Stress eater tips please

I need some advice about controlling eating when im stress . I notice I would start the diet than I'll get stress about something and there goes the diet. Any advice will be apperiated.


  • denisecruz20
    denisecruz20 Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you for the advice
  • cesse47
    cesse47 Posts: 947 Member
    What has worked for me in the past is to immediately drink a big glass of water as soon as I recognize I'm stress eating. Also, be sure you honestly log everything ... especially stress / binging foods. Log as soon as you can. Sometimes seeing the picture of what is happening will be enough to snap you out of it.

    The other trick I've used is a change of scene. Go for a walk around the building, the block, etc. Or, jump rope. or do a Walk at Home video for 10-15 minutes. Then, slowly drink a glass of water.

    A friend of mine brushes her teeth; another chews gum.

    You need to find what will work for you so you can redirect yourself away for snacking, binging, stress eating, etc. Good Luck!!
  • musicfan68
    musicfan68 Posts: 1,136 Member
    Go for a walk or something that doesn't involve food. You need to change your coping mechanism for stress.
  • SimplementeSM
    SimplementeSM Posts: 41 Member
    I recommend reading (or listening! Its an audiobook!) Eat What You Love, Love What You Eat. I'm a boredom/emotional eater and this book helped me work out what is actually triggering my eating. Hope it helps!
  • denisecruz20
    denisecruz20 Posts: 3 Member
    All yall had great advice thanks !
  • alexa0ne
    alexa0ne Posts: 90 Member
    Try to eat healthy foods when you are undergoing stress. Go for fruits or vegetable salad.
  • OddDitty
    OddDitty Posts: 248 Member
    I need some advice about controlling eating when im stress . I notice I would start the diet than I'll get stress about something and there goes the diet. Any advice will be apperiated.

    HI there. I , too, am a "mood eater" as my doc calls it.

    There's several things I do, depending on my situation and location. They're in no particular order.

    1) I remove myself from the stressor.
    2) I find myself a cool glass of water or a warm cup of tea and sip, just sip, until the feeling calms down.
    3) I pray. Lordy sometimes I pray so hard I'm sure God is going: want me to smite em? lol
    4) I breathe deeply and slowly until I calm down.
    5) Pace. Even if its in circles.
    6) Chew gum. Save gum chewing for stress times. Don't chew it any other time. (this is when the desire to eat is so strong I don't want anything BUT food).
    7) Sing. If you can do it without scaring too many small children and pets ;)

    A funny story about that one.

    One of the things that stresses me are elevators. I have claustrophobia type enclosed. I cannot stand enclosed spaces from which I cannot exit. And the more people in the elevator the less likely I am to even get on it.

    Anyway, one day I got on the elevator and there was just one other person on it. Okay, I told myself, not bad. Lets do this! But on the next floor a herd piled on. I swear we were packed in like kippers and they all crammed on quickly, pushing me and my first floor buddy to the back before I could wind my way to the exit!

    So about 1/2 the way up, my palms began sweating and I felt nauseated so I began singing. My first floor buddy began singing with me. Harmonizing the entire way. We didn't plan to, it just kind of happened! Amazing Grace. Figures everyone was going up the entire 6 floors so it gave me time for all verses. Anyway, we go to get off the elevator and when my first floor buddy and I got off, the crowd was out there and applauded. SOOOOOOOOOOOO embarrassed lol. My first floor buddy and I went on to our doctor appts. but it was still a great time instead of a bad, stressful moment.

  • mazurkiepolish
    mazurkiepolish Posts: 363 Member
    I stress eat as well. Things that have helped me are distracting myself. Watching a movie, reading a book, going for a walk, listening to music. I will even brush my teeth. It’s also good to know that if you happen to do it, it’s not the end of the world. Just move on and get back on track the next day.