
Hi I’ve been back at MFP for couple of weeks now first week was hit or miss trying to get use to it all again, but I’ve been super good recently trying new foods upping exercise and weight is not budging to be honest I’ve been stuck at this weight for months now no matter what I do! I’m not unhappy as I’ve managed to keep my 2 stone loss off still to this day! Just wondered if anyone just maintained for a while then weight started to come off again? Thanks


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2018
    You lose weight when you're in a consistent calorie deficit. So either you're not seeing weightloss through water weight fluctuations, or you're not in a consistent calorie deficit. So what's your height and weight, your calorie target, are you hitting it, and if so, how are you sure?
  • laurajade28
    laurajade28 Posts: 4 Member
    It’s all so confusing 😂😂 I’m on 1550 a day I’m hitting it most days I’m 5’4 and currently 12st 1lb I don’t do macros as I don’t have the knowledge about it all just trying with calorie counting for now to get me back into it all
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Weight loss is actually pretty simple - eat less, move more. It's the practical application - resisting temptations and being patient and realistic, that's the challenge.

    You're in the "overweight" category, which means that any weightloss will be pretty slow, around 1/2 - 1 pound per week, on average, if you do everything right all the time. You didn't answer how you make sure you're hitting your calorie target, so I assume you're not using a food scale, the recipe builder, and validating database entries yourself. Start there.

    You don't have to worry about macros. Macros are meant to help you balance your diet. Focus on proper logging first.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    edited August 2018
    Knowing how to maintain is a useful skill for life and you are 2 stone better off than you were so that's definitely good news.

    What exactly do you find confusing?
    A simplistic analogy is putting fuel in your car - if you want the level of fuel to go down you need to put less in than you are using. For the past few months you have been putting in the same amount as you are using.

    Beware you currently don't have much data to go on, one week hit and miss and one week where you appear to have changed your routine. You really need a month of consistent logging to see the true picture. An open diary really helps if you want logging advice or trouble-shooting.

    (I lost my final few pounds in a series of steps of maintenance and weight loss, it didn't happen by itself - I changed my calorie intake to make it happen.)
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited August 2018
    2 weeks is a short period of time.
    Well done on maintaining your 2 stone loss, that's fantastic.
    If you want to shed more pounds you know its all about being consistently in calorie deficit - saying you've just started again to do that, give it more time. If you aren't already, now is the time to be vigilant about weighing/logging your food.
  • laurajade28
    laurajade28 Posts: 4 Member
    Sorry yes I’m definitely logging and weighing Weight watchers drummed into me for weighing things so I’m aware of all that, now you say it yes two weeks isn’t a lot maybe I’m just hoping for to much 1/2-1lb a week is all I’m use to anyway I have PCOS to so I do struggle to lose weight but I shall keep going as I don’t feel deprived trying new things can eat what I like in my calories and in moderation so I will keep plodding along as best as I can thanks for your replies xx