

  • philosohoe
    philosohoe Posts: 272 Member
    I blame the donut.

    Today was a frustrating day and I emotionally ate. I had already consumed my planned lunch, was home early today, and was throwing out the remaining few donuts I'd bought the kids. I wanted a donut so badly. I debated whether or not to have it. I wasn't hungry. I had far more better-tasting-possibly-healthier-sweets for alternatives, and yet I ate the donut. It didn't taste good, it was a day old. I logged it in. Knew the numbers would jump that way. And have resented the damn donut ever since. Lesson learned? Hell no, I really don't think I'm in the mood to learn anything. This was a premeditated sabotage that I had to accomodate eating the rest of the day on a delicate balancing act.

    My check in:
    logged in and stayed in goal: (about 30 over, but without excercise, I'd rather go slightly over than under considering I'm only consuming 1200 calories)
    Excercise daily: nope, not even close. I racked my brain trying for any activity, but didn't do anything today
    Try something wiser: at the end of the night, when I was slightly hungry and knew I needed about 40 more calories, I went for blueberries.

    Overall, I hit one goal today. Stupid donut, okay, okay, silly me. Tomorrow is another day.

    Aww Ittee! BTW, I blame the donut too. Of course by "donut" I mean "Gelso" and by "blame" I mean "far away". Hugs for a better day tomorrow.

    Tuesday night check in:
    1) logged everything
    2) sodium was under 2169! (my goal is no more than 2200)
    3) no exercise=no exercise calories, but I still stayed within goal.

    Read all the updates. Good to see people checking in for support, encouragement, and celebrations. For all of the above: Hang in there; Keep the faith; Congratulations!
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    Crystal_Rudolph - I think you did great with your goals. Keep on reaching for them and I'm sure you'll be 3 for 3 in no time!

    theba2il – hope you got some good stuff at the grocery store! Good luck with the cooking. If you come up with a great new recipe feel free to share I love trying new recipes!

    mahoghanyw - Welcome and good luck with your goals. Small steps can help make change. Tea is a great idea. I like to make mint tea and pour it over ice. One of my favorites :)

    SuzMac1981 - GREAT job! Even with a rough day Monday you made your goals. Way to swap night time tv snacking for exercising! That's awesome! Good luck with your 100 crunches. My abs are cringing just thinking about that!

    laloquita21 – Welcome to the mini goal thread glad to have you on board, excellent goals. Good luck kicking the soda.

    danlyn - Nice job staying away from the late night snacking. I'm a late night food network watcher :happy:

    kezziemc - Way to go with 30DS sounds like it's a tough one!! Keep up all the good shredding!

    njbooklover – Great job tracking your food today, keep it up! Good luck at the gym tomorrow.

    FaithsVegWorkout - I had spinach with dinner, one of my favorites! I like to cook it up with garlic and onion with some black pepper.... YUM!

    ladygloria - Sorry you left your lunch at home, good luck tomorrow! Nice job with the water today.

    KrisPage - gotta love the sweat mess feeling! Glad to see your back in it and doing awesome :)

    Lttee - Been there done that! It was a double chocolate donut last Saturday. But tomorrow is a new day and it can be a donut free day. Good luck tomorrow I hope your day is less frustrating. YOU CAN DO THIS!

    philosohoe - Nice job today!! Congrats on that sodium number :drinker:

    Sounds like everyone is working really hard this week. KEEP IT UP!!

    Tuesday check in:
    1. week 10 P90X – Week 10 day 2 done – it was the short workout today but I worked into a pretty good sweat.
    2. 3 non P90X workouts – Got in an extra 30 minute workout in today.
    3. try a new food or recipe everyday – tried a new turkey burger recipe. Used some garlic, red onion, panko bread crumbs, and stuffed it with laughing cow French onion cheese. Grilled it up and topped it with wasabi raspberry mustard. It was pretty darn good if I do say so myself.

