First day of keto!

I need to lose 100+ pounds and need accountability friends to keep me on track! I always start a diet and make it a week or so and then fall off the wagon! I am doing it this time! No more excuses! If you need a friend to keep you accountable add me! I need a friend that will stay in contact and make sure I am staying on track and I’ll do the same for you! My husband would only need to lose a few pounds to be at his “ideal” weight, but I had a baby and the weight gain was real and terrible! I am getting back into pre pregnancy clothes! :)


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    If you fall off the wagon/get off track after a week, you have to stop going on and off diets, and because your eating decisions are yours and only yours, you're only accountable to yourself.

    Set up your account to lose 2 pounds per week. You get a calorie target. Get a food scale. Use that, and the food database, and your food diary, and the recipe builder. Hit your calorie target. That is all your have to to, but you have to do it for real, consisntetly and for a long time.
  • Unwrittensofar
    Unwrittensofar Posts: 9 Member
    I am just starting keto as well! I have been pretty relaxed with my eating lately because of depression after a year suffering sedentary lifestyle and then back surgery.

    I don’t “normally” eat any grains or processed food. But after a year of slipping up can I say that anymore. Well, I am getting this back on track for good, starting now!! I can at least control what I eat!!

    Please add me if you like- I need to stay accountable!!
  • sjtempest
    sjtempest Posts: 7 Member
    I also am beginning my journey on keto starting tomorrow. I need encouragement also, we can do this together laina
  • hotaussiemom
    hotaussiemom Posts: 2 Member
    Im in the same boat... Have a 7 months old daughter, need 25 kgs to lose... Starting keto diet... God bless us... 🙏
  • hotaussiemom
    hotaussiemom Posts: 2 Member
    How do I add you?