Non-Scale Victory

I don't own a scale and don't plan on buying one. I will weigh when I go to my Doctors, which is every six(6) weeks right now. So, I want to Celebrate Non-Scale Victories. Like my tight shorts are loose in the waist today, Yeah Me. Small Non-Scale Victory. So tonight, I have a "Date" with myself. I am Locking the Bathroom Door and in my Jazz Garden Tub I am soaking in Scented Rose Bubbles. Candles and Soft Mood Music.... And Relax.... Something I never do in my very hectic life. I am Not coming out for at Least an Hour!!! Than I am lotioning up, soften up those elbows and Heels. Slipping into my Fav Silky Gown, Tucking myself into my Loving Bed, made up Fresh today. I will sleep like a baby. So Yeah For Me!!! Non-scale Victory.....


  • jarelary4
    jarelary4 Posts: 141 Member
    edited August 2018
    Mine is much smaller, but I walked twice today and the second time I made it around the yard without stopping!
  • turnthepagebookstore
    yeah For You!!!