    I think early bed time might be back on my list of goals for next week. LOL! Have a great night everyone. HUGGS!
  • marlymarly
    marlymarly Posts: 29 Member
    Great work everyone who hit their goals!
    Got my 30 min of cardio in yesterday - run/walk 4:1! Hooray.
    Today (wed) I am at work though, I work a few days a week - long day, we leave before 8 am and by the time I pick up the kids from daycare its around 6. My hubby had to do some errands tonight, so not sure when I can fit in some cardio.
    Any suggestions as to what I can do?
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Tuesday's Check In:

    1) I worked out for 60 minutes straight yesterday morning :smile:
    2) I ate after was a bad day with some major spats going on between the husband and me--guess I learned that I am an emotional eater :blushing: :grumble:
    3) My carbs were at 174 out of 175---made a bad choice eating the potato salad with lunch and then the pizza for dinner

    I am so proud of all you! Keep up your hard work--you inspire me at the very least! :flowerforyou:
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    WOW, everyone is doing so great!!!! I so look forward to checking in here to see how you all are and gain some inspiration and to just know that I am not alone in this struggle. Thank you all for being so willing to share the ups and downs. We are all human and deserve to know that it's okay to hit a bump in the road every once in awhile and nobody will condemn you and you certainly shouldn't condemn yourself :heart:

    Speaking of condemning...I did get up last night and had a few spoonfuls of ice cream :grumble: I'm thinking that this goal isn't going to be one that I'm 100% successful at achieving in one week. The only good thing I can pull from last night is that I do notice that I am eating FAR less when I do wake up than I used to, so I'm holding onto that as encouragement to keep on trying. This may be on my list of goals for quite awhile :sad: , but I WILL SUCCEED :drinker:

    Didn't exercise either, but stayed at 1220 calories, my allowed amount.

    Good luck to everyone today and I hope we all have great success :happy:
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Well, I ate a cup of fresh spinach, a cup of red bell pepper, and some cucumbers today. There's still time to go eat another cup of spinach!
    WTG Faith! Great job on the veggies Girl:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Everyone is really kicking butt this week and it's only just begun! Always inspiring to work along side others that are looking to make positive changes. I so appreciate all of you!:heart:

    Tuesday Check in:

    - good on the water
    - no workout, I'm mixed about this:ohwell: :blushing: , I do believe it would have helped my mood but I simply could not keep track of time yesterday and missed a few appts., one being the gym. Ugh! Back today though :wink: :drinker:
    - dealing with PMS and the moods that come with it so I think I did well considering what could have happened. LOL
    - good food day, logged it all and kept under:drinker:
    - Went to bed earlier - this is good! Trouble sleeping but at least I had more hours to make up for it than when I go to bed later. :tongue:

    Cheers to us all for a another GREAT Day!:heart: xo
  • ilovemyheart
    ilovemyheart Posts: 15 Member
    okay.... midweek check in..... completed 2 anti gravity yoga classes....... although i felt like i was going to throw up at the end sooooo i went home and ate mac and cheese! I know it was a bad decision but it tasted delish..... will eat better today. Have not had an ice coffee yet.... but did have two hot coffees instead.... cardio was kept under 30 minutes both days (yea for me!) Hope everyone's wednesday goes GREAT!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Well my goals were only have bread one day a week and do 30 day shred every day.

    I know it's only Tuesday but I had a slice of pizza (which I class as bread for the dough) but that's the bread out of the way for the week.

    I've stuck to the 30 ds and on 2 nd day and it's a killer! Can't wait for day 30 to be over!

    kezziemc great attitude on the bread Girl! You're moving on and didn't call it a fail, THAT is a success to me and awesome progress! Positive attitudes get us where we want to be!:love:

    You all inspire me SO much, I feel very privileged to be a part of this group, this by far has been my favorite one I've ever joined to this day! xo
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    okay.... midweek check in..... completed 2 anti gravity yoga classes....... although i felt like i was going to throw up at the end sooooo i went home and ate mac and cheese! I know it was a bad decision but it tasted delish..... will eat better today. Have not had an ice coffee yet.... but did have two hot coffees instead.... cardio was kept under 30 minutes both days (yea for me!) Hope everyone's wednesday goes GREAT!
    ilovemyheart , Anti Gravity Yoga classes... talk to me Girl, never heard of this type of Yoga class.. would love to know more:wink:
  • ilovemyheart
    ilovemyheart Posts: 15 Member
    its really quite fun.... you have a hammock material hanging from the ceiling which you use to support your weight as you go into all kinds of different poses..... some of which you do inverted upside down :) also they offer it in strenth training, where you do pushups upside down (with the support of the material i can actually do these unlike on the grould where i can only do 2 LOL) here is a link to a youtube video
  • theba2il
    theba2il Posts: 548 Member
    Tuesday check-in

    Made Chicken Baked in Mustard from 1,000 Lowfat Recipes. Delish!!! Quite happy w/myself!!

