnog ;)

    Good luck to all -- lets do this!

    Also - I think weighing in on Monday keeps everyone more accountable as a lot of us tend to slide sometimes on the weekends :)
  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i suppose i should introduce myself, haha.

    i'm 26 and live in Ohio with my husband and our 1.5 cats (i say that because one of them isn't quite all there). i seriously started this journey in December and have lost about 20 lbs total, with a few hiccups on the way. Christmas is my favorite holiday because it means YUMMY FOOD and family!

    i'd like to lose about 30 lbs by Christmas, and i hope that with this challenge, i can do it!
  • I would love to join as well! My name is Melissa too :) and I'm here to stay positive and motivated. Im definitely @ my lowest in life and just tired. I'm hoping to lose a good 50+ lbs mayb I'll get 20-30 out the way before the year is over. I want this to be the last year I make a new years resolutions for weight loss.
  • emmabeckemeyer1
    emmabeckemeyer1 Posts: 298 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm Emily, I'm 26 and have been married a year and a half. No kids, but we do have an 8 month old german shepherd! I stepped on the scale June 27th and weighed 239lbs and joined MFP in July 2011. Since then I'm down 17lbs, and most importantly, have gotten back into exercise. I come from a heavy family who is most interested in what kind of doughnuts are fresh and hot at Krispy Kreme, but I was always in great shape from being an athlete. I swam on a team from age 5 to 22, competing in college with a full scholarship to a Division 1 school. Four years and 89lbs later, I'm realizing I am more like my family then I realize. I've gotten back into swimming, gotten my husband on MFP (he's lost 10lbs so far, but has much less to lose than I do!), and reconnected with an old swimming friend who is on MFP as well. The encouragement here is wonderful and I'm looking forward to this challenge!

    As for my goals - my #1 goal is to swim at least 50,000 yards per month. When I'm swimming and doing other exercise regularly, the weight falls off. My weight goal is to be 199 by Christmas - I'm currently 222 so it's totally doable!

    My motivation is to get healthy so I can get off pre-diabetes medication and be healthy enough to start a family. I don't want my children to inherit my eating habits like I inherited mine from my family (*disclaimer, it's MY fault I'm this heavy, NOT my family's fault. I learned the habits from them but chose to implement them on my own. I'm taking responsibility of my issue and working on fixing it!)

    I'd prefer Mondays for weigh ins, but it doesn't really matter to me because I weigh most days of the week anyways (I know, I know...).

    By the way - my profile picture is of me my senior year of college 4 years ago. I weighed 148 in this picture - my goal is 150, so this is my motivation.

    I was a competitive swimmer too! I swam for Swim Atlanta and my high school...never good enough to make it too college swimming. Swimming is amazing for burning calories. I try to swim at least once a week but most of my workouts are centered around running and biking as I am training for triathlons.
    hahah funny about your picture...I was going to say you really don't need to loss any weight! You will get back to that point.
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join in on this challenge.

    My name is Nika, and I'm a twenty-two year old college student from Ohio. I live with my mom, my stepdad (who's more like a real dad to me), my grandma, and my one year old shih tzu named Lily. I've been overweight my entire life, and I ended up topping the scales last November at 408 pounds. I seriously started my weight loss journey in April of this year and I'm down, as of today, 46 pounds. My birthday's only two weeks and two days before Christmas, so I'm hoping to be down another 30-35 pounds before Christmas hits - that would put me at about 330. There's a lot of history of obesity-related diseases in my family, mostly diabetes, and I don't wanna be the next to be diagnosed with it, so I'm trying to get healthy. My biggest problem is exercising - I overthink it and then end up not doing it, but as soon as we move next week, I'll have all kinds of access to gym equipment right in my own home. I'm eating a whole lot better than I was a few months ago, so that's something to be proud of. And now I'm blogging and vlogging on Youtube regularly to keep myself going.

    Feel free to friend me. :)
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