New & Stalling

sarahlong09 Posts: 55
edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey All! I need some advice... I know that nothing is written in stone and i just have to see what works with my body ,but Im just wanting a general concensus (sp?) of advice on what to do.

I have been on my journey for about 1 1/2 months. I lost 20 lbs the first month and for the past two weeks... nothing!!!! I lost another pound but that only lasted for about half a day. I am so frustrated... I have had a few cheats but I have worked them off for the most part. I am recommended to be on an 1800 cal a day program... but I have been doing a 1500-1550 cal. I am debating on Calorie cycling as I think it will fit my life better. I want to do 1500/1200 so that I can get less calories... but some say i should do 1500/1800. I am burning about 300-600 calories 4-6 days a week and I do not eat them back.

I am 298 and 5'7.
I was doing 1200-1500 cals a day without working out the first month.
What should I do to get this weight coming off again?


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you were eating between 1200 and 1500 the first month, and lost weight then it would stand to reason that eating 1500 to 1800 and exercising would get the same result, if not better as you get the benefits of regular exercise....
  • More Protein Less Carbs and Lots of Water along with what you are currently doing.
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    However many calories you consume make sure you check your "net calories" on your home page every day and make sure it is not below 1200. You may have hit a plateau because you're working out so hard and burning so many calories that your body is hanging onto what it can.

    Also, you've lost 20lbs in a month!?!?!?!? That's amazing!!! I've lost 11lbs in 4 months so don't be hard on yourself. The less you have to lose the slower your weight loss will become, you have be be prepared to be in this for the long haul, no quick fixes. You'll work it out, just keep going. Good luck!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Hey All! I need some advice... I know that nothing is written in stone and i just have to see what works with my body ,but Im just wanting a general concensus (sp?) of advice on what to do.

    I have been on my journey for about 1 1/2 months. I lost 20 lbs the first month and for the past two weeks... nothing!!!! I lost another pound but that only lasted for about half a day. I am so frustrated... I have had a few cheats but I have worked them off for the most part. I am recommended to be on an 1800 cal a day program... but I have been doing a 1500-1550 cal. I am debating on Calorie cycling as I think it will fit my life better. I want to do 1500/1200 so that I can get less calories... but some say i should do 1500/1800. I am burning about 300-600 calories 4-6 days a week and I do not eat them back.

    I am 298 and 5'7.
    I was doing 1200-1500 cals a day without working out the first month.
    What should I do to get this weight coming off again?

    How can you lose a pound for half a day? If you eat anything or drink anything you can't even tell what your weight is since you are weighing the food and water in your belly.

    20 pounds in a month is a lot. Your body may need to readjust to things. When I started this I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks or so due to ill health. Then it slowed way down. The first weight loss was some fat, but a lot more water. Give it time. Also, eat all your calories. If MFP says 1800, eat that 1800 and eat your exercise calories. The key to losing weight is a moderate calorie deficit. Large deficits work for a short period of time, but always result in stalled weight loss.
  • Tifkins
    Tifkins Posts: 4
    Looks like you and I are in the same boat...I cant wait to hear everyone's advice. The first 20lbs fell off very quick the 1st month. Last week was 2lbs, this week was 1lb and I hate to even think what next week will be! However, I am seeing inches fall off like crazy....I'm in clothes from June 2010. The nurse tells me I'm just building muscle which is heavy...blah blah blah...I want to see lbs!!!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My guess is that you aren't eating enough, especially when you are exercising as well. Before you start calorie cycling, at least attempt to eat the 1800 calories you are supposed to. I'd prefer that you eat back some of your calories as well, but just eating what you are supposed to may be enough. And also, don't weigh yourself multiple times a day, pick one day a week where you do it first thing in the morning after using the restroom.
  • How can you lose a pound for half a day? If you eat anything or drink anything you can't even tell what your weight is since you are weighing the food and water in your belly.

    20 pounds in a month is a lot. Your body may need to readjust to things. When I started this I lost 20 pounds in 2 weeks or so due to ill health. Then it slowed way down. The first weight loss was some fat, but a lot more water. Give it time. Also, eat all your calories. If MFP says 1800, eat that 1800 and eat your exercise calories. The key to losing weight is a moderate calorie deficit. Large deficits work for a short period of time, but always result in stalled weight loss.

    I weigh about 3 times a day, ( i know thats probably not a good thing.. but i just like to do it.. the number keeps me motivated to make healthier eating choices and workout more). Usually.. it varies by .8lbs a day from morning till night. That particular day, I was about a 1.8lbs lighter the first 2 times and then it went back up 1.8 by that night. Its never that much... ive been doing it long enough i know how my body fluctuates. and i always weight without clothing.

    And i was only doing 1200 because i saw others my same start weight doing the same and exercing and constantly loosing for several months. And I dont know that I can eat that many calories a day but I guess I will try to up them and see what it does.

    And i understand that weight comes off very quickly at the beginning, some of it water, but i have had absolutely nothing in two weeks so that is my concern... i dont care if its .5lb a week.. i jsut want something! and
  • and i only track my weight once a week.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    Nuts. There are full of calories and good fats your body needs.
  • debclif
    debclif Posts: 74 Member
    Any time I start dieting I loose alot in the first few weeks too. I check my weight at least once a day as well. Have you tried taking your measurements, I will go for awhile and not loose but eventually loose a dress size. Are you gaining muscle instead? What type of exercises are you doing? Just don't give up, that always happens to me, and it sucks. I just started up again this week, already down 5 lbs just by drinking extra water! How much water do you drink? It is summer and you need lots of water or your body will retain it in reserve.
  • Any time I start dieting I loose alot in the first few weeks too. I check my weight at least once a day as well. Have you tried taking your measurements, I will go for awhile and not loose but eventually loose a dress size. Are you gaining muscle instead? What type of exercises are you doing? Just don't give up, that always happens to me, and it sucks. I just started up again this week, already down 5 lbs just by drinking extra water! How much water do you drink? It is summer and you need lots of water or your body will retain it in reserve.

    I have not taken my measurements yet, I know i should be... but i keep forgetting to get a tape. And I am just walking for exercise or swimming. I started doing a workout video this morning, slim in 6. And i drink about 8-15 glasses a day of water. and i finally saw a drop this morning!!! yay!!
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