    1lb skinless, boneless chicken breast
    1/4 cup mustard
    1/2 cup bread crumbs

    1) Preheat the oven to 400 F.

    2) Cut the chicken into 4 equal pieces and pat dry w/a paper towel.

    3) Brush the mustard onto both sides of the chicken. Roll each piece in breadcrumbs,
    coating thoroughly, and then gently shake off the excess. Place on a baking
    sheet coated with non-stick spray.

    4) Bake for 20 minutess, or until done.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Great group :-).

    Goal for this week, 10 minutes of cardio 5 days of the week, 30 minutes walking on the other 2 days. (Also, invest in a heart rate monitor and a stop watch). The duration of the cardio may be low indeed but it'll be a vast improvement on the amount I'm doing currently.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Great group :-).

    Goal for this week, 10 minutes of cardio 5 days of the week, 30 minutes walking on the other 2 days. (Also, invest in a heart rate monitor and a stop watch). The duration of the cardio may be low indeed but it'll be a vast improvement on the amount I'm doing currently.
    1a1a , We all had a starting point and if we push our bodies too hard too fast we tend to over do it and either give up or get an injury that sets us out of the game for awhile.

    I think your goals sound awesome and cheers to YOU for getting that HRM! :wink: :flowerforyou:
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    Tuesday check-in

    Made Chicken Baked in Mustard from 1,000 Lowfat Recipes. Delish!!! Quite happy w/myself!!

    1lb skinless, boneless chicken breast
    1/4 cup mustard
    1/2 cup bread crumbs

    1) Preheat the oven to 400 F.

    2) Cut the chicken into 4 equal pieces and pat dry w/a paper towel.

    3) Brush the mustard onto both sides of the chicken. Roll each piece in breadcrumbs,
    coating thoroughly, and then gently shake off the excess. Place on a baking
    sheet coated with non-stick spray.

    4) Bake for 20 minutess, or until done.

    Sounds yummy!!! What are the nutritional facts on it?
  • bree2012
    bree2012 Posts: 179
    1. The daily average for the week MUST be 1200.
    2. Reduce saturated fat, trans fat, and sugar intake.
    3. Drink more water.

    One more thing to add...ABSOLUTELY NO BINGING!
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Tuesday's Check In:

    1) I worked out for 60 minutes straight yesterday morning :smile:
    2) I ate after was a bad day with some major spats going on between the husband and me--guess I learned that I am an emotional eater :blushing: :grumble:
    3) My carbs were at 174 out of 175---made a bad choice eating the potato salad with lunch and then the pizza for dinner

    I am so proud of all you! Keep up your hard work--you inspire me at the very least! :flowerforyou:

    Good job on the 60 minute workout! Sometimes carbs get the best of us. When I overload on carbs, I try to eat more veggies the next day.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    its really quite fun.... you have a hammock material hanging from the ceiling which you use to support your weight as you go into all kinds of different poses..... some of which you do inverted upside down :)

    Keep it clean, Faith, keep it clean.
  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good.

    I ate 2 cups of green beans and a 1/2 cup of raw spinach today. I'm still eating, so I think I can eat another 1/2 cup of green beans or something.
  • mrogers52
    mrogers52 Posts: 378 Member
    Checking in on Wednesday! Glad to read about each and every one of you! We all have good days and we also have bad days. I figured out that I am an emotional eater too. However, since I am mindful of this, I am trying my hardest to make other choices to combat stress, frustrations or whatever is bugging me.

    Drinking at least 10 glasses of water a day and keeping sodium under. The heat here in Arizona is miserable this time of year. Really want it to rain tonight.:flowerforyou:
  • Ittee
    Ittee Posts: 285
    Aww Ittee! BTW, I blame the donut too. Of course by "donut" I mean "Gelso" and by "blame" I mean "far away". Hugs for a better day tomorrow.

    Tuesday night check in:
    1) logged everything
    2) sodium was under 2169! (my goal is no more than 2200)
    3) no exercise=no exercise calories, but I still stayed within goal.

    I agree, I blame far away as well. BTW, fantastic job on sodium, super impressive, and we both should've swam.